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Video: Depleted Uranium Munitions Training Film

This is a very low quality military training film that documents the hazards of depleted uranium munitions.  Perhaps more shocking than the massively toxic and insane nature of this weapon is the fact that our solders are not even shown this film.


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Video: Haliburton Serves Massively Contaminated Water To Troops!

Think your government and the military care about our troops?  Watch this shocking  news segment on how Haliburton is raking in the bucks for supplying water to the troops that is totally untreated and criminally contaminated.


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Video: Uncovered - The Whole Truth About The Iraq War

The War on Iraq, filmmaker Robert Greenwald chronicles the Bush Administration's determined quest to invade Iraq following the events of September 11, 2001. The film deconstructs the administration's case for war through interviews with U.S intelligence and defense officials, foreign service experts, and U.N. weapons inspectors -- including a former CIA director, a former ambassador to Saudi Arabia and even President Bush's Secretary of the Army. Their analyses and conclusions are sobering, and often disturbing, regardless of one's political affiliations.


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Video: Taxi To The Dark Side

Taxi To The Dark Side explores the United States’ use of torture and focuses on the case of an innocent Afghan man who was beaten to death by American soldiers while being held in a detention facility.

In the winter of 2002, a poor Afghan man named Dilawar managed to save enough money to buy a taxi. In December that year, he was arrested along with three of his passengers at a military checkpoint on suspicion of terrorism. They had driven past a military base that had been attacked by rockets that morning. A paid informant claimed that Dilawar was involved in the attack. The four men were turned over to American troops and imprisoned in the Bagram Theater Internment Facility. Five days later, Dilawar was dead, and his autopsy indicated he had undergone severe torture. His legs were so badly beaten that they would have required amputation had he survived, and the chaining of his wrists to the ceiling had dislocated his arms from his sockets. Sadly, it turned out that the paid informant was actually the perpetrator of the crime that Dilawar was accused of.

An official report provided to the press claimed that Dilawar had died due to natural causes. However, the New York Times dug deeper and discovered an autopsy report which declared the death a homicide. After an investigation, a few soldiers were held responsible for the killing, but just as in previous torture cases, no senior officers were charged. Even if these crimes took place without the knowledge of higher-ups, then at the very least they are guilty of dereliction of duty.

Taxi To The Dark Side documents the Bush administration’s sanctioning of torture against suspects, despite being forbidden US constitutional, military and international law, charting the path to Guantanamo Bay and Abu Ghraib. Despite Pentagon officials’ claims that the brutal treatment of prisoners was the work of a few rogue soldiers, there is evidence that horrifying practices such as waterboarding and other methods were approved at the very top. The intended effect of these methods – to take down psychological defences – is discussed in interviews with behavioural scientists, interrogators and their victims. The filmmaker Alex Gibney’s own father, who was a prison interrogator during World War II, tells us that torture is ineffective because victims will say whatever the interrogators’ want to hear to stop the punishment. And to act on information obtained under such circumstances would be foolish.

The film Taxi To The Dark Side contains candid interviews with American soldiers (including some who were court-martialled for Dilawar’s death), a prisoner at Bagram, senior officials who challenge the direction of policy, and the investigative New York Times journalists who broke the story of Dilawar’s torture. Even though some of the servicemen were involved in terrible activities, they invite some sympathy as junior soldiers who were assigned tasks they were untrained for, made to believe they were fulfilling their duty, and finally sacrificed as scapegoats.


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Video: The Globalization of War

The world is at a dangerous crossroads. The United States and its allies have launched a military adventure which threatens the future of humanity.

Major military and covert intelligence operations are being undertaken simultaneously in the Middle East, Eastern Europe, sub-Saharan Africa, Central Asia and the Far East. The US military agenda combines both major theater operations as well as covert actions geared towards destabilizing sovereign states.

The “Communist threat” of The Cold War era has been replaced by the worldwide threat of “Islamic terrorism”. Whereas Russia and China have become capitalist “free market” economies, a first strike pre-emptive nuclear attack is nonetheless contemplated.

Ironically, China and Russia are no longer considered to be “a threat to capitalism”. Quite the opposite. What is at stake is economic and financial rivalry between competing capitalist powers. The China-Russia alliance under the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) constitutes a “competing capitalist block” which undermines U.S. economic hegemony.

