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A Fully Indexed Page With Just Pandemic Fraud Articles & Videos

The Real Hoax Isn't COVID-19 . . . It's the Pseudo-Scientific Quack Medicine Called "Social Distancing"

By Michael Thau

In order to really understand what’s been done to us, you’ve got to first recognize that two distinct scams were involved in getting Americans to passively surrender our most basic rights and accept the escalating hardship and misery that was sure to follow as necessary for our “safety.” And the less dangerous scam is so effectively distracting from its vastly more pernicious mate, that few among even the most skeptical are questioning that bigger and more insidious lie.

Scam 1: Exaggerating the deadliness of COVID-19.

Scam 2: Claiming that isolating healthy people is a scientifically validated medical strategy rather than total bullshit somebody basically made up last week.

With regard to Scam 1, the extent to which COVID-19’s threat has been exaggerated isn’t at all clear. The virus certainly isn’t “at least 10 times deadlier than the flu,” as Dr. Fauci claimed when he was trying to gin up support for depriving us of our rights and wrecking the economy. In fact, we now know for certain that Fauci himself didn’t believe a word of the garbage he so effectively used to terrorize a nation of over 300 million people into suicidal obedience.

You may not have heard but, on March 26, Fauci published an article in the New England Journal of Medicine in which he said:

The overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%).

Dr. Anthony Fauci, March 26, 2020 New England Journal of Medicine

In case you’re wondering, the parenthetical remark is Fauci’s, not mine. Moreover, when Sharyl Attkisson contacted the New England Journal of Medicine to find out about the strange discrepancy between what Fauci tells us and what he says when addressing his peers, she was told his article had been submitted “many weeks ago.”

So, when Fauci made his frightening America into submission by claiming that COVID-19 was 10 times deadlier than the flu on March 11, he knew he was lying. As Attkisson also notes, the day after his journal article came out, Fauci appeared on Comedy Central AGAIN contradicting what he says when addressing people too knowledgeable to fall for bogus stats. He told host Trevor Noah that, “the mortality of [COVID-19] is about 10 times [flu].”

There’s no question that Fauci knew the scary assessment of COVID-19’s deadliness he was feeding us was a brazen lie. Indeed, a more brazen liar than the man chosen to lead our battle against COVID-19 is scarcely imaginable. As a result, its threat has not only been massively but also intentional exaggerated.

COVID-19 might be as deadly as the seasonal flu or even a little worse. It also might not be nearly as bad. Beyond that, it’s hard to tell for sure.

But the idea that there’s this scientifically validated medical strategy called “social distancing” that for some reason was never so much as even mentioned when we faced the swine flu under Obama or during any of the other pandemics that have occurred in our lifetimes or, for that matter, during ALL OF RECORDED HUMAN HISTORY; which is barely discussed in the research literature and even what exists is just a dozen worthless computer modelling studies that even CDC researchers said relied on completely un-validated assumptions and, in any event, only apply to THE FLU and, hence, are COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT to COVID-19; together with three small epidemiological studies in which NOTHING LIKE the strategy we’re using was tested that also ONLY APPLY TO THE FLU and which CDC researchers concluded are TOO BIASED to be taken seriously; but that somehow “social distancing” is, nonetheless, a central, reliable, tried-and-true, concept of epidemiology, so sure to be effective against COVID-19 that implementing it is worth depriving us of our rights, shutting down the entire U.S. economy, psychologically isolating us, and suffering all the escalating hardship and misery that’s 100% guaranteed to follow… well, that my friends, is a perfect text-book example of a hoax.

And the thing is, when I try to explain to even those skeptical of COVID-19’s deadliness that there isn’t a shred of scientific evidence that isolating healthy people is going to have any effect regardless and that, in fact, it’s almost certainly having none; they mostly can’t even comprehend what I’m saying.

When they can, they frequently don’t believe me. One guy who liked my work on how the threat of COVID-19 has been grossly exaggerated emailed me with questions. When I mentioned what I’d found looking at the little research on social distancing that even exists, he compared me to people who believe jets are spraying us with Viagra in their contrails, or however that story goes, and called me “a conspiracy theorist.” Rest of conversation didn’t go well.

The COVID-19 stuff is at best just another cheap scam. But, honestly, I’m finding it hard not to be impressed with and even, I hate to admit it, feel a kind of begrudging admiration for what they’ve pulled off with the social distancing hoax. They took a totally bullshit idea that appeals to a very naive picture of disease transmission which, at best, doesn’t by any means universally hold – i.e. you catch diseases because infected people breathe on you. It may in fact hardly ever represent how a disease typically spreads. But they got everyone, including most people who are skeptical of their story about COVID-19’s deadliness, to accept it as some age-old tried-and-true piece of scientific wisdom.

It’s like they convinced us all that there has always been some guy named Rufus T. McPresident in the list of U.S. presidents and that we’d learned about him in school, celebrated his famous deeds, etc. Really hard not to be kind of impressed.

Also hard to imagine getting many people to accept that it’s total b.s. Like I said, they more or less don’t even hear what I’m saying when I explain that there’s no scientific reason to think isolating healthy people is having any effect on COVID-19 and that the data coming in makes it overwhelmingly unlikely that it is. It’s too big a lie for most to even comprehend. Have to say, really impressive work by the deep state here. Far superior to the tawdry crap they normally inflict on us like Christine Blasey Ford.

And, of course, the social distancing hoax was just the thing to take in a street-wise president with an impeccable nose for bullshit, whose one weak spot is his well-known irrational fear of germs.

The fact that censored E.R doctors Daniel Erickson and Artin Massihi express perplexity about where this unheard of idea of isolating healthy people is even coming from and point out the various ways in which it contradicts the basic facts of microbiology, immunology and even what we’ve learned about COVID-19 (it lives on plastic for three days, for God’s sake) is probably a big part of why YouTube is censoring their video.

Which, by the way, if you haven’t watched, you ought to right away. Watch the whole thing. The extreme unprecedented measures that Dr. Fauci has pushed on us couldn’t be further away from “following the science.” And the extent to which he’s prescribing dangerous snake oil that, apart from its disastrous economic side effects, is also going to cause lots of medical problems while preventing absolutely none, needs to be fully exposed.

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