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The study of 10 MILLION People the Pro-COVID Lobby Won't Talk About

Asymptomatic transmission of COVID-19 didn’t occur at all

By Monica Showalter

Make no mistake: there are people out there who love COVID, people who view it as manna from Heaven, people who can't get enough of COVID and would extend it forever and ever.

Most are not restaurant- or gym-owners, ordered to shut down and wait.  They're the overclass, and they're about amassing money and power.

This may be why a gargantuan study on COVID transmission by asymptomatic individuals, from the city of Wuhan, China, is getting no attention, at least not here in the States.

According to the American Institute of Economic Research:

In this case, the carrier of rationality is a gigantic study conducted in Wuhan, China, of 10 million people. The article appears in Nature Communications, published November 20, 2020. 

The conclusion is not that asymptomatic spread is rare or that the science is uncertain. The study revealed something that hardly ever happens in these kinds of studies. There was not one documented case. Forget rare. Forget even Fauci's previous suggestion that asymptomatic transmission exists but not does drive the spread. Replace all that with: never. At least not in this study for 10,000,000.

The World Health Organization has also found as much, noting that asymptomatic spreading is extremely rare.  The WHO posted a video here.

Now, why would anyone listen to anything coming out of Wuhan, given the Chinese record on the matter?  Quite simply, because the city was where the problem started, and the city has since gotten back to normal.  Over in America, things are another story.  The lockdowns extend and extend, with some so-called experts saying there won't be relief until 2022.  The vaccine won't do it; the masks and stay-at-home-orders, the business shutdowns and the school closures have got to remain in place forever.

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Video: Robert Kennedy Jr. Warns Us About A Plan To Enslave The Entire World!

Editor's Note: Kennedy has a condition called spasmodic dysphonia, a specific form of an involuntary movement disorder called dystonia that affects only the voice box.  Although the condition is by no means life-threatening, it is life-changing for the few who have it. It takes a bit to get used to Kennedy's voice but I guarantee you it is well worth the effort.


This is the outstanding presentation given by Robert Kennedy Jr. in Berlin in August 2020 where he details precisely what we're up against, what's REALLY being done to us all by the most evil people and forces on the planet with the totally manufactured COVID pandemic FRAUD.


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25 BRAND NEW Studies Completely DISCREDIT Dr. Fauci

Lockdowns Do Not Control the Coronavirus: The Evidence


The use of universal lockdowns in the event of the appearance of a new pathogen has no precedent. It has been a science experiment in real time, with most of the human population used as lab rats. The costs are legion. 

The question is whether lockdowns worked to control the virus in a way that is scientifically verifiable. Based on the following studies, the answer is no and for a variety of reasons: bad data, no correlations, no causal demonstration, anomalous exceptions, and so on. There is no relationship between lockdowns (or whatever else people want to call them to mask their true nature) and virus control. 

Perhaps this is a shocking revelation, given that universal social and economic controls are becoming the new orthodoxy. In a saner world, the burden of proof really should belong to the lockdowners, since it is they who overthrew 100 years of public-health wisdom and replaced it with an untested, top-down imposition on freedom and human rights. They never accepted that burden. They took it as axiomatic that a virus could be intimidated and frightened by credentials, edicts, speeches, and masked gendarmes. 

The pro-lockdown evidence is shockingly thin, and based largely on comparing real-world outcomes against dire computer-generated forecasts derived from empirically untested models, and then merely positing that stringencies and “nonpharmaceutical interventions” account for the difference between the fictionalized vs. the real outcome. The anti-lockdown studies, on the other hand, are evidence-based, robust, and thorough, grappling with the data we have (with all its flaws) and looking at the results in light of controls on the population. 

Much of the following list has been put together by data engineer Ivor Cummins, who has waged a year-long educational effort to upend intellectual support for lockdowns. AIER has added its own and the summaries. The upshot is that the virus is going to do as viruses do, same as always in the history of infectious disease. We have extremely limited control over them, and that which we do have is bound up with time and place. Fear, panic, and coercion are not ideal strategies for managing viruses. Intelligence and medical therapeutics fare much better. 

