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World Bank Records COVID-19 Test Kits Exported In 2018

More and more info comes out every day that the alleged Pandemic was completely manufactured!

By Patrick Howley

The World Bank website has an active record for “COVID-19 Diagnostic Test Instruments and apparatus (902780) exports by country in 2018” even though the World Health Organization did not name Coronavirus “COVID-19” until February 2020 amid this year’s outbreak.


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It Looks Like 90% of Positive COVID Results Should Have Been Negative

Editor's Note: Not sure why, but suddenly even the NY Slimes is telling some truth about this fake pandemic! They are actually highlighting the FACT that people who ARE NOT SICK, do not spread a virus and hence, there is NO LEGITIMATE JUSTIFICATION FOR THESE INSANE LOCKDOWNS AND FORCED FACE MASK ORDERS.


By Bronson Stocking

Testing, testing, testing -- that's how Pelosi and the Democrats say we'll defeat the coronavirus. Meanwhile, President Trump and his administration are conducting "operation warp speed" at breakneck pace to develop therapeutics, diagnostics, and a vaccine for the Wuhan flu. Unlike testing, treatments will actually do something for you when you come down sick with the disease. But now we're learning the overwhelming majority of those who have tested positive for the coronavirus should really have been found negative after all.

According to The New York Times, potentially 90 percent of those who have tested positive for COVID-19 have such insignificant amounts of the virus present in their bodies that such individuals do not need to isolate nor are they candidates for contact tracing. Leading public health experts are now concerned that overtesting is responsible for misdiagnosing a huge number of people with harmless amounts of the virus in their systems.

"Most of these people are not likely to be contagious, and identifying them may contribute to bottlenecks that prevent those who are contagious from being found in time," warns The Times.

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Sweden Avoided Covid Lockdowns, and Now Reaps the Benefits

People walk near a trash can with a sign reading "The danger is not over - Keep your distance"
on a street as the Covid outbreak continues in Uppsala, Sweden, October 21, 2020.
(TT News Agency/Claudio Bresciani via Reuters)

National Review

It was not Sweden that engaged in a reckless, unprecedented experiment, but the rest of the world.

It was an experiment scrutinized and debated by the whole world. While many countries locked down during the pandemic, shutting down workplaces and restaurants, my home country of Sweden stubbornly stayed open. There were no orders to remain at home or shelter in place. Schools, offices, factories, restaurants, libraries, shopping centers, gyms, and hairdressers did not close. There were no mask mandates.

It was an experiment scrutinized and debated by the whole world. While many countries locked down during the pandemic, shutting down workplaces and restaurants, my home country of Sweden stubbornly stayed open. There were no orders to remain at home or shelter in place. Schools, offices, factories, restaurants, libraries, shopping centers, gyms, and hairdressers did not close. There were no mask mandates.

There were some restrictions, but, mostly, the Swedish government just recommended that people engage in social distancing, work remotely, and stay indoors if they felt sick; it did not force anyone to follow this advice. Prime Minister Stefan Löfven declared that we should meet the crisis with common sense and individual responsibility, not government control.

Around the world, this was seen as a reckless gamble with human lives. The New York Times described Sweden as a “pariah state” and a “cautionary tale.” President Trump claimed that “Sweden is paying heavily for its decision not to lockdown” and that “Sweden is suffering very, very badly.”

Considering the amount of attention paid to Sweden during the pandemic, it is strange that there has been so little follow-up. How did the Swedish experiment turn out?

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The COVID Testing Scam Was Just Exposed in One Graph (& Other Deadly Lies)

by Michael Thau

The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.”
–Irish statesman and philosopher, Edmund Burke, 1784.


Let’s try a little thought experiment.

Suppose that, after surveying 100 people, I discover 10 of them are left-handed.

The next day I survey 200 people and turn up 20 southpaws.

On each of the next 8 days, I survey 100 more people than the previous one. And the number of left-handers keeps increasing by 10.

Finally, suppose that I send a reporter the following graph (which is not the one mentioned in the title, you’ll find that further down) to use in a story headlined:


Number of Left-Handers Mysteriously Grows!

The COVID Testing Scam Was Just Exposed in One Graph (& Other Deadly Lies)

If all of that happened, two things would be obvious:

  1. My reporter accomplice and I would be perpetrating a hoax.
  2. You’d be an idiot to fall for it.

If we keep surveying more people for left-handedness, then, of course, we’ll keep finding more.