In Asia, the U.S. has contributed under its “Pivot to Asia” to encouraging its Asia-Pacific allies including Japan, Australia, South Korea, The Philippines and Vietnam to threaten and isolate China as part of a process of “military encirclement” of China, which gained impetus in the late 1990s.

Meanwhile, war propaganda has become increasingly pervasive. War is upheld as a peace-making operation.

When war becomes peace, the world is turned upside down. Conceptualization is no longer possible. An inquisitorial social system emerges. The consensus is to wage war. People can longer think for themselves. They accept the authority and wisdom of the established social order.


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Video: HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS Paid to People Who Don't Actually Exist - Ghost Soldiers

Barack Obama will always be remembered for a series of highly irregular overseas payments to authoritarian regimes, however according to a report by the special inspector general for Afghanistan reconstruction, those wasted millions are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Obama’s largesse. 

According to special inspector general John Sopko, Obama wasted at least $300 million on the salaries of “people who don’t exist”, who were supposedly operating in Afghanistan, far away from the prying eyes of U.S. oversight. That’s not just fraud, folks. In fact, according to Sopko, it’s “Major fraud.”

Where did the money go?

“We’ve been raising this concern about ghosts going back a number of years,” Sopko told Sharyl Attkinson of Full Measure.

“Actually I want to say we heard about it from (Afghan President) Ashraf Ghani years ago, before he became president, he warned me about ‘ghosts,’ so we started looking three years ago.”

“What we’re talking about are policemen, Afghan policemen, Afghan military, Afghan civil servants who don’t exist or they have multiple identity cards and we’re paying their salaries,” he explained. “By ‘we’ I mean the United States and the international community. And we started finding out that we had no capacity to measure the number of soldiers, teachers, doctors, military people who we are paying their salaries.”


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Is President Trump A Traitor Because He Wants Peace With Russia?

The Democrats say he is

By Paul Craig Roberts
Information Clearing House

The US Democratic Party is determined to take the world to thermo-nuclear war rather than to admit that Hillary Clinton lost the presidential election fair and square. The Democratic Party was totally corrupted by the Clinton Regime, and now it is totally insane. Leaders of the Democratic Party, such as Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, my former co-author in the New York Times, have responded in a non-Democratic way to the first step President Trump has taken to reduce the extremely dangerous tensions with Russia that the Clinton, George W. Bush, and Obama regimes created between the two superpowers.

Yes, Russia is a superpower. Russian weapons are so superior to the junk produced by the waste-filled US military/security complex that lives high off the hog on the insouciant American taxpayer that it is questionable if the US is even a second class military power. If the insane neoconservatives, such as Max Boot, William Kristol, and the rest of the neocon scum get their way, the US, the UK, and Europe will be a radioactive ruin for thousands of years.

House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi (CA), Minority Leader of the US House of Representatives, declared that out of fear of some undefined retribution from Putin, a dossier on Trump perhaps, the President of the United States sold out the American people to Russia because he wants to make peace: “It begs the question, what does Vladimir Putin, what do the Russians have on Donald Trump—personally, politically and financially that he should behave in such a manner?” The “such a manner” Pelosi is speaking about is making peace instead of war.

To be clear, the Democratic Minority Leader of the US House of Representatives has accused Donald Trump of high treason against the United States. There is no outcry against this blatantly false accusation, totally devoid of evidence. The presstitute media instead of protesting this attempt at a coup against the President of the United States, trumpet the accusation as self-evident truth. Trump is a traitor because he wants peace with Russia.

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Video: The Corbett Report: The Weaponization of Social Media

Now openly admitted, governments and militaries around the world employ armies of keyboard warriors to spread propaganda and disrupt their online opposition. Their goal? To shape public discourse around global events in a way favourable to their standing military and geopolitical objectives. Their method? The Weaponization of Social Media. This is The Corbett Report.

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Trump Channels Rand Paul During Military Meetings

President growing more libertarian as he battles swamp

Editor's Note:  I can't wait for Trump to ask them, "WHAT HAPPENED TO 20 TRILLION YOU CAN'T ACCOUNT FOR!?

By Kit Daniels
Prison Planet.com

President Trump sounds a lot like Rand Paul – or even his father Ron Paul – during military meetings by asking generals why they won’t bring the troops home.

