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Video: Ray McGovern To Bill Binney Do Americans Deserve To Hear Us, With Our 50 yrs Intel Experience?

President Donald Trump repeated his assertion over the weekend that Moscow did not meddle in the 2016 presidential election, in direct conflict with conclusions drawn by the US intelligence community. But that official judgment runs counter to a group of former intel analysts who say that the so-called Russian hack of the Democratic National Committee’s email was actually an inside job. RT America’s Ashlee Banks speaks to former CIA analyst Ray McGovern and NSA whistleblower Bill Binney, two people involved in that analysis.


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Video: The VA Accountability Act Signed Into Law

Trump Just fired 800 Gov’t workers and put 200 more on notice after uncovering sick thing they all did. President Trump is not only fixing the VA that Obama failed to do, but is making Obama’s corrupt VA officials pay the ultimate price for their negligence. In a clean sweep that happened in the overnight hours, it’s being reported that 500 VA employees have just been terminated and an additional 200 have been suspended for their shady conduct.


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Pentagon Looses Track of $6.5 Trillion Embezzled “Unaccounted Funds” at Expense of US Tax Payers

By Carl Herman
Washington's Blog

Documentation of US Dept of Defense Admitting ‘Losing’ $6.5 Trillion ($65,000 Per Average US Family), with 18 Year History of ‘Losing’ Trillions. Your .01% illegal Rogue State Government at ‘Work’ Until ‘We the People’ Demand Arrests For Obvious Crimes in War, Looting, Lying

Catherine Austin Fitts just published documentation of Department of Defense (DOD) official audit reports from 1998 that acknowledge “losing track” of $6.5 trillion, along with Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) admission of “losing” over $100 billion. This is euphemistically termed “unaccounted,” and literally means that DOD agrees they received these funds, agrees the funds are gone, and then claims to not have records of where the money went.

This is the work of Dr. Mark Skidmore and graduate students; Dr. Skidmore is the Director of the North Central Regional Center for Rural Development at Michigan State University and Professor and Morris Chair in State and Local Gov’t Finance and Policy. Catherine was managing director and member of the board of directors of the Wall Street investment bank Dillon, Read & Co. Inc., Assistant Secretary of Housing and Federal Housing Commissioner for HUD in the first Bush Administration, and president of Hamilton Securities Group, Inc. She has designed and closed over $25 billion of transactions and investments to-date, and has led investment strategy for $300 billion of financial assets and liabilities.

I wrote last year upon publication of DOD’s report. Of course, such “official” looting never happens with lawful accounting because records always show where the money goes. This would be like your bank agreeing they received a $65,000 deposit from you, agreeing the money was gone, and not refunding your account while claiming no further information of this “unaccountable,” “lost,” and “missing” money.

The most common historical explanation of governments “losing” money is, of course, embezzlement to enrich an oligarchy.

$6.5 trillion means how much now?

  • ~$65,000 per US average household, based upon ~$50,000 annual income. This means if your household’s annual income is ~$100,000, your family was looted ~$130,000.
  • Embezzling a billion dollars from a US military project 6,500 times.
  • Embezzling a billion dollars of our tax money every day for 18 years (that’s $10 from every US household everyday).

Please read those three real-world comparisons twice to allow your emotions to feel the outrageous .01% looting of your family.

An Inspector General is supposed to be head of an independent and non-partisan auditing organization to discover and investigate waste, embezzlement, and fraud. They are supposed to act as “watchdogs” to ensure government agencies are transparent and lawful, with power to subpoena and take testimonies under oath.

You may recall that DoD’s claims of trillions of our tax dollars somehow going missing isn’t new, and reported as $2.3 trillion by Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld on September 10, 2001 as “a matter of life and death” the day before a claimed airplane bulls-eyed into the Pentagon’s accounting department, killing the very accountants tasked to find the “missing” money.

3-Minute CBS Report

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Homeland Defense: The Pentagon Declares War on America

State Terrorism directed against the American People and Democracy Itself

By Frank Morales
Global Research


Global Editor’s Note

The Department of Defense now authorizes the domestic deployment of US troops  in “the conduct of operations other than war”  including law enforcement activities and the quelling of “civil disturbances”:

Federal military commanders have the authority, in extraordinary emergency circumstances where prior authorization by the President is impossible and duly constituted local authorities are unable to control the situation, to engage temporarily in activities that are necessary to quell large-scale, unexpected civil disturbances…

These developments –which are currently the object of heated debate– are the result of  more than ten years of “repressive legislation” which increasingly points to the “fusion of the police and military functions both within the US and abroad.



In a path breaking article published by Global Research in 2003,  award winning author Frank Morales shows how the post 911 “Patriot Act” which he describes as a “repressive coordination” had set the stage for the militarization of America, namely “a form of state terrorism directed against the American people and democracy itself.”

The “domestic war on terrorism” hinges upon the Pentagon’s doctrine of homeland defense. Mountains of repressive legislation are being enacted in the name of internal security. So called “homeland security”, originally set within the Pentagon’s “operations other than war”, is actually a case in which the Pentagon has declared war on America.

Shaping up as the new battleground, this proliferating military “doctrine” seeks to justify new roles and missions for the Pentagon within America. Vast “legal” authority and funds to spy on the dissenting public, reconfigured as terrorist threats, is being lavished upon the defense, intelligence and law enforcement “community.”

We bring to the attention of our readers this path-breaking analysis by Frank Morales

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