If for some bizarre reason you started suspecting that the number of left-handed people might be mysteriously rising, you wouldn’t care about the absolute number I find each day when you send me out to test your hypothesis.

What you’d want to know is the ratio of the number of left-handed people I discovered on any given day out of the total number I surveyed.

On the first day, it was 10/100 = 1/10.

On the second day, it was 20/200, which is still 1/10.

On the third day, it was  30/300, which, again, is equal to 1/10.

The ratio of those who, as it were, tested positive to the total number tested stayed at 1/10 every single day.

Hence, contrary to the scam my reporter friend and I were trying to run, the number of left-handed people didn’t increase at all.

I know, duh, right?

Except somehow, the very same scam has been successfully used to convince the American public that the U.S. suffered an enormous “second wave” of COVID-19 infections in July; which of course, in turn, was then used to justify the continued imposition of completely unprecedented and equally unnecessary restrictions on our liberty that make the taxes King George III leveled on our founding fathers look trivial by comparison.

We’re being forced to wear masks whenever we go out in public. To add insult to injury, they don’t even do anything to stop the spread of viruses.

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Covid Reemerges: Why You Shouldn’t Panic



  • According to news reports, new COVID-19 variants are on the rise and are being closely monitored for pandemic spread. Media headlines clearly show we’re again facing a coordinated fear campaign to drive people into vaccination clinics
  • In the U.S., EG.5, nicknamed Eris, has been declared a “variant of interest,” which means it is being monitored for mutations that might make it more hazardous
  • Australian news are highlighting the BA.2.86 variant, nicknamed Pirola, while Irish news are warning about an Omicron offshoot dubbed “the real deal” by World Health Organization officials
  • However, none of these variants are showing signs of being more hazardous than previous Omicron strains
  • Despite proof that masking is useless and lockdowns were a devastating mistake that should never be repeated, federal whistleblowers warn that these failed strategies may be reimplemented sometime between September and December 2023

According to news reports, new COVID-19 variants are on the rise and are being closely monitored for pandemic spread. In the U.S., EG.5, nicknamed Eris, has been declared a “variant of interest” (VOI), which means it is being monitored for mutations that might make it more hazardous.1

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Video: Expert Opinion: Industrial Hygienist Breaks Down Masks

As predicted, those behind the first Plandemic are doing their best to launch Plandemic 2.0 by claiming, once again, that we should all afraid we're all going to die because of COVID.  It was bull shit the first time and it's even more bull shit now that we know as much as we do.  DO NOT COMPLY WITH ANY OF IT!!  FOOL ME ONCE!



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What We Learned from the First Round of Covid Hysteria: Will You Be Fooled Again?



Globalist predators are banking on us having short memories but knowledge is power and we can shut down Covid hysteria 2.0 if we enact Operation Peaceful Non-Compliance

The brilliant constitutional attorney John Whitehead has argued that the U.S. Constitution has “effectively been terminated.”

Whitehead first made this observation in a column posted at his website on December 6, 2022. He said it again on July 31, 2023, in an interview with CBN News.

The Constitution has been “terminated.” That’s a big statement from a man I trust, and it got me thinking. How did this happen?

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Florida Surgeon General: Do Not Cooperate With Mask Mandates



As mask mandates return in certain parts of the country, Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo is telling people to not comply.

"What do you call re-imposing mask policies that have been proven ineffective or restarting lockdowns that are known to cause harm?" posted Ladapo on X this morning. "You don't call it sanity. These terrible policies only work with your cooperation. How about refusing to participate…"

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Secret Letter to CDC: Top Epidemiologist Suggests Agency Misrepresented Scientific Data to Support Mask Narrative



Documents recently obtained from the National Institutes of Health suggest public health officials used inaccurate information and misrepresented medical research to advance their policy objective that masks prevent severe COVID-19 and virus transmission—despite opposing scientific evidence received from experts.

In a recently obtained letter (pdf) sent in November 2021 to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), top epidemiologist Michael Osterholm, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, and seven colleagues informed the agency it was promoting flawed data and excluding data that did not reinforce their narrative.

The letter warned the agency that misrepresenting data on trusted websites such as the CDC and the COVID-19 Real-Time Learning Network—jointly created by the CDC and Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA)—would “damage the credibility of science,” endanger public trust by “misrepresenting the evidence,” and give the public “false expectations” masking would protect them from the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19.

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Video: Dr. Rashid A Buttar - Why Everyone Could Test Positive

Dr. Rashid explains the reality of COVID-19 tests and the massive number of false positive results that most everyone is assuming are "real numbers."  It's all FAKE!



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