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The Vast Soros Media Influence Machine Exposed

‘At Least 253 news and activist media organizations’ circle his orbit

By Joe Schaeffer

Progressive globalist billionaire George Soros uses his financial clout to wield an astonishingly strong influence over dominant establishment media outlets. What in more quaint journalism times would have been called conflict of interest is now termed “partnership” to promote “informed discourse.” This is the actual wording used by Soros grant recipient, The Texas Tribune.

 A new report by the Media Research Center digs further into this tangled web. It tallied up “at least 253 news and activist media organizations across the world financed by Soros’ philanthropic organizations.”

Soros Global Puppets

“There is no publication that exemplifies Soros’ hold on the global media more than Project Syndicate, self-dubbed ‘The World’s Opinion Page,’” say report authors Joseph Vazquez and Dan Schneider in the executive summary of their exhaustive analysis. The following paragraph reveals how Soros propaganda can be channeled from one lavishly funded central hub to countless sources at local levels throughout the world:

“The publication boasts a ‘global audience’ that includes ‘prominent politicians, policymakers, scholars, business leaders, and civic activists from six continents’ and ‘over 140 heads of state.’ Project Syndicate claimed its commentaries appeared an amazing 20,393 times in 156 countries in 2021 alone. Soros’ [Open Society Foundations] funneled at least $1,532,105 to Project Syndicate between 2016 and 2020.”

MRC also highlights how the big-box media-touted “fact-check” apparatus is nothing but a Soros mouthpiece. “Soros gave $492,000 to finance [the Poynter Institute’s] leftist International Fact-Checking Network between 2016 and 2020,” the analysis reveals. “The network works with 100 so-called fact-checking organizations worldwide, distinguishing itself as a de facto Ministry of Truth.”

Cash For NPR and Disinformation Warriors

GettyImages-525629098 NPR

Taxpayer-supported NPR is another prominent media organ falling under Soros’s sway. “NPR received $600,000 from Soros’ foundations in 2016,” MRC states. “NPR currently exploits a weekly audience of 48 million, according to NPR network exclusive sponsorship representative National Public Media.”

For years, NPR has not bothered to hide its leftist bias, but the outlet has moved further, of late, to push exotic radical issues that not so coincidentally happen to be top priorities of Soros. In September, Liberty Nation detailed NPR’s shockingly forthright championing of sex education for kindergartners.

Yet another Soros media project featured in the MRC report is “Free Press.”

“Soros-funded Free Press is an activist organization disguised as a journalism operation. It uses its sizable resources to push the federal government and Big Tech to silence conservative speech,” the analysis states:

“Free Press boasts significant impact. It prides itself in how it received ‘3,200 press hits in places including the Associated Press, Bloomberg, CNN, Democracy Now!, The Guardian, The Los Angeles Times, MSNBC, NPR, Poynter and Wired’ in 2021 alone. The Associated Press alone claimed that ‘Four billion people see news from The Associated Press every day,’ meaning that Free Press content cited by AP alone could have millions of readers.”

Unsurprisingly, Soros is a leading funder of the enormous effort to quash opposition to the progressive ruling establishment agenda under the guise of combatting so-called disinformation. “The Soros-funded Media Democracy Fund (MDF) is a dark money funding operation,” the report states. “MDF received $3,520,000 from Soros’ OSF between 2016 and 2020.”

GettyImages-673740030 George SorosBut the money trail goes deeper than that. MDF is a project of the New Venture Fund (NVF), which “received $50,321,490… from Soros also between 2016 and 2020,” MRC continues. It’s a shadowy world with money moving from one murky cell to another. All to push Soros priorities.”

How It Works at One Prominent News Site

A look at one U.S. media outlet adds context to this illuminating briefing. The Texas Tribune is presented as an online newspaper covering politics in The Lone Star State. It is frequently cited as a reliable news source by major dominant media organizations. In fact, The Tribune is heavily funded by partisan “philanthropies” and corporate sponsors to such an extent that any claim to objectivity is laughable.

Million-dollar-plus donors include the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the staunchly leftist Ford Foundation and the Facebook Journalism Project. Six-digit corporate donors include AT&T, Google, PepsiCo and in-state universities Baylor, Texas Tech and Texas A&M. How can The Texas Tribune pretend to offer neutral news coverage of these entities? No sweat. They simply type out a paragraph and call it a disclaimer:

“Donors and members subscribe to The Texas Tribune’s belief that promoting greater civic engagement and informed discourse is a direct route to a better and more productive Texas. They play no role in guiding the journalism produced by the Tribune or the planning and execution of events.”

Problem solved.

But it is a 2020 article defending Soros that takes the cake. “In false Facebook posts, Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller accused George Soros of paying protesters to ‘destroy’ the country,” the headline to the article screams out. At the bottom of the article, the journalism ethics punchline is waiting: “Disclosure: The Foundation to Promote Open Society, founded by George Soros, has been a financial supporter of The Texas Tribune, a nonprofit, nonpartisan news organization that is funded in part by donations from members, foundations and corporate sponsors. Financial supporters play no role in the Tribune’s journalism.”

This would be deeply embarrassing to anyone truly dedicated to genuine journalism. But that is not what is happening here. The multitude of modern media hacks openly taking the George Soros money long ago abandoned the objective pursuit of fact. They are now devoted to amplifying “truths,” i.e., the deeply held political and socio-cultural beliefs they feel are too important to be held back by neutrality. They don’t need to justify their grotesque conflicts of interest to themselves. For they are fully committed to only one interest, and it isn’t professionalism. Their globalist sugar daddy wouldn’t have it any other way.

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