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Maskless Partygoers Living it Up in Wuhan - Claims it's thanks to harsh lockdown.

We Are Being Played for Absolute FOOLS!!

By Paul Joseph Watson

A Reuters photo essay celebrates how residents of Wuhan are enjoying nightclubs and street parties without the need for masks or social distancing even as much of the rest of the world continues to labor under lockdown.

The article notes how young people living in the original epicenter of COVID-19 are now frolicking around in crowded beer halls and other venues.

“Nightlife in Wuhan is back in full swing almost seven months after the city lifted its stringent lockdown and the city’s young partygoers are embracing the catharsis,” states the piece, noting how maskless partygoers are spilling onto the streets.

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Video: Lab Rats - That's All You Are If You Have The Vaccine - David Icke Dot-Connector Videocast

David Icke details the absolute INSANITY over the totally experimental, untested and highly dangerous thing they are calling a vaccine, which isn't a vaccine in any conventional sense of the word.  YOU ARE INSANE IF YOU ALLOW THEM TO SHOOT THIS STUFF INTO YOU!!  Especially when there are many other safe and effective treatments for the alleged COVID-19 (which is nothing but a strain of coronavirus that we experience EVERY SINGLE YEAR!)

Summary of what the lunatics pushing these experimental vaccines are telling us:

  • According to official statistics, most of us have a 0.005% chance of dying from the alleged virus.
  • So, you need a vaccine that:
    1. We don't know whether it will work
    2. We don't know if it will make us infertile
    3. It hasn't been fully tested
    4. You need a resuscitation area next to where the vaccine shots are administered (but they say it's entirely safe)
    5. And we can't have our lives back unless we have this INSANE experimental cocktail!?


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Video: SHOCKING Revelations about What's In the COVID Vaccine!

Always Read the Vaccine Inserts!!

You aren't going to believe what's in these TOTALLY EXPERIMENTAL COCKTAILS they want everyone to joyfully line up for!  These alleged COVID vaccines are not what you think they are. They ARE NOT conventional vaccines. Frankly, they shouldn't even be called vaccines. They are DNA ALTERING MAD SCIENCE JUICE. This AstraZeneca cocktail even has REPLICATED FETAL LUNG TISSUE FROM A 14-WEEK OLD ABORTED FETUS! And that's just for starters! Another lovely feature being reported are yummy ingredients that will sterilize you! NO BABYS FOR YOU!


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Video: Doctors Tell Senate They're Attacked for Saving COVID Patients

By Art Moore

At a Senate hearing, six prominent physicians called for removing obstacles to outpatient therapies for COVID-19 they contend are saving lives.

The testimony before the U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs on Tuesday was the second part a hearing organized by Chairman Ron Johnson titled "Early Outpatient Treatment: An Essential Part of a COVID-19 Solution."

Dr. Jane Orient, the executive director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, urged the committee to exercise its oversight over federal agencies that are "effectively blocking treatment that could prevent 100,000 needless deaths and stop the crippling fear and the destruction of millions of livelihoods."

"Today's top-down, authority-based 'standard of care' for early COVID, promulgated in NIH guidelines, is therapeutic nihilism," she said in her prepared statement.

"This is shocking and unprecedented, but in today’s litigious
environment," she said, doctors who "dare prescribe" a drug proven to effectively treat COVID-19 like hydroxychloroquine could be "fired, removed from insurance panels, investigated, or even delicensed."

Other witnesses were Ramin Oskoui, the CEO of Foxhall Cardiology in Washington, D.C.; Jean-Jacques Rajter, a pulmonologist at Broward Health Medical Center in Florida; Pierre Kory, associate professor of medicine at St. Luke's Aurora Medical Center; Armand Balboni, CEO of Appili Therapeutics Inc.; and Jayanta Bhattacharya, professor of medicine at Stanford University.

