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"Experts" Claim New COVID Strain Will Cause Global ‘Heart Failure Pandemic’

Editor's Note: There is no depth to which the globalists won't stoop to cover up what they've done to us all. After all they've already lied to us about now they want us to believe some magical new "variant" of a nonexistent virus is causing all the "died suddenly" heart issues. Oh no, it's not the jabs! They didn't poison everyone with the jabs!




Scientists are warning that a new COVID variant will cause a global “heart failure pandemic.”

Many are skeptical of the claim, believing it to be a COVID vaccine injury coverup.

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Video: Fauci’s Former NIH Boss Finally Admits COVID Lockdown Was ‘Another Mistake We Made’


Former National Institutes of Health Director Francis Collins has admitted that tunnel vision handicapped the development of public policy to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic.

Collins, who stepped down at the end of 2021, was the superior of former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Anthony Fauci, who along with Collins proposed and supported lockdowns as the major policy element to deal with the pandemic.

During the recently unearthed interview, interviewer Wilk Wilkinson bemoaned the fact that too few open discussions took place about the pandemic and the lockdown policy.

Collins said putting public health bureaucrats in charge meant that a one-dimensional policy would ensue.

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New COVID At-Home Test Dangerous and Misleading

But everyone is doing itc so who cares, right?

Editor's Note: These totally useless, bogus tests are responsible for creating the false perception that some horrible pandemic is occurring.  It's totally bull shit!  These so-called tests CANNOT AND DO NOT determine anything useful or definitive and should NEVER BE USED FOR DIAGNOSTIC PURPOSES!  The package itself says quite clearly: “The BinaxNOW COVID-19 Antigen Self Test does not differentiate between SARS-CoV and SARS…CoV-2.”  “Positive results do not rule out bacterial infection or co-infection with other viruses. The agent detected may not be the definite cause of disease.”


by Jon Rappoport

Recently, I’ve been writing fiction, satire, parody, to expose the insanity of the pandemic scam. This article is not that. This article is fact. Buckle up.

Since the beginning of the so-called pandemic, I’ve been attacking the value of the PCR diagnostic test from many angles. The primary angle, as my readers know, is: SARS-CoV-2 was never isolated, never proved to exist.

However, I’ve also ventured into the bubble world where a few billion people blindly accept the existence of the virus—and I’ve shown that even within that world, the internal contradictions and lies abound.

One again, now, I’m entering that bubble world, since the powers-that-be are widely promoting the use of an at-home test for the “virus.” This test is self-administered. No doctor, nurse, or technician is present. What could possibly go wrong, as millions of people perform the test on themselves?

Well, let’s lead off with DANGER.

The reference is an undated FDA document titled, “BinaxNOWTM COVID-19 Antigen Self TEST.”  The Binax test kit is manufactured by Abbott.

Here is the key quote: “The Reagent Solution [included in the test kit] contains a harmful chemical (see table below). If the solution contacts the skin or eye, flush with copious amounts of water. If irritation persists, seek medical advice…”

Then the FDA document lists that harmful chemical: sodium azide.

Just how harmful is it?

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CIA Sued For Allegedly Hiding Records of Bribes Taken to Conceal COVID-19 Origins


The Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project has sued the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) for allegedly not complying with a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request related to its COVID-19 lab leak theory investigation.

This is an action under the Freedom of Information Act (“FOIA”), 5 U.S.C. § 552,to compel production of CIA records relating to allegations that members of the CIA’s COVID Discovery Team, a group of employees tasked with analyzing the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic, received monetary incentives to change their position on the origins of the virus,” the complaint read.

On September12, 2023, COVID Select Subcommittee Chairman Brad Wenstrup and Rep. Mike Turner, Chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, wrote a letter to CIA Director William Burns requesting documents and information related to alarming allegations brought to their attention by a whistleblower about the CIA’s assessment of the origins ofCOVID-19,” the complaint added.

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Video: Austrian MP Uses New Rapid COVID Test on COLA and Gets Positive Result!

The companies making these bogus tests are making hundreds of millions, eventually, BILLIONS selling these worthless tests. THEY KNOW THEY'RE WORTHLESS.  Here's a video of an Austrian parliamentary member demonstrating the defectiveness of the government’s Covid-19 tests by showing how a glass of coke yields a positive result.

