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Marc Elias Law Group Files Suit in Nevada to Prevent Election Integrity Group from Cleaning Up Voter Rolls



Marc Elias was Hillary’s attorney in her failed attempt to win the Presidential election in 2016. He later became famous for his work for the Democrat Party, ensuring that American elections are questionable and untrustworthy.

Elias traveled the nation and engaged in numerous actions and lawsuits in an effort to establish mail-in ballots and ballot drop boxes. These efforts allowed the Democrat Party to drop off ballots in the election that were not validated on where they came from (i.e., millions of ballots lacked chain of custody documentation) or from who they came from (i.e., signature checks were not performed).

This open election strategy helped Joe Biden and the Democrats steal the 2020 Election

Marc Elias has been involved in dozens of lawsuits to make it easier for Democrats to steal elections.

Then in 2022, Marc Elias told MSNBC that the results in the midterm elections would not be known for days.  This is the line they use when you know Democrats are going for another steal.

In May, the Nevada Supreme Court ruled 7-0 in favor of a voter ID ballot initiative.

Now, Marc Elias is hoping to overturn a Nevada election law that forces election administrators to clean up the voter rolls.

Why would Marc Elias and the Democrats be against this?

The Federalist reported:

Bogus Russian dossier peddler and Democrat Party problem fixer Marc Elias has again injected himself into a key election integrity case to “defend the broken status quo.”

Swing-state Nevada’s dirty voter rolls include hundreds of suspect addresses, at bars, strip clubs, empty parking lots, and other commercial addresses, according to an investigation by the Public Interest Legal Foundation. Doing so is clearly against the law.

“In Nevada, by the state law, you are required to be registered where you actually live, where you sleep. Not where you work, not at a P.O. Box. So we’re trying to get elections officials to enforce the law,” Lauren Bis, PILF’s director of communication and engagement, says in a video tracking bad addresses in the Las Vegas area.

To that end, the foundation has filed a petition in Washoe County, Nevada’s second-most populous county, to force elections officials to investigate and fix commercial addresses on the voter roll. PILF investigators found addresses on the rolls reported as liquor stores, empty lots, and even the Nevada Gaming Control Board, among others.

Elias Law Group and a band of leftists have sought to intervene in PILF’s petition for a writ of mandamus, arguing that forcing Washoe election administrators to follow the law and clean up the county’s dirty voter rolls will “threaten” voting rights.

For the record, Nevada is still a member of ERIC, a shady group linked to the left that is a blight on this country’s elections.


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