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Video: AbleChild Founder Sheila Matthews on War Room: Psychology Industrial Complex Behind School Shootings


AbleChild Founder Sheila Mathews was on the War Room to discuss Big Pharma’s industrial complex behind deadly school shootings. 

(I met Sheila on Thursday night in Vero Beach, Florida.  She invited me to come and speak at an event she had lined up.  After that event, we contacted Steve Bannon (Sheila is Bannon’s top fan), and he invited her to the War Room Saturday.)

God brings all good things together.  On Thursday, I was invited by Sheila at AbleChild to speak on my series of books on the 2020 Election.  Sheila and her team were very supportive of my work.

Sheila began by sharing a story of her child who the schools were trying to put on a drug when he was a child in school.

Sheila prevented her son from being put on drugs but couldn’t leave other children behind.  She then worked with others in addressing the efforts by schools and Big Pharma behind putting children on psychological drugs.  This led Sheila to investigate the mass shooters who were on psych drugs.

At her organization’s website, Ablechild.org, you can follow her stories and the work her group has done.

Founded in 2001 by parents who had their own personal experiences with label and drug coercion by the education system, Ablechild has a personal commitment to inform, support, and unite others faced with all aspects involving labeling and drugging children. Ablechild has a full understanding of what a parent/caregiver goes through when dealing with school systems recommending, and many times pressuring a parent for mental health evaluations. We recognize that schools will many times force-feed mental health approaches on parents, while steering clear of science-based education resources and solutions.

Here is Sheila’s interview with Steve Bannon:


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