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“I Forgive My Son for Working with the FBI to Convict Me”

Interview with Convicted January 6th Political Prisoner Guy Reffitt from DC Gitmo!

Editor's Note:  The Jan. 6th political prisoners were never going to a fair and speedy trial by a jury of their peers.  We all knew the Democrats running the show would never allow that.  Once again we watched as they are being totally railroaded by the FBI in the most shameless ways and provided with a totally incompetent defense attorney who clearly is not operating with the best interests of his client in mine.  Once again the defense attorney didn't even present a defense!  NOTHING.  Didn't put William on the stand to defend himself!



“If this first J6 case taught them anything it should be DON’T USE THE LIBERAL PUBLIC DEFENDERS,” said Tina Ryan of Citizens Against Political Persecution. “Reffitt’s public defender did not defend him or bring any witnesses to the stand. He didn’t show the video to the court that had the potential to exonerate Reffitt. It makes me question just who he was working for.”

Reffitt’s inadequate public defender William Welch did not question Jackson Reffitt about this incident on the stand, nor did the government-assigned attorney bring forth any defense witnesses. In fact, he barely defended his client at all.

In an incredible display of forgiveness and compassion, convicted J6er Guy Reffitt spoke to The Gateway Pundit about how much he loves and misses his teenage son Jackson Reffitt.

Jackson had secretly recorded his father at their home for eight days while working with the FBI and acted as the key witness for the prosecution to convict his father on all five charges the Biden Regime brought against him.

Reffitt spoke to The Gateway Pundit candidly for the first time about his son Jackson and his guilty verdict in an exclusive interview from DC Gitmo.

Listen to our exclusive interview with Reffitt as he speaks about his son Jackson for the first time in the video below:

Incredibly, the convicted J6er had nothing but tenderness and compassion in his voice as he talked about his only son.

“I will always love my son and he can always come home,” said Guy Reffitt, who is back in DC Gitmo to await his sentencing on June 8th. “I will always be happy to see him.”

*The full transcript of Reffitt’s interview is available to read at the end of this article.

Please donate and help the Reffitt family survive without Guy and raise funds for an appeals attorney HERE.

A court room drawing of Guy Reffitt and his son Jackson Reffitt
who testified against his father as the key witness for the DOJ prosecution.

Jackson initially reached out to the FBI on Christmas Eve of 2020 and met with them on January 6th as the events of the day unfolded on TV.

In this new interview, the broken-hearted Dad detailed how his son was angry at him before he called the FBI to report him for planning on going to the January 6th rally because he would not allow the boy to take his mother’s car to a “Black Lives Matter” protest in Texas.

The tight knit Reffitt family before Jackson made contact with the FBI and DOJ.

“He was angry that he didn’t get to go to that BLM protest,” said Reffitt. “Well, he got to go to the BLM protest, I didn’t stop him from doing that- I just told him he couldn’t take Mom’s car and he was angry with me. That was going to be brought forward in trial in the questioning of him but it didn’t…”

Reffitt’s inadequate public defender William Welch did not question Jackson Reffitt about this incident on the stand, nor did the government assigned attorney bring forth any defense witnesses. In fact, he barely defended his client at all.

Please donate and help Guy Reffitt hire an appeals attorney and beat the Biden Regime HERE.

“I think Jackson was just mad at me,” continued Reffitt. “He was extremely mad throughout 2020 anyway- he was very angry, because of the political strife that had gone on in 2020- he was very upset about Trump and didn’t like Trump, and he was wanting to go to BLM rallies and stuff and I had no problems with that. I didn’t agree with the way they were doing things all 2020 and my political views were more to the conservative side and he didn’t see it that way. I believe his political beliefs are in some way an attack on me for having mine…I don’t understand that.”

Listen to the entire interview with Guy Reffitt by clicking the video below:

See Jackson Reffitt’s Twitter page here. It is mind boggling to see the social accolades the boy has received from the left that encouraged him to go through with testifying against his father.

Jackson Reffitt.

“The left loves to encourage families to turn on each other,” said Tina Ryan of Citizens Against Political Persecution. “It is what they do best. Break up the nuclear family in any way they can. Brainwash and praise children for turning their parents over to the government. It is straight out of Orwell’s dystopian ‘1984’.”

Jackson has been lauded as a hero of the liberals and received tremendous encouragement from the left after disgraced CNN host Chris Cuomo interviewed and lavished him with praise for turning his Dad in. Cuomo aka ‘Fredo’ called Jackson a hero, and encouraged his CNN viewing audience to donate to Jackson’s GoFundMe page that has earned almost $173,000 to date.

The DC Jury deliberated for only an hour before coming up with a guilty verdict across the board for Reffitt. They found him guilty on all five counts- obstruction of an official proceeding, being unlawfully present on Capitol grounds while armed with a firearm, transporting firearms during a civil disorder, interfering with law enforcement officers during a civil disorder, and obstruction of justice.

Please donate and help Guy Reffitt hire an appeals attorney and beat the Biden Regime HERE.

According to Scott MacFarland of CBS News, one of the jurors told him the jury “hoped they made a statement” to other J6’ers and “the lack of a defense presentation” was telling.

Reffitt faces up to 60 years in prison, yet when we spoke to him he remains positive and plans on appealing.

“If this first J6 case taught them anything it should be DON’T USE THE LIBERAL PUBLIC DEFENDERS,” said Tina Ryan of Citizens Against Political Persecution. “Reffitt’s public defender did not defend him or bring any witnesses to the stand. He didn’t show the video to the court that had the potential to exonerate Reffitt. It makes me question just who he was working for.”

Please donate and help Reffitt family survive without Guy and raise funds for an appeals attorney HERE.

Reffitt’s public defender William Welch was in possession of video files showing that Reffitt was not “the tip of the spear” like the prosecution contested- in fact Ray Epps and crew had already passed through that area over 45 minutes prior. Welch did not show the videos in court but opted to give them to the jury to watch during deliberations. Because the Jury came back after only 2.5 hours, it is assumed they did not watch the videos as they took an extended lunch for over an hour to devour DOJ provided sandwiches that one of the jurors described as “to die for” before the well fed jury then hastily voted unanimously to find Reffitt guilty on all charges.

The DC Jury that found Guy Reffitt as they head out of the court room.

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