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What’s Not Being Said About the Pfizer Coronavirus Vaccine. “Human Guinea Pigs”?

By F. William Engdahl

Bill Gates is actively financing and promoting new untested vaccines supposed to keep us at least somewhat safe from a ‘ghastly” death from the novel coronavirus and supposedly allow us to resume somewhat “normal” lives. The Pharma giant Pfizer has now announced what they claim were spectacular results in initial human tests. They use an experimental technology known as gene editing, specifically mRNA gene-editing, something never before used in vaccines. Before we rush to get jabbed in hopes of some immunity, we should know more about the radical experimental technology and its lack of precision.

The financial world went ballistic on November 9 when the pharma giant Pfizer and its German partner, BioNTech, announced in a company press release that it had developed a vaccine for Covid19 that was “90%” effective.

The controversial US head of NIAID, Tony Fauci (rightrushed to greet the news and the EU announced it had purchased 300 million doses of the costly new vaccine. If you believe financial markets, the pandemic is all but past history.

Suspicious events

However it seems Albert Bourla, the CEO of Pfizer, doesn’t share the confidence of his own claims. On the day his company issued its press release on the proposed vaccine trials, he sold 62% of his stock in Pfizer, making millions profit in the deal. He made the sell order in a special option in August so it would not appear as “insider selling”, however he also timed it just after the US elections and the mainstream media illegitimately declared Joe Biden President-elect. It seems from appearances that Bourla had a pretty clear conflict of interest in the timing of his press release on the same day.

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Video: It’s Time For Mass Civil Disobedience Against Lawless Lockdown Orders

For too long, mayors and governors and health officials across the country have overstepped their authority. Time to ignore them

By John Daniel Davidson

By now it should be obvious that elected state and local officials issuing COVID-19 lockdown and stay-at-home orders are just making things up as they go along.

Too often, their edicts aren’t based on science or data, but on a grotesque understanding of their own authority and infallibility. In the face of a worsening pandemic, they want to be seen doing something, taking bold action to stop the spread of the virus—that is, so long as it doesn’t hurt certain favored special interests.

That’s why Americans living under arbitrary and unconstitutional lockdown orders should simply ignore them, en masse, as an act of civil disobedience.

How else are ordinary people to push back against the capricious rules of politicians like Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti? On November 25, the day before Thanksgiving, Garcetti and county health officials banned outdoor dining at bars and restaurants for three weeks. Because of the spread of the virus, they said, it’s just too dangerous, so we all have to do our part and make sacrifices.

But then they gave a carve-out for certain kinds of outdoor dining, like film and television crew’s catering sites. In Garcetti’s town, a massive film crew eating outside is safe but a small restaurant or bar with outdoor, socially distanced seating is too dangerous to remain open. Got it?

Then last week, L.A. County Superior Court Judge James Chalfant called out the mayor and county health officials on this arbitrary exercise of power, ordering them to produce scientific evidence to justify the outdoor dining ban. “You have to do a risk-benefit analysis for public health. You don’t just talk about the risk of spreading disease. You have to talk about the benefit of keeping restaurants open,” Chalfant said.

Exactly right. Chalfant is also requiring the county to provide data on hospital and ICU capacity to justify the claim that the health-care system would be overwhelmed without the outdoor dining ban. County health officials are scheduled to appear in Chalfant’s courtroom Tuesday to give whatever evidence they were able to cobble together since last week.

The lawsuit, brought by an attorney who also owns a downtown L.A. restaurant, captures the dynamic of pandemic governance in a microcosm. Health officials, based on nothing but their opinions about what might be safe or not, have put tens of thousands of people in America’s second-largest city out of work right before the holiday season.

This pattern has played out all across the country this year. Elected officials, often Democratic mayors or governors, promulgate rules, curfews, capacity limits, and outright shutdowns that betray either animosity or indifference toward certain groups while protecting other, favored groups.


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