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Video: The Vile Stench of Biden’s Debate Lies

The final debate kicked off with the dark cloud of Joe Biden’s corruption hanging over it.

The slow drip of Hunter Biden’s emails revealed from the laptop from hell painted a picture of a malleable crack-addicted pedophile who would do anything to please his powerful father.


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Video: Tony Bobulinski Has Proof Joe Biden Was In On Hunter's Crooked Deals

How many times did we hear the Democrats falsely claim"RUSSIA HAS DIRT ON TRUMP" implying Trump was comprised/blackmailable. So who do Democrats pick as their guy? Biden? A letch who has so much dirty baggage it boggles the mind. It appears EVERYONE has dirt on Creepy, Sleazy Joe. Biden is totally blackmailable by China and God knows who else. And Harris. Then, they pick Harris on top of it?

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China Owns Joe Biden

The Biden-China Relationship, 5 Examples of It, and Why It Is a Problem

Why It Should Be Obvious that China Owns Joe Biden and Why that is a Problem

By: Gen Z Conservative

The Hunter Biden emails released first by the New York Post, and which we now know are real emails that Hunter actually sent, show that China owns Joe Biden. So does Ukraine. So does Kazakhstan.

But the worst and most concerning nation among those is China; it is a competitor nation that we are in a new Cold War with and should be decoupling from and preparing for a military conflict with. That won’t happen if Joe Biden is (somehow) elected because China owns Joe Biden.

The Essence of the Biden-China Relationship

Here’s the essence of the relationship between Joe Biden and China, as reported by the Wall Street Journal:

“a May 2017 email thread that includes a discussion about “remuneration packages” for six people as part of a business deal with a now-defunct Chinese energy titan, CEFC China Energy. The Chinese company was international news a few years ago, after the U.S. government charged a CEFC-funded organization with money laundering, and its CEO was detained by Chinese authorities. CNN reported in 2018 that “at its height” CEFC was “hard to distinguish” from the Chinese government.

According to the emails, both Bidens were in line in 2017 to benefit from a deal with CEFC. One email appears to identify Hunter Biden as “Chair/Vice Chair depending on agreement with CEFC.” It also refers to financial payments in terms of “20” for “H” and “10 held by H for the big guy?”

Fox News says it has confirmed the veracity of the email with one of its recipients and that sources say the “big guy” is Joe Biden. An August 2017 email from “Robert Biden” (Hunter’s legal first name) crows that the original deal was for $10 million a year in fees, but that it had since become “much more interesting to me and my family” because it included a share of “the equity and profits.”

5 Examples of the Fact that China Owns Joe Biden

Example 1: Biden was Against the China Travel Ban

For example, when news about Covid was first breaking, Trump made the decision to ban all travel from China in an effort to slow the spread of the virus. He recognized that China was responsible and wanted to stop the China Virus from spreading.

Joe Biden, however, did not want to slow the spread of the virus from China. Here’s what he said:

“Banning all travel…will not stop it.”

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Video: What I Found on Hunter’s Hard Drive – Rudy Giuliani

Former NYC Mayor and current attorney to President Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani, comments exclusively on new revelations regarding his investigation into Democratic nominee Joe Biden and his son Hunter, Hunter’s alleged actions in dealings with overseas nations, what Giuliani claims he has done with the ‘evidence’ he has, and more.


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Video: Tucker Carlson Unpacks the Hunter Biden Email Bombshell

Tucker Carlson Unpacks the Hunter Biden Email Bombshell. Tucker Carlson does his usual brilliant job of research and analysis as he unpacks the Hunter Biden email story that broke today. The New York Post published its first offering of what promises to include many more to come on this crucial subject that has rocked the country.


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Video: Old Teleprompter Joe BUSTED!

It's become glaringly obvious that Sleepy, Creepy Joe Biden is being fed prescripted questions and using a teleprompter to provide the answers.  We knew Hillary was being fed answers to questions but at least her memory seemed to be sufficient to remember what the answers were supposed to be.  She didn't seem to need a friggin teleprompter.


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Video: Joe Biden Vows National Mask Mandate if Elected President

“Every single American should be wearing a mask when they are outside

Editor's Note: If this lunatic gets elected they will NEVER allow you to go unmasked for the rest of your life! Remember the start of the lockdowns?  Binden, like every other Democrat, uses emotionally charged language to push this crap because they know damned well there's no legitimate scientific basis to be forcing us to wear masks.  

Remember,  this whole wave of Draconian insanity started with a lockdown that was supposed to be for just two weeks "to flatten the curve." SIX MONTH LATER, there's no end in sight if these psychopaths have their way. This medical tyranny IS THE POLICE STATE WE'VE BEEN WARNED ABOUT!


Joe Biden says that on day one of his administration, "we will have a national mandate to wear a mask. Not as a burden, but as a patriotic duty to protect one another."


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Video: Dinesh D'Souza - The Fallacy of the Peaceful Rioter and Joe Biden's Corruption

In this interview with Laralea Trump posted to the President’s Facebook page, I discuss the myth of the big switch, the fallacy of the peaceful rioter, Joe Biden’s corruption and my upcoming movie “Trump Card”




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Video: Quid Pro Joe

This is the clip where Joe Biden brags about "doing what the Democrats accused Trump of doing and tried to impeach Trump for doing."  And now, the Democrats have chosen a candidate that bragged openly about engaging in "actual bribery" with Ukraine to coerce them into firing a prosecutor that was investigating the most corrupt company in Ukraine, Burisma.  Why?  Hunter Biden just happened to be getting paid big tens of thousands a month to sit on the Board of Burisma. 





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Video: The Poetry of Joe Biden

The gaffes from Joe Biden are best displayed when someone else repeats the nonsense he delivers. It brings into focus the absolute disconnect between Biden’s brain and his mouth. It’s also why the video below is a must-watch and share.


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