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Video: How They Transformed Desert Into Fertile Farmland & Forests Without Planting Any Trees

This country is has been making some large scale incredible transformations, restoring forests and farmland, turning a community from food aid dependent into food producers. It's an amazing achievement considering the fact this countries geography makes it very venerable to desertification due to its proximity to several deserts, such as the Sahara and Great Arabian Deserts. This country also has a desert known as the hottest driest and most inhospitable place on earth known as the Danakil desert.

Several factors have led to the population forgetting how to manage their landscapes sustainably causing an unprecedented crisis in the 1980's with famine that continued to make the community food aid dependent, the landscape was eroded and degraded, causing devastating landslides and floods during the rainy season, and prolonged, crippling drought in the dry season.

Over the last decade they have managed to turn this around working with Tony Rinaudo and WorldVison they have been able to restore hundred and thousands of hectares of land, that have help to restore the water-shed, holding water during the wet season and letting it soak into the aquifers, instead of being washed away, as a result there is still water flowing in the dry season and farmers have been able to not only be self-reliant but also food producers, selling their surplus crops.


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