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Video: Civil Rights Activist Bob Woodson: Low-income Blacks Being 'bamboozled and Hustled and Scammed' by Democrats

Civil rights activist Bob Woodson, founder of the Woodson Center, ripped Democratic mayors such as Chicago's Lori Lightfoot for blaming Republicans and the status of gun control legislation, among other things, for continued violent unrest in their jurisdictions.

Woodson reacted on "Tucker Carlson Tonight" to both host Tucker Carlson's commentary on Chicago and the state of the African-American community at large.

"Lori Lightfoot will tell you -- and it's not just Lori Lightfoot, by a mile -- but she cares so deeply about the poorest people in her city. Should we believe that?" Carlson asked Woodson.

"Absolutely not," he replied. "I believe that the salvation of this country ... will be the sleeping giant: When low-income Blacks wake up and realize that they are being bamboozled and hustled and scammed by people like Lori Lightfoot and others -- they are going to realize that they must address the enemy within."





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Video: Jordan Peterson: The Radical Left is Guilt-Trippping the West Into Oblivion

Dr Jordan Peterson discusses how to win the culture war, with insights from Soviet and Nazi dissidents who stood up against tyranny and compares their struggles with clampdowns on free speech today. He sits down with The Telegraph’s Steven Edginton in a wide-ranging discussion from why Britain was a miracle for the world to if he is addicted to Twitter:


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Video: Black, Millennial, Female and . . . Conservative

Antonia Okafor, a young, single, black woman, recently discovered that she's a racist, sexist, misogynist. How in the world did this happen? None other than Antonia Okafor explains.


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Video: Black Street Preacher Tells It Like It Is!

A black female preacher is going viral for explaining why the Democrat party has always been the party of bigotry towards blacks in America since its origin.

“I know people don’t like Trump. I understand that … If I had to pick between him and Joe Biden, I am not voting in Joe Biden,” conservative activist Bevelyn Beatty tells a Seattle journalist inside the autonomous Antifa-occupied zone known as “CHOP.” “You want to see a bunch of black people go to jail by the next four years, put Joe Biden in. Watch what happens.”

“You want to see black men get killed substantially like you’ve never seen before, put Joe Biden in,” she says. “These Democrats … and I’m not trying to be racist, hate black people.”


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Video: Burgess Owens - Left Policies Are Destroying The Black Middle Class

Dave Rubin of The Rubin Report talks to Burgess Owens (Former NFL Player & Candidate for Congress) about racism in the NFL, failing black schools and the dying black middle class. Burgess Owens discusses how liberal and socialist ideas have infected the black education system for decades. These failing schools teach kids to hate free markets, the main factor in creating the wealth and prosperity that Americans have enjoyed. Teaching kids to hate free markets has resulted in low levels of entrepreneurship in the black community. The lower numbers of black businesses leads to a collapsing black middle class. Burgess shares what the black community needs to do to reverse this, support black business, and rebuild the black middle class.


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Money Laundering? Fraud Investigation Shows that Half the Donations for Extreme, Left-Wing Group ActBlue Came from ‘Unemployed’



An investigation into donations to the extremist, left-wing political action group ActBlue finds that half its money has come from people who are listed as “unemployed” making it clear that its donations is illegal, laundered money. That’s $400 million we are talking about, not chump change.

As left-wing dark money groups gear up to help Democrats get elected in the coming 2024 election cycle, the money streaming into ActBlue has become a serious legal issue for the left.

After all, where do hundreds of “unemployed” people get their hands on 400 million bucks?

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Democrats Are Taking in Multi-Millions from Foreigners and No One Seems to Care


This past week alone, there were multiple articles of top Democrats taking multi-millions from foreigners.  This is supposed to be against the law for obvious reasons but no one seems to care. 

This past week Breitbart reported that Leonardo DiCaprio testified in an Obama campaign money-laundering trial.

Actor Leonardo DiCaprio appeared in Washington Monday to testify in the trial of Fugees rapper Prakazrel “Pras” Michel who is accused of illegally funneling money from fugitive Malaysian financier Jho Taek Low to the Barack Obama campaign through straw donors.

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Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Announces 2024 Democratic Presidential Campaign

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has filed paperwork to run as against Joe Biden
for the Democratic Party’s nomination for President



Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a vaccine skeptic, sharp critic of the Covid-19 vaccines, and the nephew of 35th President John F. Kennedy, has launched a campaign for the Democratic Party’s nomination for president, challenging incumbent Joe Biden.

Kennedy’s campaign filed official paperwork, naming a campaign treasurer and setting in motion a move to deny Biden the Democratic Nomination.

A scion of the famed family bearing his name, Kennedy is also the son of the late Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, who like his brother was assassinated. Robert F. Kennedy Sr. was shot in 1968 while successfully campaigning for the Democratic Party’s nomination for President.

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Video: North Carolina Lawmaker Switches Parties to Give GOP Veto-Proof Majority in Legislature

Reveals the Final Straw that Caused Her to Ditch the Democrats

As the Gateway Pundit reported, America revived a doubly whammy of bad news last night with radical leftists sweeping Chicago mayoral election and the Wisconsin Supreme Court.

Good news, however, arrived in the critical swing state of North Carolina today with a long-time Democrat ditching her party to become a Republican. This gives Republicans a veto-proof majority in state legislature.

Fox News reported North Carolina State Sen. Tristan Cotham, who represents the Charlotte area, announced her switch at a press conference held by state Senate and House Republican leaders.

Cotham’s explained that she no longer recognized today’s Democratic Party, which has been captured by the radical left.

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