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March 2024 - Kick Them All Out Project eNews

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It's been a long time since I've sent out a newsletter

Swamp CreaturesI stopped publishing a newsletter after total TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) burnout!  After witnessing the insanity hurled at Trump leading up to his election, the insanity during his first term, and finally how the 2020 election was IN-YOUR-FACE stolen it left me in a kind of stupor.  To be honest, it still hasn't completely worn off because of the unrelenting daily attacks by the global control freaks still rage on.

It's breathtaking to look back on what the globalist establishment did to try and prevent Trump from becoming President, then how they sabotaged a great deal of what Trump tried to do as President while simultaneously trying to run him out of office with bogus impeachments.  I started to seriously wonder if there was any way to stop the smothering madness.

I've known for a long time that the Swamp was deep, wide, and putrid but I didn't truly understand how deeply bad it was. Until Trump came along, the Swamp Creatures at least pretended to be somewhat normal, albeit despicably normal. I think most of us still believe the adage that most people want to do the right thing "deep down." However, Trump's arrival on the scene provoked A COLD, HARD SLAP IN THE FACE.  Trump's becoming President exposed the sad fact that far too many people DO NOT want to do the right thing, especially deep down.

Despite being disheartened I still do something every day to fight back mainly by improving the KTAO website.  The original purpose of the KTAO Project was to promote a radical voting strategy necessary to impose term limits via the ballot box.  That strategy has become somewhat pointless in the face of unprecedented voter fraud so my focus turned to making the KTAO website a major research resource. My primary aim became to solve one of the biggest issues facing anyone doing their own research, being able to find what you want when you want it.

With that in mind, I dramatically redesigned and reorganized the KTAO website to make it very easy to find any information you may be looking for. The website now has multiple ways of finding information quickly and easily.  Our website now has over 4800 articles and videos covering over 256 important topics.

What changed to inspire publishing a newsletter again?

The most important change is the upcoming election. It's as important as the 2020 election was so I needed to do my part in helping to encourage everyone to do their part. Fortunately, many things have been put in place this time around to make it much harder to steal a third time.

As I previously mentioned another change has been the much-improved KTAO website that now needs to be promoted so everyone can benefit from it. It's time to make as many people as possible aware of this resource.

What the upcoming election is really all about.

One World GovernmentThe lunatics who control most of the wealth and resources on this planet are hell-bent on destroying Western civilization, especially the United States, because they cannot fully realize their maniacal goal of a global governmental system with a strong independent United States of America. They can't have any sovereign country left intact. If they can take down the U.S. they can easily finish destroying the other Western nations. Every single rotten thing that is happening in this world is driven by this insane goal of the globalist psychopaths for their One World Government.

Despite every effort, Trump is still standing and still a change agent to recon with

Trump 2024While Trump is far from perfect, love him or hate him, nobody in history has ever endured and survived the unrelenting barrage of attacks that President Trump has had to withstand. Despite throwing everything at Trump, more people openly support Trump than ever before. Every single effort has backfired spectacularly. The Democrats are even losing the Black vote at a rapid rate primarily because Black communities realize Democrats are replacing them with illegal immigrants. Democrats know many illegal immigrants have no problem violating our laws so God knows how many of them will illegally vote for Democrats to keep their graving train going.

Election Fraud

The sad fact is that voter fraud has always been part of our elections to one degree or another. In the past, those engaged in voter fraud could usually hide their rigging by using media to con voters into believing "elections are neck and neck." If an election is seen as a very close race it's more likely voters will accept a win by a small number of votes, something which is fairly easy to rig.

The only way to stop ordinary rigging is through a "landslide election" where it's common knowledge that the race is NOT neck and neck, when everyone knows that one candidate has significantly more genuine popular support than the other candidates. In that case, those who orchestrate voter fraud would simply have to manufacture too many fake votes making it blatantly obvious that the election was stolen.

This is what ended up happening in the 2016 election.  Even with all the usual rigging Trump simply got too many votes.  For some reason, the Democrats/Globalists thought their usual rigging would do the job. They weren't going to make that mistake again.  They realized they would have to do whatever it took next time to steal the election even if it meant making the theft obvious to everyone.

In the 2020 election Trump was again getting so many votes there was no way to stop it without manufacturing massive numbers of fake votes which exposed the theft. No honest person believes Joe Biden got 81 million legitimate votes.

What the 2020 election also revealed is those responsible for destroying our country from within no longer care whether we know what they are doing or not. They don't care that it's obvious they are blatantly stealing elections. They know with their control of the media and justice system nobody will ever be held accountable. After they stole it from Trump in 2020, they also got away with it in the midterms. Remember the "Red Wave" they easily made vanish? Rest assured, they will try to do it again in 2024 because they don't care how unbelievable it will be if Traitor Joe is elected again.  They know there's nothing we can do once they've done it except try to fight it in court.  We've now seen how deeply corrupted the courts are.  They will do NOTHING to correct what's been done.

Auto Worker and TrumpThis is the reality of the situation we find ourselves in. The only way for Trump to win the 2024 election is for us to cast as many legitimate votes as possible. As an auto worker recently said, "85 million of us are going to vote for this guy!" We all know the globalist control freaks are desperate to keep Trump from getting back into the White House and we know they are willing to do anything to stop it.

So it's critical to understand how important it is to get out and VOTE and encourage all your friends and family to do the same! If 85 MILLION of us vote for Trump and every decent republican running for office, we may just be able to defeat the massive amounts of voter fraud that is going to happen.

