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COVID-19 Never Killed Anybody

by Ted Noel MD

Before you get out the tar and feathers, note that I am a physician with experience in Expensive Care (Intensive Care) – the art of getting people who have both feet on the banana peel well – or spending as much money as possible on high tech expensive resources as possible before they assume room temperature. That’s all done in the Intensive Care Unit, for those of you not familiar with medical humor.

The US is treating the Wuhan Flu as if it is a single disease that has killed so many people that it will kill the rest of us if we open up the economy. They claim that because we are allegedly having a massive spike in new cases, we have to reverse actions to open up our society. At the very least, we have to put masks on everyone.

In other places I’ve discussed how masks do no good and can actually cause harm. Others have discussed how the actual data on mortality and case count are vastly inflated. But this completely misses a couple of very important points.

First, COVID-19 doesn’t kill people.

There. I’ve gone and said it again. There’s a very important reason for this conclusion. If all you get is the Wuhan Flu, you may get a bit sick, but you won’t even need to go to the hospital. You’ll get over it. That’s because you don’t get a “Cytokine Storm.”

In plain English, CS is a different disease process. It’s an uncontrolled release of signaling molecules that engage the immune system at ludicrous speed. A number of different infections can trigger it. An infection is needed before the Storm can start, but the Storm is a different process. Once it’s underway, it drives the train. We know that the risk of dying from CS following COVID-19 in Florida if you are under age 25 is 0.02%, but if you are over 85, it’s 24.5% (FL Dept of Health as of July 6).


That 1,225x difference in risk proves that something else is in play. The infection is necessary, but it’s not sufficient. CS requires something more than just infection such as COVID-19, SARS, or H5N1 flu. In general, age and infirmity are correlated with bad outcomes, but we don’t know in any detail what factor within those categories is needed. What we do know is that the interventions that work don’t have all that much to do with antiviral effects.

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Video: Dr. Kelly Victory Presents An Incredibly Comprehensive AND HONEST Perspective on the Realtiy of COVID-19

Editor's Note: COVID-19 ALERT:  Many people say they just can't tell who to believe most of the time.  Well, figuring out who is telling you the truth and who is lying to you is actually quite simple.  The people lying to you usually provide very little information that isn't "emotionally charged." This is deliberate because when your emotions kick in, when fear kicks in, PANIC ensues bypassing your ability to think clearly.  Then those who are lying to you push a sense of urgency to keep you in fear which keeps you cut off from any critical thought.   They also work to vigorously suppress and/or censor information other than the so-called "official story".  The people telling you the truth, on the other hand, usually provide you with a lot of information that isn't emotionally charged.  They typically also provide source material so you can research what they say yourself.  People who tell the truth do their very best to reveal as much as possible and put things into a sensible, balanced "unemotionally charged" perspective.  They don't inform in order to create as much hysteria as they possibly can.  They inform you in order to provide "real understanding."

Dr. Victory is the kind of Doctor who should be advising the President and directing the response to the COVID-19, not the totally corrupt, self-serving evil numbskulls Dr. Fauci/Bill Gates and Co. who have been deliberately misleading the American People into a totally mindless panic to advance their own sick agenda to force their vaccine on everyone.  Fire FauciHire Dr. Kelly Victory!  We need TRUTH, not MINDLESS HYSTERIA!






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Video: Worldwide Population Being Tortured In Deep State Psyop

The response to Covid-19 mirrors Communist Chinese brainwashing torture techniques

The response by governments around the world to COVID-19 eerily mirrors the Amnesty International torture report, where populations are being systematically isolated, deprived of basic life necessities, inflicted by emotional pain, and psychologically weakened.



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Video: Dr. Brian Procter Exposes Effective and Inexpensive COVID with Outpatient Treatment with Hydroxychloroquine Regimen

Editor's Note: THERE IS NO REASON TO BE SO FRIGGIN AFRAID OF THIS. They (Faucci, CDC, WHO, Gates) are not telling you the truth about existing, affordable and effective treatment for this illness. They have been deliberately censoring, LYING about these treatments because they want you to believe you need to chomp at the bit for a GD untested, dangerous vaccine from psychos Dr. Faucci and Billy Gates.


In this video Dr. Brian Procter explains the truth about treating this current virus that's been going around with inexpensive and effective early-stage outpatient care with a hydroxychloroquine regimen.


