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Video: Science is Advancing Us Towards Eating Bugs To Fight Climate Change. Seriously!

By Scott Boyd

It’s the type of headline I dread reading because invariably it fails to deliver on its click-bait premise. I never thought I would be writing such a headline myself, but that’s exactly what’s happening. I could have gone with the more provocative
headlineswhichis also mostly true: “Science is advancing us towards cannibalism to fight climate change. Even though their is evidence that this is an accurate assessment, I opted for the less controversial invocation of edible insects so as not to turn people off from clicking.

They want us to eat bugs. Some want us to eat recently deceased humans as well, but not quite as many. Not yet, at least.

We’ve all heard the stories about Democrats pushing for regulations and even bans on certain food products that allegedly drive climate change. It’s all over the news now as the hypocrites drink from straws and eat hot dogs at the Iowa State Fair, only to turn around a week later and condemn people for doing what they did.

Meanwhile, their cronies in the “sciences” are pushing the radical climate change agenda for them and have gone so far as to attempt to normalize the consumption of insects as a valid protein source. Bugs are high in protein. Their scrumptious to warthogs. When are humans going to take the hint?

This video from Truthstream Media is a rant that’s worth watching. In it, they detail how the insane religion of Earth worship, also known as climate change activism, is applying science to make us insectivores. Locust burgers are around the corner.


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