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Video: Dr. David Martin - Exposing the COVID-19 Crimes

This video features a lecture David E. Martin,1 Ph.D., gave in Dornach, Switzerland, in late October 2023. Martin is a national intelligence analyst and founder of IQ100 Index, which developed linguistic genomics, a platform capable of determining the intent of communications.  This technology has allowed Martin to scan and review millions of patents, resulting in a paper trail2,3 that conclusively proves SARS-CoV-2 is a manmade bioweapon that has been in the works for 58 years.

According to Martin, the evidence is clear. None of the damage done by the COVID FRAUD is accidental. It’s a conspiracy, alright. But not a conspiracy theory in the dismissive sense. It’s a global conspiracy by identifiable agents who have, for nearly 60 years, plotted to commit, and profit from, the greatest genocide the world has ever seen, while hiding behind the false veneer of “public health.”




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For The First Time, A US State Will Require Disclosure of PCR 'Cycle Threshold' Data In COVID Tests

Editor's Note: THIS is the key to ending all this COVID FRAUD INSANITY!!  The entire scam is driven by this fraudulent test that isn't even a diagnostic test.  It's a process created by Kary Mullis to quickly replicate material for research purposes.  IT IS NOT EVEN A TEST.  IT'S ESSENTIALLY A MANUFACTURING PROCESS.  The PCR process is being misused by people like Dr. Fauci because they can manufacture the perception that a pandemic is occurring by controlling the cycles used in the PCR process.  Fewer cycles and you get a lot of negative results.  More cycles you get A TON OF POSITIVES (false positives).   What they don't tell you is the PCR process CANNOT DETERMINE WHETHER AN ACTUAL INFECTION IS OCCURRING.  It cannot detect whether the sample is alive or dead.  That's why the vast majority of people allegedly testing positive have no symptoms of any infection.  BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT SICK!  The CDC itself has admitted the PCR test is WORTHLESS for diagnostic purposes: CDC Document Confirms PCR Test Has No Value At Detecting COVID-19 Infection



We have detailed the controversy surrounding America's COVID "casedemic" and the misleading results of the PCR test and its amplification procedure in great detail over the past few months.

As a reminder, "cycle thresholds" (Ct) are the level at which widely used polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test can detect a sample of the COVID-19 virus. The higher the number of cycles, the lower the amount of viral load in the sample; the lower the cycles, the more prevalent the virus was in the original sample.

Numerous epidemiological experts have argued that cycle thresholds are an important metric by which patients, the public, and policymakers can make more informed decisions about how infectious and/or sick an individual with a positive COVID-19 test might be. However, as JustTheNews reports, health departments across the country are failing to collect that data.

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Video: DARPA Created Aerosolized Covid Vaccine BEFORE The Release of Covid!

Thomas Renz of https://tomrenz.com joins The Alex Jones Show to expose the NWO plan to inject GMO foods with DNA reprogramming genetics and respond to the declassified documents exposing DARPA's program to develop aerosolized COVID vaccines.



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Video: Study Finds Higher Incidence of COVID-19 Found Among Consistent Mask-Wearers

Some mask wearers were found to have up to 40 percent higher incidence of infection,
contradicting earlier studies and opposing the narrative of mask mandates.



People who wore protective masks were found to be more likely to contract COVID-19 infections than those who didn't, according to a recent Norwegian study.

The peer-reviewed study, published in the journal Epidemiology and Infection on Nov. 13, analyzed mask use among 3,209 individuals from Norway. Researchers followed them for 17 days, and then asked the participants about their use of masks. The team found that there was a higher incidence of testing positive for COVID-19 among people who used masks more frequently.

Among individuals who “never or almost never” wore masks, 8.6 percent tested positive. That rose to 15 percent among participants who “sometimes” used masks, and to 15.1 percent among those who “almost always or always” wore them.

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Fake Science, Invalid Data: There is No Such Thing as a “Confirmed Covid-19 Case”. There is No Pandemic

The perception that a pandemic is occurring has been created by a
totally fraudulent testing process called the PCR TEST

“The PCR is a Process. It does not tell you that you are sick”.

Dr. Kary Mullis, Nobel Laureate and Inventor of the RT-PCR, passed away in August 2019.

“…All or a substantial part of these positives could be due to what’s called false positives tests.”

Dr. Michael Yeadon: former Vice President and Chief Science Officer for Pfizer

This misuse of the RT-PCR technique is applied as a relentless and intentional strategy by some governments to justify excessive measures such as the violation of a large number of constitutional rights, … under the pretext of a pandemic based on a number of positive RT-PCR tests, and not on a real number of patients.

.Dr. Pascal Sacré, Belgian physician specialized in critical care and renowned public health analyst.

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