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Nolte: Black Lives Literally Don’t Matter to Democrats

By John Nolte

While urging everyone else to stay inside and practice safe social distancing, Democrats are actively encouraging black people to go outside and gather in large protest groups during a pandemic that has already killed over 110,000 Americans.

Black lives literally don’t matter to Democrats.

Even though we know the coronavirus ravages black people at a much higher rate than other groups, Democrats are still actively encouraging black people to go outside and gather in large groups.

Black lives literally don’t matter to Democrats.

At the local and federal level, Democrats are actively seeking to either weaken or abolish police departments that protect predominantly black neighborhoods and cities.

Black lives literally don’t matter to Democrats.

Look at how Democrats protested George Floyd’s tragic death on Monday. Here’s a photo. Look at how they practiced safe social distancing… And yet these same Democrats are actively encouraging black people to go out and gather in large groups.

Black lives literally don’t matter to Democrats.

Police brutality, the use of excessive force, and the militarization of police almost exclusively is happening, not only in Democrat-run cities, but in cities like Minneapolis where Democrats have enjoyed unchallenged control for nearly a half century. Still, nothing changes.

Black lives literally don’t matter to Democrats.

Democrats encourage and promote abortion, and the result is millions and millions of black people who will never be born; the result is that in Democrat-run cities like New York, more black babies are killed than born.

Black lives literally don’t matter to Democrats.

Democrats lobby relentlessly for illegal and unskilled immigrants to enter our country, which disproportionately steals jobs and lowers the wages of black Americans.

Black lives literally don’t matter to Democrats.

Democrats openly and aggressively campaign to destroy the education reforms that predominantly black urban areas most desperately need — school choice and charter schools.

Black lives literally don’t matter to Democrats.

The number of black people murdered every week in cities like Chicago and Baltimore, cities that have been run exclusively by Democrats for decades, should be a national scandal, but nothing is ever done. While countless black people fall, it’s all swept under the rug to protect the Democrat Political Machine.

Black lives literally don’t matter to Democrats.

To Democrats, black people are cannon fodder, expendable soldiers in their social justice war for power. As Democrats safely social distance, they urge their cannon fodder to take it to the streets; as Democrats send their own children to private schools, they push their cannon fodder into failing schools; as Democrats enjoy private security, they call for defunding the police that protects black Americans.

It is in Democrat-run cities where black people are gunned down daily.

It is in Democrat-run cities where the water turns to poison.

It is in Democrat-run cities where police officers feel comfortable digging a knee into a helpless man’s neck, and doing so while on camera.

It is in Democrat-run cities where the looting and burning of predominantly black neighborhoods is allowed, while the Democrat-run media encourages, cheers, and legitimizes this destruction.

Black lives literally don’t matter to Democrats. 

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