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Video: Senator Dr. Scott Jenson Blows the Whistle on COVID-19 Frauds and Intimidation of Doctors

More and more good, courageous Doctors, Nurses, and healthcare professionals are speaking out about the TRUTH about what has been going on with the manufactured COVID-19 Scam.


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Video: Event 201 - Did Bill Gates & World Economic Forum Predict Coronavirus Outbreak?

Inside Event 201

Editor's Note: Were you aware this happened just months before the so-called COVID pandemic appeared? Pretty obvious to me this was a meeting to make sure they had everything in place to manage any efforts to expose what they were up to in order to ensure maximum success of pulling this massive con job off.


In this report we take an inside look at Event 201, which took place in NYC on October 18 2019. Event 201 is a high-level pandemic exercise hosted by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

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Video: Why I Began Questioning HIV

Kary Mullis was a scientist. He never spoke like a globalist, and said once, memorably, when accused of making statements about HIV that could endanger lives: “I’m a scientist. I’m not a lifeguard.” That’s a very important line in the sand.  Somebody who goes around claiming they are “saving lives,” is a very dangerous animal, and you should run in the opposite direction when you encounter them. Their weapon is fear, and their favorite word is “could.” They entrap you with a form of bio-debt, creating simulations of every imaginable thing that “could” happen, yet hasn’t. Bill Gates has been waiting a long time for a virus with this much, as he put it, “pandemic potential.” But Gates has a problem, and it’s called PCR.

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America Must Hold the Corrupt News Media Accountable in Order to Survive

by David Blackmon

We must find a way to hold the corrupt corporate news media accountable before they destroy our country. – That’s been a consistent theme here at Today’s Campaign Update for four years now (today is the 4th anniversary of the very first Campaign Update posted on my Facebook page during the heat of the 2016 campaign), and it has become more urgent than ever. Because, as I noted yesterday, the media literally has the deaths of an untold number of Americans on its hands due to its focused disinformation campaign related to Hydroxychloroquine.

Dr. David Samadi, a Fox News medical contributor, put it this way on Twitter yesterday:

This is exactly the thing. Let’s remember that the media’s campaign to demonize the use of HCQ in treating COVID-19 provided cover to despot Democrat governors like Steve Sisolak in Nevada and Gretchen Whitmer in Michigan to temporarily ban the use of the drug for that purpose in their states. There is no question that that campaign, which included the knowing dissemination of bogus “studies” – one of which shamefully came out of the CDC – also intimidated doctors all over the country who might have otherwise prescribed HCQ to their patients and potentially saved their lives.

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Video: Dr. Ron Paul - ‘Herd immunity’ Near, But MSM Suppresses Recovery Numbers

According to new reports, humanity is approaching a herd immunity to COVID-19 due to rising recoveries from the virus. However, mainstream media has been ignoring the recovery numbers. One America’s Kristian Rouz finds out why.


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How Many People Died Because Mainstream Media Panned Hydroxychloroquine?

We've long said mainstream media hated Hydroxychloroquine simply because President Trump endorsed it. Now that studies show it saved lives, mainstream media's victims deserve answers.

by JD Rucker

President Trump was right. Even CNN and other Trump-hating mainstream media outlets had to admit this morning that an encouraging comprehensive study has shown Hydroxychloroquine as part of COVID-19 treatment saved lives. Granted, CNN is already trying to spin their way out of the news, but the cat is mostly out of the bag. What President Trump said may be effective, many in mainstream media said was dangerous. What President Trump took himself as a preventative, some in mainstream media said could kill people. The President was right. The media talking heads were wrong.

Now, we have to ask the morbid but important question: How many people died as a result of mainstream media’s Trump Derangement Syndrome? Dr David Samadi estimates it could be thousands. Dr. Samadi talked about the coronavirus on our podcast in May:

This isn’t the first study to point to the potential benefits of Hydroxychloroquine as part of a treatment regimen, but it’s the first to be generally accepted as comprehensive enough to draw strong conclusions. For months, smaller studies have shown promising results, but the counter-narrative from both Democrats and mainstream media cast continuous doubt on the efficacy of the treatment. It prompted many doctors to hesitate in prescribing the anti-Malaria drug despite being proven safe to humans for the last seven decades.

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