If you wish to share this newsletter it's also archived on our website here. You can share the newsletter from the website by using the social media sharing buttons at the bottom of the newsletter.

Bruce McDonald

Editor: Bruce McDonald


The KTAO Project website is an invaluable RESOURCE where you can find a huge amount of information organized by topic so it's easy to find what you are looking for.

We believe our Republic cannot be restored/preserved when so many citizens are unaware, horribly misinformed and/or just plain willfully ignorant. Understanding what is "really" going on around us is the only way to fully realize the urgency of the situation we're all in. As the destruction of our country by the globalists has accelerated it's become obvious to us that we no longer have the luxury of time.

To do our part a great deal of effort has gone into turning the KTAO Project website into a major information resource. While there are many websites out there that aggregate daily news stories our website stands apart in that stories and videos are all indexed by topic so it's very easy to find the information you're looking for. It is an ideal place to begin your journey to becoming better informed by doing your research. It's a great resource to keep up-to-date on the most important stories of our times. Great source to refer friends and family to as well.

Our website now has over 4800 articles and videos covering over 255 different topics and growing. Our primary goal was to create a resource where information was abundant and well organized so that whatever you are looking for is as easy to find as possible.  It's a very convenient way for those of you who don't have time to scour the news every day.  We do it for you.

The site is organized into FOUR MAJOR SECTIONS, Latest News, Election Fraud News, Pandemic/Vaxx Fraud News, and a Video Library.

  • LATEST NEWS: This page contains articles and videos covering current news and events. It also has a list of what we consider TOP STORIES organized by Topic so you can easily find info in your areas of interest. This is a perfect place where you can easily stay up-to-date on what's happening in the world around you. Of course, we try to mix in some fun stuff as well.
  • ELECTION FRAUD NEWS: This page is devoted exclusively to election fraud news. It has a complete topic index as well as a section of New and Featured Videos. This page documents all the voter fraud that has already occurred since the 2020 theft and it's updated regularly with current news.
  • PANDEMIC/VAXX FRAUD NEWS. The Pandemic Fraud section documents the entire history of the COVID Plandemic from the very beginning to the present day. Every section is fully indexed by topic as well. The site also has an excellent search engine as well as a TOPIC INDEX where you can lick one link and get every article/video on your chosen topic.
  • VIDEO LIBRARY: We offer an incredible number of videos on hundreds of different topics. This page provides you with a section at the top displaying new videos, then there's a complete index of videos by topic, and finally a list of "featured" videos at the bottom of the page.

A Few of Our Latest News Stories
These are a few stories from our Latest News Section to help put the "real world" into proper perspective.

A Few of Our Newest Videos
Check out our entire Video Library Section Here.

  • Constitution Icon1966 - Dan Smoot - Our Form of Government is Supposed to be a Constitutional Republic NOT a Democracy - This is a classic presentation by Dan Smoot back in 1966, a wonderful reminder of how the United States Government was intended to function. Daily we hear politicians and media screaming about how "our democracy is at risk!" Well, hell yes. THEIR FORM OF GOVERNING IS A DEMOCRACY NOT A REPUBLIC AS IT SHOULD BE!
  • Paul Harvey Icon1992 - Paul Harvey on the Global Warming Hoax - This is a clip from a 1992 speech given by Paul Harvey. One of the topics he covered what the Global Warming hoax that we're still being hit over the head with to this very day. He highlights the fact that it's foolish to think "the experts" won't LIE to make a buck.
  • Joe Biden IconLOL icon Dana Carvey Biden Impersonation - Dana Carvey is known for doing outstanding impersonations and does not disappoint with this impersonation of Joe Biden. One of the best!
  • Trump IconEpic 2016 Trump Speech - Donald Trump captures precisely why he was elected President despite the global establishment, global media establishment, and both the Democratic and Republican Party being entirely stacked/rigged against him. If this INSPIRING speech doesn't move you there's something wrong with you. Trump means everything he says in this video which is precisely why he will be and must be reelected in 2024!
  • Pandemic IconBiggest Lie in World History: There Never Was A Pandemic - This video is from the very beginning of the fake pandemic back in 2020. The diabolical agenda behind it has undermined the sovereignty of nation-states. It has contributed to a wave of bankruptcies. It has impoverished people Worldwide. It has led to a spiraling dollar-denominated global debt. The powerful structures of global capitalism, Big Money coupled with its intelligence and military apparatus were the driving force. Using advanced digital and communications technologies, the lockdown and “closure” of the global economy is unprecedented in World history.
  • MAGA IconBatya Ungar-Sargon is a Liberal from New York Who Explains the MAGA Philosophy Like No One Else Ever! – BRILLIANT! - Batya, a former liberal from Queens and an opinion editor at Newsweek shared her journey from hardcore New York leftist to Trump supporter. The way she describes Trump Nation is just perfect. The left will never get this. The elites will never understand this. And yet this is why they fear him and his MAGA movement.
  • Demons IconMaking the Argument That The Democrat Party is the Party of Demons - A woman makes a compelling argument detailing the mountain of evidence that supports calling the Democrat Party EVIL. She details some of the most disgusting, revolting things Democrats support and shove down everyone's throats. Every single thing they do has done nothing but help create a deeply sick and psychotic world while claiming that they hold some moral high ground that justifies it all.

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