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What If The Incumbent is Running Unopposed?

This is will likely happen in some districts.  The only thing you can do about it is to get someone to run against them or run yourself.  One of the great things about this project is if people embrace it, there's no better opportunity for ordinary people to run for office.  If everyone decides they will not vote for incumbents, a person can win just by being an alternative on the ballot.  It would be possible to win without spending hardly any money at all.   Just get out and talk to your neighbors and spread the word.

If we all decided enough was enough and refused to vote for any sitting politician, they would not win no matter how much money they spent trying to con us into voting for them again.  Just find someone to run against them as an independent or run yourself as an independent.  If you can't get on the ballot, start a "write in campaign."


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