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Fifteen Ways Democrats are the Enemies of the Republic

On almost every level, Democrats are hell bent on destroying what was once the greatest nation on earth.


One year and two days from now, we will go to the polls and vote in the most important election of our lifetime. I truly believe, and I know some of you think I am being melodramatic, but this is a fact, that if Democrats win, this will be the permanent end of our Republic as we know it. I wish I didn’t have to say this, but it is undeniable. Let’s think this through:

1. Democrats are the party for communists and socialists. Yes, some D’s are capitalists, but the party is being driven by socialist-communist ideals.

2. Democrats are the party of energy dependance on other countries. And that is why we have $4-$7 a gallon gas now in many places around the country.

3. Democrats are the party of racism. Talking with a group of people, who are the ones most likely to bring up race? You got it, Democrats.

4. Democrats are the party that opposes free speech. Democrats are terrified of a public that speaks it’s mind. This is why they ban you from intellectual discourse and tell you that if you disagree with them you are involved in misinformation and disinformation.

5. Democrats are the party that has weaponized the federal government against you. The FBI and many other agencies are complete rogue and are punishing anyone who doesn’t agree with them. The hid important information that Americans should have been given during the lead up to the 2020 election so as to swing the election to Biden.

6. Democrats are the ones who want to take away your guns. We’ve always known that. If it weren’t for the 2nd amendment, we would already be disarmed.

7. Democrats are for rioting, looting, and utter societal destruction when they don’t get their way. Remember the “summer of love?” Torching cars, murdering police, burning buildings down, tearing our history down. The are the party of violence.

8. Democrats are the original election deniers. They STILL claim that the 2016 election was stolen from Hillary. They are the perpetrators of the “Big Lie.”

9. Democrats are for open borders. Oh, they will tell you otherwise, but look at the millions upon millions of illegals they are letting through our border. And then they want them to vote. They will vote you right out of your country. Don’t be fooled by grandpa in the White House.

10. Democrats are for sexual perversion. Take a look at any non-traditional sexuality and the Democrats are the party for it. Want 6 foot 4 men with beards in tutus reading books about drag queens to your children in first grade at drag queen story hour? Democrats got your back!

11. Democrats are for more and more war to reward their donors from the military industrial complex. D’s, the former peaceniks, are now the party that has us on the brink of WWIII. Remember, Trump was the first president in our lifetime that didn’t get us into a war.

12. Democrats are for legalizing drugs. Look at Portland and other places that now give people heroin, needles etc. Those are Democrat strongholds.

13. Democrats are for allowing babies to be murdered in the mother’s womb up to birth. Every federally elected Democrat believes in abortion after 15 weeks which is totally out of touch with 90% of Americans.

14. Democrats are the party of lawlessness. Just look at how they are letting criminals out without bail and how they let them steal from stores without repercussions.

15. Democrats are anti-Israel and pro-Palestine. Again, talk is cheap so watch what they do, not what they say.

It is a shame that we have gotten here and shocking that I have to say this: Democrats are the enemy of America and all that America has always stood for. In the next year, just look at what is happening here and ask yourself if you want more of the same. If you like what you see, vote D. If you want to save America from these absolute wackadoodles, vote Trump (yes, he’s going to be the candidate).

On almost every level, Democrats are hell bent on destroying what was once the greatest nation on earth. Our nation hangs by a thread. If you vote Democrat next year, you are the one with the scissors.

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