Video: Shelby Steele: How Black Victimhood Became Black Power— White Guilt Is What? Amazon censors…
“The tragedy of America’s history is that now in freedom, we embrace slavery; we embrace subservience; we embrace victimization—even as we’re free,” says Shelby Steele. The shooting of Michael Brown in 2014 in Ferguson, Missouri prompted a national outcry against racism and police brutality—and still shapes the popular consciousness today. But much of the popularized narrative was not true. The slogan “hands up, don’t shoot” was based on a falsehood. Brown had not surrendered with his hands up, and he had, in fact, struggled with officer Darren Wilson for his gun, according to exhaustive witness interviews, ballistics, DNA evidence, and autopsy results—all detailed in a Justice Department report. So, “What Killed Michael Brown?” This is the question posed by the new documentary film starring and written by Hoover Institution senior fellow Shelby Steele and directed by his filmmaker son Eli Steele. In this episode, we sit down with Shelby and Eli Steele to discuss the film, and why they believe Amazon is censoring it.