This is according to a story in the Washington Post which tried to smear the president as “impulsive” – yet reading deeper into the article reveals that Trump leans libertarian when it comes to foreign policy – more so than previously known.

For one thing, the president wonders why the US is in Somalia of all places:

He has repeatedly pressed Mattis and McMaster in stark terms to explain why U.S. troops are in Somalia. “Can’t we just pull out?” he has asked, according to U.S. officials.

And Trump questioned US involvement in Afghanistan, which is now the country’s longest war:

In a meeting with his top national security aides, the president grew frustrated.

“You guys want me to send troops everywhere,” Trump said, according to officials in the Situation Room meeting. “What’s the justification?”

“Sir, we’re doing it to prevent a bomb from going off in Times Square,” Mattis replied.

The response angered Trump, who insisted that Mattis could make the same argument about almost any country on the planet.

According to the Post, Mattis told Trump to “embrace” the status quo of a “wartime president” like the previous two administrations.

Sounds like Mattis needs to go; if the public wanted expanded wars in Somalia and Afghanistan, – two countries the vast majority of Americans have never been to – they would’ve given Hillary a landslide win.

And remember the US airstrike on a Syrian airfield that made Trump appear aggressive? The strike was the “most limited” military option presented to Trump, according to the New York Times – and it effectively neutered Trump’s enemies at the time who were pressuring him to go to war.

While this isn’t an endorsement of the strike – it did kill a Syrian pilot – it is worth pointing out that the attack left the runway unharmed, meaning the air base was left operational for Syria to continue air strikes on ISIS.

It’s as if Trump wanted to appear he could wage war, while maintaining some of the restraint of Rand Paul.

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DARPA Developing “Genetic Doomsday” Weapon To Exterminate Populations On Demand…

GMOs to become WMDs

By Mike Adams

The U.S. military agency known as DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) is investing $100 million into so-called “genetic extinction technologies” that could be deployed to exterminate targeted human populations.

Emails acquired under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), “suggest that the US’s secretive Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Darpa) has become the world’s largest funder of “gene drive” research,” reports The Guardian. “The use of genetic extinction technologies in bioweapons is the stuff of nightmares…” The Guardian reports.

The disclosure of this genetic extinction technology comes on the heels of Natural News blowing the whistle on a global eugenics program to target and exterminate people of African descent as part of an ongoing global depopulation agenda. In a one-hour video lecture published a few weeks ago, I detail the six vectors through which the weaponization of science and medicine is being deployed right now to exterminate blacks. See “The Science Agenda to Exterminate Blacks” for full details (full lecture video below).

Crispr gene editing technology becomes weaponized

The genetic doomsday weapon system now being developed by DARPA is based on the Crispr-Cas9 gene editing technique which allows simple, low-cost laboratories to achieve previously impossible genetic editing goals in almost any organism… including humans. “These might, for example, distort the sex-ratio of mosquitoes to effectively wipe out malarial populations,” explains The Guardian. But they could also be used to wipe out targeted genetic sub-species of humans, too.

“The dual use nature of altering and eradicating entire populations is as much a threat to peace and food security as it is a threat to ecosystems,” explained Jim Thomas, co-director of the ETC group, as reported by The Guardian. “Militarisation of gene drive funding may even contravene the Enmod convention against hostile uses of environmental modification technologies.”

Because much of the funding for modern-day science comes from military and government, scientists are finding themselves forced to work on “weaponization” programs or face a loss of funding. Via The Guardian:

Todd Kuiken, who has worked with the GBIRd programme, which receives $6.4m from Darpa, said that the US military’s centrality to gene tech funding meant that “researchers who depend on grants for their research may reorient their projects to fit the narrow aims of these military agencies”.

The weaponization of gene drive technology — turning genetics into a doomsday weapon — is widely known to be capable of spreading through a population and causing deliberate extinction. “Think of it as a way to supercharge evolution, forcing a genetic modification to spread through an entire population in just a few generations,” reports WIRED. The technology is so potentially devastating that former national intelligence director James Clapper classified gene drive technology as one of many “weapons of mass destruction and proliferation,” according to WIRED, which also said:

Taking into account things like how often Crispr screws up and the likelihood of protective mutations arising, their work shows how gene drives could be ruthlessly aggressive.

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