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W.H.O. Skips Wuhan During China Trip; “Sat in Beijing For Three Weeks”

“Any chance of finding a smoking gun is now gone”


A delegation from the World Health Organization tasked with investigating the origins of COVID-19 failed to go to Wuhan, China – ‘ground zero’ for the pandemic, and instead “sat in Beijing for three weeks” according to a senior US official, who told the Financial Times that Western governments are skeptical over China’s commitment to identifying the origins of the pandemic.

“Any chance of finding a smoking gun is now gone,” the official continued. Though we’re not sure what any team of investigators would find after China blocked international epidemiologists for eight months after the outbreak began.

Australian MP Dave Sharma told the Times: “The international community is right to have serious concerns about the rigour and independence of the WHO’s early response to this pandemic, and its seeming wish to avoid offending China.

“If this allegation is proven, it is another disturbing incident of the WHO — which is charged with safeguarding global public health — putting the political sensitivities of a member state above the public health interests of the world, in the critical early stages of this pandemic. We are all now bearing the immense costs of such a policy.”

The WHO, meanwhile, says that the three-week visit was ‘merely laying the groundwork in advance of a full international mission,’ but gave no indication when this might happen.

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Video: Corbett Report - The WHO Publishes A Guide On How To Deal With Vocal Vaccine Deniers

Editor's Note:  The WHO is a globalist controlled organization that IS NOT CONCERNED WITH GLOBAL HEALTH!  It is an organization that was formed by the globalist to push/impose their medical tyranny onto all of humanity.  They are vaccine pushers!  This is just the latest example of this fact. 


The WHO (World Health Organization) has made a handy-dandy guide on how to debate vaccine deniers. Today on #PropagandaWatch, James delves into the document and examines its ideas.


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Lethal Lockdowns: The WHO-CDC Global Genocide


By  William F. Jasper


The COVID “cure” will prove to be far more deadly than the much-hyped, much-feared coronavirus.

“How do I kill thee? Let me count the ways.” Well, let’s see. Dr. Fauci’s dictatorial lockdowns were instituted (so we are told) to save lives from the dreaded COVID “pandemic.” But the lockdowns have very likely already taken more lives globally than the virus ever would have, as we will show below. And here’s the most important point: The COVID “cure” will keep on killing for many years to come. 

The full extent of COVID cure-related deaths is only beginning to be revealed, even as the CDC finally admits that its earlier death-rate estimates for the virus were way overblown. Yes, the wild estimates that were used by the World Health Organization, the Centers for Disease Control, and the media to create panic and justify totalitarian edicts are now thoroughly discredited — while the far-greater death tolls from the lockdowns and the socio-economic havoc they are causing are only beginning to be tabulated. And the fatality numbers from the “cure” that are coming into view are horrific. As a result of the COVID lockdowns and mandates, many millions more people worldwide will die of famine, suicide, drug and alcohol abuse, cancer, heart failure, kidney failure, stroke, diabetes, tuberculosis, pneumonia, depression, loneliness, and other conditions.

Hundreds of Doctors Warn

On May 19, Simone Gold, M.D., and more than 500 physicians from across the country signed a letter to President Donald Trump urgently requesting that he end the national shutdown. Dr. Gold, an emergency medicine specialist in Los Angeles with 31 years of medical experience, and her distinguished list of co-signers sketch the very stark reality concerning the deadly impact of the shutdowns that they are already seeing in their medical practices.

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WHO: Healthy People Should Only Wear Masks When 'Taking Care of 'Sick People'

The World Health Organization is recommending healthy people, including those who don't exhibit COVID-19 symptoms, only wear masks when taking care of someone infected with the contagion, a sharp contrast from the advice given by American public health officials who recommend everyone wear a mask in public.

"If you do not have any respiratory symptoms such as fever, cough or runny nose, you do not need to wear a mask," Dr. April Baller, a public health specialist for the WHO, says in a video on the world health body's website posted in March. "Masks should only be used by health care workers, caretakers or by people who are sick with symptoms of fever and cough."

The recommendation has not changed and differs from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which urges individuals to wear a mask or face-covering in public settings, regardless of infection or not, to limit the spread of the virus.

