Video: Lucy Komisar on Wall Street Offshore Money Laundering
Lucy Komisar’s beat is the secret underbelly of the global financial system — offshore bank and corporate secrecy — and its links to corporate crime; tax evasion by the corporations and the very rich; empowerment of dictators and oligarchs; bribery and corruption; drug and arms trafficking; and terrorism.
Her dozens of articles on the subject since 1997 have appeared in publications as diverse as The Nation magazine and the Wall Street Journal.
She was the winner of the 2010 Gerald Loeb, National Press Club, Sigma Delta Chi, and National Headliner awards for her exposé of Ponzi-schemer Allen Stanford, which she brought to the Miami Herald. The Loeb award is the country’s most prestigious prize for financial journalism.
On the issue of offshore financial corruption, she is the author of “BCCI’s Double Game: Banking on America, Banking on Jihad.” in A Game As Old As Empire, (Berrett-Koehler, San Francisco, 2007). Access her body of work:
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