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The Militarization of our Local Police

These disturbing videos document exactly how out-of-control our Government and Military has become.    The government is now the #1 employer!  If you count ALL the money spent on military and defense operations going on in our nation, all the alphabet agencies, the CIA, NSA, etc., the Department of Homeland Security, Northcom, the domestic Military command center, it accounts for TRILLIONS being spent on government policing, military and prison systems.

We no longer build hardly anything of value.  Instead our economy is utterly dominated with industries that produce nothing but better, more efficient ways to blow crap up, and kill and control people.  If we don't snap out of it FAST, our nation is a hair breath away from the lunatics running our government and military/policing industries from imposing a total fascist police state right onto our necks.  Watch these videos and tell me it's not right on our doorsteps!


The Militarization of Our Local Police

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