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Video: David Martin Exposes Fauci’s CRIMINAL Violations

David Martin, PhD , DavidMartin.world, joins to discuss the criminal violations of Fauci — and the money trail & patents that lead to the usual suspects. Money through shell corporations to fund banned research, corruption, predatory pricing, anti-trust violations — Fauci could easily be led away in handcuffs if AG Barr wished.


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Fauci Backpedals on Vitamin C and D Recommendations

Editor's Note:  As if we need any more proof of what a self-serving fraud Fauci is, here's more!  This evil toad has not said one word about the importance of boosting our immune system to help protect us from COVID-19 illness. . .  until now.  



By Dr. Joseph Mercola

Story at-a-glance

  • The largest hospital system in New York state, Northwell Health, has been giving COVID-19 patients admitted into intensive care 1,500 milligrams of intravenous vitamin C three to four times a day in conjunction with the antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine and the antibiotic azithromycin
  • Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and the face of the White House coronavirus response team, says life probably will not go back to normal until we have the ability to vaccinate the entire global population against COVID-19
  • Yet, four years ago, Fauci touted vitamins C and D as good for boosting your immune system and fighting infectious disease
  • The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing finds vitamin D “plays a critical role in preventing respiratory infections, reducing antibiotic use, and boosting the immune system response to infections”
  • An April 2020 scientific review presents evidence that vitamin D supplementation could reduce risk of COVID-19 infection and death. Researchers recommend raising your vitamin D level 40-60 ng/mL (100–150 nmol/L). “For treatment of people who become infected with COVID-19, higher vitamin D3 doses might be useful,” the researchers state

As reported in my April 7, 2020, article "Vitamins C and D Finally Adopted as Coronavirus Treatment," the largest hospital system in New York, Northwell Health, has been giving COVID-19 patients admitted into intensive care 1,500 milligrams of intravenous vitamin C three to four times a day in conjunction with the antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine and the antibiotic azithromycin, both of which have shown promise in coronavirus treatment.1

According to Dr. Andrew G. Weber, a pulmonologist and critical-care specialist affiliated with two Northwell Health facilities on Long Island, "The patients who received vitamin C did significantly better than those who did not get vitamin C. It helps a tremendous amount, but it is not highlighted because it's not a sexy drug."2

NIAID Director Backpedals on Vitamin C and D Recommendations

Curiously, Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and the face of the White House coronavirus response team, is now saying life probably will not go back to normal until we have the ability to vaccinate the entire global population against COVID-19.3

I say "curiously," as just four short years ago, in a Washingtonian article,4 "How to Avoid Getting Sick When You're Around People All Day," Fauci touted vitamins C and D as being good for boosting your immune system and fighting infectious disease. 

Vitamin C "can enhance your body's defense against microbes," he said — a statement backed by recent research showing vitamin C supplementation lowers your risk of the common cold.5 At the time, Fauci said he was taking 1,000 milligrams (mg) of vitamin C, himself, every day. "Many people also do not get enough vitamin D, which affects a lot of body functions, so that would be helpful, too," he added.

Yet, in a March 26, 2020, interview with RealClear Politics,6 he changed his tune, saying there was "no definite proof" that the vitamins work, even though some studies show they do. What changed? Why did he say vitamins C and D help boost immune function and ward off infectious disease four years ago, only to deny it now?

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The Fauci Files

By Dr. Joseph Mercola

Story at-a-glance

  • Dr. Anthony Fauci has served as the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) since 1984, but has yet to come out with the “Big One” — a vaccine or infectious disease treatment that will allow him to retire with a victory under his belt
  • Fauci has flip-flopped on the use of masks, first mocking people for wearing them, and then insisting they should. In mid-July, he suddenly urged governments to “be as forceful as possible” on mask rules
  • While Fauci still claims there’s only anecdotal evidence supporting the use of hydroxychloroquine, and that the drug doesn’t work for COVID-19, the scientific support for it goes as far back as 2005
  • In April, Fauci praised the NIAID-sponsored drug Remdesivir, saying it "has a clear-cut and significant positive effect in diminishing the time to recovery." Overall, the improvement rate for the drug was 31%
  • Research now shows hydroxychloroquine reduced mortality by 50% when given early, and many doctors anecdotally claim survival rates close to 100%. Despite such excellent results, Fauci continues to disparage and cast doubt on hydroxychloroquine

At 79 years old, Dr. Anthony Fauci — who has served as the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) since 1984 — has yet to come out with the “Big One” — a vaccine or infectious disease treatment that will allow him to retire with a victory under his belt.

