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You Don’t Hand Power to an Angry Left-wing Mob


By Jim ONeill

You don’t hand matches to an arsonist, and you don’t hand power to an angry left-wing mob.  President Donald J. Trump Donald Trump in Kansas: Democrats an ‘Angry Mob’ — ‘You Don’t Hand Matches to an Arsonist’

We as conservatives believe in our God-given rights, and that puts an automatic emergency brake on our behavior.  We may dislike people ideologically, but the fact that God gave you and I rights prevents us from attacking them or anything like that.  The radical left has no emergency brake.  They are takers.  They need to take your money, your kid’s education, your health care…and to do that they need state power.  And when they lose state power, and they lose the courts, and they lose the presidency, and they lose governorships…then there is nowhere else to go, there is no emergency brake.  Dan BoginoFox and Friends” 10/7/18, 26:00 mark


Dan Bogino is quite right.  The far left, the radicals, seldom believe in God, so there is no ultimate accountability, nothing to tell them that they’ve crossed the line and gone too far.  There is no “too far” for them.  Are such people the sort you want to hand over the reins of power to?  Please God let it not be so.

I live in Florida and received my mail-in ballot for November’s election recently.  It served to remind me that November 6 will be here quickly, and how crucially important it is – definitely the most important mid-term election in my lifetime, and quite possibly in the history of our country. 

I believe that the Republicans will do pretty well in the Senate, but if the Democrats, the Party of Crime, wins the House it will be national chaos.  We the People will go from making America great again to once more hanging on by our fingertips.  A bloody civil war will be all but unavoidable – in which case we best be prepared to toss our “emergency brakes” out the window.

Trump’s base knows all this in their bones, but there are too many voters who do not.  It is up to us to inform them in no uncertain terms that We the People are as close to losing it all this November as we were in 2016. 

We need a red tsunami this November…and a red tsunami doesn’t happen by some fluke.  It is made up of each of us, one at a time, casting our vote for a Republican ticket.  And if enough of us do that a red tsunami will “magically” appear, but in order for a red wave to save us, each and every one of us must vote.  America hangs in the balance, it is ours to save or lose.

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