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Video: The Quazi Approval of the COVID Vaxx branded "Comirnaty" - Interview with Alix Mayer

The Real Reason They Want to Give COVID Jabs to Kids


In this interview, Alix Mayer explains why our children are being so aggressively targeted for COVID injection, even though they’re not at risk of serious SARS-CoV-2 infection, and clarifies the status of Comirnaty.

The reason our children are being targeted by COVID mandates is because vaccine makers want to get the shots onto the childhood vaccination schedule 
• Once a vaccine is added to the childhood schedule, the vaccine maker is shielded from financial liability for injuries 
• Products must satisfy four criteria in order to get emergency use authorization: There must be an emergency, there must be evidence of effectiveness, the known and potential benefits of the product must outweigh the known and potential risks of the product, and there can be no adequate, approved and available alternative treatments (drugs or vaccines). Unless all four criteria are met, EUA cannot be granted or maintained
• According to a U.S. court, the Pfizer shot and BioNTech’s Comirnaty are not interchangeable
• Comirnaty is not fully approved and licensed. It’s only “ready for approval.” Comirnaty is licensed to be manufactured, introduced to the state commerce and marketed, but it's not licensed to be given to anyone, and it's not yet available in the United States. They’re waiting for it to be added to the childhood vaccination schedule, to get the liability shield


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