He failed to create a successful vaccine for AIDS, SARS, MERS and Ebola. A COVID-19 vaccine is essentially his last chance to go out in a blaze of glory. As evidenced by his history, he will stop at nothing to protect Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine and Gilead’s antiviral Remdesivir.

He even threw tried and true pandemic protocols out the window when COVID-19 hit, turning into an unquestioning spokesman for draconian liberty-stripping measures instead. To echo a question asked by Dr. Sal Martingano in his article,1 “Dr. Fauci: ‘Expert’ or Co-Conspirator,” why are we not questioning this so-called expert?

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Federal Judge Rules Gov. Tom Wolf, Dr. Rachel Levine’s Shutdown Orders Unconstitutional



A federal judge has ruled that Gov. Tom Wolf’s shutdown orders were unconstitutional.

Butler, Fayette, Greene and Washington counties — and some Republican officials like Congressman Mike Kelly and state Reps. Marcie Mustello, Daryl Metcalfe and Tim Bonner — filed a lawsuit against Gov. Wolf and Secretary of Health Dr. Rachel Levine.

They and several businesses said their constitutional rights were violated. The counties were in the “red” phase when they filed the lawsuit in May, saying the restrictions on businesses and gathering limits were unconstitutional.

U.S. District Judge William Stickman IV, an appointee of President Donald Trump, sided with the plaintiffs. Stickman wrote in his ruling that the Wolf administration’s pandemic policies have been overreaching, arbitrary and violated citizens’ constitutional rights.

The governor’s efforts to slow the spread of the coronavirus “were undertaken with the good intention of addressing a public health emergency,” Stickman wrote. “But even in an emergency, the authority of government is not unfettered.”

Courts had consistently rejected challenges to Wolf’s power to order businesses to close during the pandemic, and many other governors, Republican and Democrat, undertook similar measures as the virus spread across the country.

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Video: Many Will Die For The COVID Lie

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Many will suffer and die so that Governor Cuomo’s book coddles his fragile ego and hides the genocide he waged on thousands of elderly New Yorkers.

Fauci will get his payoff and Bill Gates will achieve his eugenicist victory as the mindless hordes are programmed by a social media-induced imprisonment following the guidelines of the 2010 Rockefeller Lockstep scenario published in “Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development.”

The CDC had to admit that only 6%, or less than 10,000 deaths, had been directly attributed to COVID-19 from the beginning, revealing a plandemic so massive that we can hardly wrap our minds around it.




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Fauci Spills The Beans: A Vaccine Won’t End COVID-19 Restrictions

Anthony Fauci is always the harbinger of additional suffering to be inflicted by state and local governments.

By Georgi Booman

Dr. Anthony Fauci just spilled the beans: contrary to the implicit promise numerous politicians made that COVID-19 restrictions would only last “until there’s an effective vaccine,” Fauci says the arrival of a vaccine won’t mean life will return to normal, perhaps for more than a year.

“If you’re talking about getting back to a degree of normality which resembles where we were prior to COVID, it’s going to be well into 2021, maybe even towards the end of 2021,” said the director of National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases on Friday.

A safe and effective vaccine produced this quickly would be a stunning scientific accomplishment that could save thousands of lives. But Fauci warned that widespread distribution and getting “the majority, or more, of the population vaccinated and protected” won’t happen until perhaps the end 2021, and therefore means we cannot be free from oppressive lockdown measures until at least that point.

Aside from Fauci being a reliable harbinger for politicians moving the COVID-19 goal posts, we have three very good reasons to doubt the understanding promoted by politicians so far about returning to normal when a vaccine is deployed: 1) politicians already moved the goalposts far away from “flatten the curve” and “15 days to slow the spread” and thus can’t be trusted 2) they’ve ignored their promise of reopening if effective treatments were found, and 3) the newly discovered phenomenon of COVID-19 reinfection gives panic-pushers an excuse to keep lockdown measures until some new target of vaccine efficacy or compliance is met.

In short, we have every reason to believe Fauci might even be understating the persistence of lockdown measures and almost no reason to believe previous political promises.

As I’ve written before, the slide from “flattening the curve” to make sure hospitals weren’t overwhelmed to goals as ambitious as “stopping the spread” happened about as fast as the decline in bad news about COVID-19 this spring. With nary an explanation as to why meeting the first goal wasn’t good enough to reopen American life as they had promised, politicians and journalists gaslit the public into accepting months of lockdowns.

