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Video: House Oversight Committee on President Joe Biden's Family Financial Crimes


James Comer Identifies the NINE Bidens Who are Implicated in Corruption

House Oversight Chairman James Comer on Wednesday held a press conference on the Biden Crime Family.

House Republicans announced they now have reviewed 170 suspicious activity reports linked to the Biden Crime Family.

House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan highlighted the suspicious activity reports and the millions of dollars that flowed to the Bidens.



“The fundamental question is: what did [Biden’s family] do to warrant the receipt of millions and millions of dollars?” Jim Jordan said.

“Why did Joe Biden’s brother, why did Joe Biden’s sister-in-law, why did Joe Biden’s son — why did so many family members get the money?” he said.

Comer identified the NINE Bidens who are implicated in the corruption.

“Bank records show the Biden family, their associates, and their companies received over $10 million from foreign nationals and their companies,” Comer said.

“Joe Biden’s son. Joe Biden’s brother. Joe Biden’s brother’s wife. Hunter Biden’s girlfriend/Beau Biden’s widow, Hunter Biden’s ex-wife. Hunter Biden’s current wife. And 3 children of the president’s son and the president’s brother. So we’re talking about grandchildren – a grandchild. That’s odd. Most people that work hard every day a grandchild doesn’t get a wire from a foreign national,” Comer said.

1. Hunter Biden
2. James Biden
3. Sara Biden
4. Hallie Biden
5. Kathleen Biden
6. Melissa Biden
7. Niece/nephew
8. Niece/nephew
9. Grandchild

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