"We now know from recent studies that a significant portion of individuals with coronavirus lack symptoms ('asymptomatic') and that even those who eventually develop symptoms ('pre-symptomatic') can transmit the virus to others before showing symptoms," the CDC mask guidance says. "In light of this new evidence, CDC recommends wearing cloth face coverings in public settings where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain."

Baller noted that masks can give people a "false feeling of protection" and noted that sick individuals should wear one to prevent transmitting the virus to others.

The news comes after the CDC recommended last month that people wear nonsurgical face coverings when out in public after previously advising only health care workers and people exhibiting symptoms to do so.

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SARS 2003: Fraud, and the Credibility of the World Health Organization

By John Rappoport

If the World Health Organization (WHO) deceived the world into fear and panic THEN, in 2003, why should you believe them NOW re COVID, when both instances involve epidemics?

As some readers will recall, in 2003 the World Health Organization (WHO) put out a travel advisory—-don’t go to Toronto.  Toronto was “infected” with epidemic SARS.  The loss of tourist income was significant.  At the time, I was in touch with a Canadian activist who was trying to assemble a group of Toronto merchants and file a law suit against WHO for a few billion dollars, but it fell apart.

The Canadian Encyclopedia describes the wild scene in the country: “The outbreak led to the quarantine of thousands…and took an economic toll on Toronto. It also exposed the country’s ill-prepared health-care system…In late April 2003, the World Health Organization (WHO) issued an advisory against all non-essential travel to Toronto.  Government officials and experts criticized the decision as being unnecessary…During the outbreak, thousands of Canadians were quarantined. Many voluntarily quarantined themselves in their homes. Airports in Toronto and Vancouver screened travellers for high fever.  News coverage spiked with each wave of the outbreak in Toronto and right after the WHO travel advisory. Major Canadian newspapers would each publish up to 25 stories per day on SARS…”

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Crackdown Lockdown Downtown: Fiddling Case Numbers While Rome Burns

By Jon Rappoport

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In today’s episode of CDC/WHO holds the world hostage and builds a new wing on its mystical temple of lying science, while trance-induced billions stare at their TV sets for the latest fabrications, we begin here—

Author Michael Fumento sets off an explosion in his recent article on the failure of epidemic models: “’The … crisis we face is unparalleled in modern times,’ said the World Health Organization’s assistant director, while its director general proclaimed it ‘likely the greatest peacetime challenge that the United Nations and its agencies have ever faced.’ This was based on a CDC computer model projection predicting as many as 1.4 million deaths from just two countries.”

“So when did they say this about COVID-19? Trick question: It was actually about the Ebola virus in Liberia and Sierra Leone five years ago, and the ultimate death toll was under 8,000.”


Well, look, the CDC and WHO have to stay in business, right? They can’t allow a fallow period of no pandemics. They HAVE TO predict dire consequences. Otherwise, some people might start questioning their budgets. It’s a fight for bureaucratic survival, and if millions or billions of people have to lose their jobs and income and freedom in the process, so be it.

Here is a key paragraph from the CDC’s latest brain-twisting definition of a COVID case. As you’ll see, it allows the counting of cases where no confirmatory diagnostic test has been done on a patient at all. Have to inflate those numbers, right? How else can an agency justify its existence?

“As of April 14, 2020, CDC case counts and death counts include both confirmed and probable cases and deaths…A confirmed case or death is defined by meeting confirmatory laboratory evidence for COVID-19. A probable case or death is defined by i) meeting clinical criteria AND epidemiologic evidence with no confirmatory laboratory testing performed for COVID-19; or ii) meeting presumptive laboratory evidence AND either clinical criteria OR epidemiologic evidence; or iii) meeting vital records criteria with no confirmatory laboratory testing performed for COVID19.”

If you spend too long trying to decipher the meaning of every phrase and term in that definition, you might find yourself in the labyrinth of a psych ward. But it IS obvious that a COVID case without a confirming diagnostic test is being welcomed on board. “Sure, why not, join the party.”

Meanwhile, out front, on television, and quietly in the Oval Office, petty bureaucrat, numbers massager, and interim president of the United States of Crackdown Lockdown, Anthony Fauci, can switch case numbers up and down and sideways. He can shovel it high and deep to his heart’s content. All in all, his job is keeping the public health gravy train moving, while covering the caboose (ass) of that train.

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