No one this disingenuous can be trusted, which brings us to point number two: some governors have implied relief from lockdowns upon getting “effective treatment” as recently as this month. According to the Desert Sun, California Gov. Gavin Newsom said in late August that the coronavirus “isn’t going away any time soon,” and that Californians need to “‘live with this fundamental truth until there is a vaccine’ or therapeutics help manage the spread of the virus” (emphasis added).

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Video: Dr. Scott Atlas Discusses W.H.O. Admission Asymptomatic Spread IS VERY RARE!

Dr. Scott Atlas explains the FACT that all the studies, all the data shows that people who are NOT SICK do not spread infections and that this should not be controversial.  It's only made controversial for purely political purposes.


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Video: COVID Restrictions, Mandatory Vaccines Outlawed By Common Law Assembly

Masks, social distancing, and quarantines also nullified by Canadian common law court

In another example of pushback by citizens against draconian COVID-19 lockdown measures, a Canadian Common Law Assembly has passed a bylaw prohibiting COVID restrictions in several communities on Vancouver Island.

The Oceanside Common Law Assembly (OCLA) passed a public safety bylaw last month declaring that any government officials who attempt to enforce COVID restrictions, including mandatory distancing, masking, quarantines, and vaccinations in Parksville and Qualicum Beach may face fines and imprisonment.

“We made history tonight by putting power back in the hands of the people,” one of the bylaw’s authors reportedly said. “This is our answer to the police state and the COVID scam. We call on people everywhere to take the same step through their own Common Law Assemblies and Courts.”



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Video: Vitamin D Might Just Save You From Getting COVID-19

There may be a cheap and effective way to help prevent getting infected with Covid-19 and fighting it if you’ve already been infected. Taha Meli Arvas explains.


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Difference Between Flu vs COVID-19 Symptoms & Complications


By KTAO Project Editor

It's a sad fact that many of us base our understanding of the COVID-19 Pandemic on nothing but "assumptions."  Most tend to just assume what they are being told "by the experts" is true and very few seem to question any of the "official" narratives.  

One of the most glaring assumptions has been the belief that COVID-19, which we are told is a totally unique coronavirus that has never existed before, means that our immune system simply isn't equipped to deal with it.  We are also told that COVID-19 causes different, more deadly symptoms from new strains of coronaviruses that cause seasonal flu. 

The following information clearly shows that there is virtually no difference between symptoms allegedly caused by COVID-19 and symptoms caused by seasonal flu coronavirus strains.

The only symptoms I hear people claim really distinguish COVID-19 from flu are difficulty breathing and loss of taste and smell.  Fact is, seasonal flu can cause these symptoms as well.  The CDC info below clearly shows "difficulty breathing" can be a symptom of seasonal flu complications.  And here's info from Keck Medicine at USC about the symptoms of loss fo taste and smell.

Source: Keck Medicine - University of Southern California

What Can Cause a Loss of Taste and Smell?

1. Viral infections like the flu, colds and COVID-19

If you’ve had a cold, you may be all too familiar with a stuffy nose that makes it hard to smell. In fact, both the common cold and influenza can cause temporary anosmia. Scientists have also identified a loss of taste and smell among the symptoms associated with COVID-19.

“Viruses can disrupt the nerves related to smell, and they can target the tissues in the nose,” says Elisabeth D. Ference, MD, an otolaryngologist at Keck Medicine of USC and assistant professor of clinical otolaryngology – head and neck surgery at the Keck School of Medicine of USC. “The viruses can cause inflammation, either to the nerve or to the lining of the nose, that impacts the normal function of our sense of smell.”

When smell is lost, often taste is, too. “Approximately 80% of the flavors we taste come from our sense of smell, so if our nerves related to smell are not working, then we also have an impairment in our sense of taste,” Ference explains. “Taste that is sensed on the tongue — salty, sweet, sour and bitter — will still be present. However, the subtlety of food, such as oregano on pizza, will be lost.”


The following information is directly off the CDC's own web site.  It clearly states that it's very difficult (impossible) to determine whether someone has a case of the seasonal flu or alleged COVID-19 based on symptoms alone.  They claim the only way to determine which is which is with a test that has proven to be extremely unreliable and inaccurate.  Even the New York Times is beginning to tell a little of the truth about the COVID-19 Pandemic Hoax in a recent report that 90% of Positive COVID Results Should Have Been Negative!

In addition, it has been widely reported that in a great many cases people are being classified as COVID-19 based on symptoms alone.  It is not a big stretch to conclude that a many alleged COVID-19 cases are in fact cases of the seasonal flu! 


Source: CDC Web Site

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