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Video: The Real Reason Weather IS Manipulated

Truth Stream Meia

While everyone is busy arguing that control over weather doesn't exist, or that those who claim it does are crazy, conspiratorial nutters, actual history reveals that it not only exists, but was developed for an ulterior motive.

This video provides an interesting bit on General Electric’s Irving Langmuir, his ties to the brothers Vonnegut, and the military’s attempts at destroying the enemy with wicked weather.

In the sources shown in the video, Irving Langmuir and others admit to a) steering hurricanes, b) causing a 1947 and 1948 hurricane to change course, resulting in the coastal destruction of American cities that wouldn’t have been hit by hurricanes, c) seeding clouds, changing ice/snow and rain patterns, d) creating the conditions for floods in the early 1950s which caused destruction and property damage throughout the mid-west, Galveston, Texas, e) seeding clouds in New Mexico that either denied rain to the Eastern coast of the U.S. or overwhelmed other areas with too much rain… and well, much more.


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