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Landmark Lawsuit Against Doctors and Nurses for Battery and Medical Murder is Going to Trial

"After an unauthorized DNR was placed on record, Grace was injected with morphine, Ativan, and Precedex without her or her power of attorney’s knowledge or consent. These actions killed her."


November 2, 2023: Medical malpractice and negligence has remained among the top 3 causes of death in United States for years. ‘Fortunately’ for hospitals, doctors, and other healthcare providers, the industry and its workers have been shielded by state laws and malpractice insurance for medical cases of injury, catastrophic injury, and wrongful death….until yesterday.

In the Scott Schara vs. Ascension Health lawsuit, Scott Schara filed a claim against; Ascension Health (St. Elizabeth’s Hospital), Dr. Gavin Shokar, Dr. David Beck, Dr. Romana Marada, Nurse Hollee McInnis, Nurse Alison Barkholtz, et al. for the wrongful death, medical negligence, violation of informed consent, and battery of his 19-year old daughter, Grace Schara while she was under their ‘medical care’.

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Video: The Science Is Settled; Slave Masks Were Poisoning Us

Dr. Peterson Pierre, MD from Americas Frontline Doctors provides an update of the current SCIENTIFIC STUDIES that prove the Slave masks imposed on most everyone no only were worthless, THEY WERE POISONING US!



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Video: The GREAT RESET - Details About Sick, Evil Globalist Plan Leaked!

Fasten your seat belts. This criminal global Pandemic Hoax is the pretext for imposing this sickening EVIL plan for all of free humanity! This is a portion of a presentation given by Dr. Rashid A. Buttar regarding a leak out of Canada that details exactly how the Globalist Psychopaths intend to impose their Draconian Global Big Brother Police State.

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Video: Senator Ron Johnson: Covid Was 'Pre-Planned' by Elites Via ' Event 201 ' in 2019

In this short clip, Senator Ron Johnson highlights the fact that hardly anyone is willing to face the fact that they made a horrible mistake by going along with every insane COVID measure, especially by pushing the dangerous and deadly mRNA jabs and all the insane lockdown measures that were used to justify eroding many of our liberties and freedoms.



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Video: Ain't No Rock and Roll Music Video

Debut Single About 'Cowardly and Compliant' Rock Stars Like Pink and Gene Simmons Blows Up!

As it turns out, it’s not very rock and roll to obey and comply with nonsensical government mandates and lockdowns.

The rock music industry is taking heat for forgetting its roots and caving to the establishment as a powerful new anthem burst on the scene.

The debut song by Five Times August minces no words in calling out stars as “cowards” for complying with government COVID-19 mandates, raking in profits, and wallowing in gold records while selling out their rock-n-roll souls. The new single, “Ain’t No Rock And Roll” out on Baste Records laments the state of the liberal music scene as once-great anthems that challenged the government and authority have now given way to compliant “shills” repeating propaganda.

“All the words that were sung in the past, will never feel the same when we’re looking back,” sings songwriter Brad Skistimas who is Five Times August.

The video features images of recognizable stars juxtaposed with headlines and quotes, exposing many for their pro-mandate views and support of the government during the pandemic.



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Video: The COVID LIE That Started It All!

This is a great compilation of the criminal false narrative engineered to scare the living crap out of everyone in order to coerce people into lining up for their deadly mRNA jabs.  They created a totally FALSE perception that we were all in mortal danger of dying from COVID unless EVERYONE got the jab.



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Skeleton Crawls from Fauci’s Closet, Shows Him Saying Benefits of Gain-of-Function Research Outweighed Pandemic Risk



In a newly resurfaced paper from 2012, Dr. Anthony Fauci argued that the benefits of gain-of-function research are worth the increased risk of a potential pandemic-causing lab accident.

Despite the risks of a pandemic, Fauci called gain-of-function experiments “important work” writing:

“In an unlikely but conceivable turn of events, what if that scientist becomes infected with the virus, which leads to an outbreak and ultimately triggers a pandemic?

“Many ask reasonable questions: given the possibility of such a scenario – however remote – should the initial experiments have been performed and/or published in the first place, and what were the processes involved in this decision?

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Video: Psychologist Peter Breggin: COVID-19 and the Global Predators


  • We are in the middle of the biggest, most effective propaganda war in the history of the world, designed to make us helpless, obedient and docile. The end goal is to create a totalitarian world regime
  • In psychotherapy, people who’ve been abused often cannot identify the abuse as evil. They can’t bear to think there are people who take pleasure from injury and domination. Citizens across the world are currently being abused, and must face the fact that there are evil people intentionally trying to hurt them
  • In 2015, a scientific paper announced they had the means to create a pandemic. The research was funded by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and carried out at the Wuhan Institute of Virology
  • The Communist Chinese Party has been working with SARS-CoV-type viruses since at least 2003, and there have been four different leaks of SARS viruses since then
  • In 2016, Bill Gates created a business plan for the World Economic Forum that details everything we’re experiencing now

In this interview, Dr. Peter Breggin — known as “the conscience of psychiatry” for his instrumental role in preventing the return of lobotomy as a psychiatric treatment in the early 1970s — discusses his latest book, “COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey,” available on wearetheprey.com.


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Video: The COVID Clots: A Full Measure Town Hall


  • Many symptoms of long COVID and injuries from COVID-19 shots may be due to microclots throughout the body
  • Investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson speaks with Jordan Vaughn, founder and president of the Microvascular Research Foundation (MVRF), in Birmingham, Alabama, about the issue, revealing a triple anticoagulant therapy — aspirin, fibrinolytic enzymes and ivermectin may help
  • Vaughn and colleagues have treated more than 1,500 such patients, with close to 80% experiencing a significant reduction in symptoms
  • Typical diagnostic scans can’t detect microclots, and many people suffering are told by their doctors that symptoms are all in their head
  • MVRF is planning clinical trials in early 2024 to test the use of triple anticoagulant therapy, nutraceuticals and supplements to eliminate microclots due to long COVID and COVID-19 jabs




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