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Video: Focus On Fauci

Dr. Anothy Fauci is "the guy" who is arguably most responsible for destroying every single vestige of our normal lives and destroying MILLIONS of lives in the process.  Don't you think you should understand who it is that you allowing to drag you all around by the nose.  Don't you think it's wise to "at least check into his background, what his "real track record is?"  What if his motives had NOTHING to do with protecting your health?

The broadcast brings before the public the vast pathology of crimes against humanity, which many key researchers and experts allege against Anthony Fauci (the most powerful man on earth in the public health administration sector).


Editor's Note: Kennedy has a condition called spasmodic dysphonia, a specific form of an involuntary movement disorder called dystonia that affects only the voice box.  Although the condition is by no means life-threatening, it is life-changing for the few who have it. It takes a bit to get used to Kennedy's voice but I guarantee you it is well worth the effort.


Full Event Featuring:
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. – Dr Judy Mikovits – Dr David Martin – Dr Rocco Galati

It takes a little while for the video to load and start playing.  When you click the play button
you can see the timer is running - for about 40 seconds before another minute timer starts.
This was a live stream broadcast so it's a bit quirky.

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Video: It's Not A Vaccine!

Those behind the COVID-19 Pandemic Hoax are deliberately misleading the population about the alleged "COVID-19 Vaccines. THEY ARE NOT vaccines – ‘They are an mRNA packaged in a fat envelope that is delivered to a cell … a medical device designed to stimulate the human cell into becoming a pathogen creator’.

This is a segment from the two-hour
"Focus On Fauci" Event from January 5th, 2021.




Here's the full two-hour broadcast:

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What Vaccine Trials?

The most important, meaningful phase of CV-19 vaccine trials has barely begun, let alone been completed

By Ian Davis

COVID 19 vaccine trials appear to have caused some confusion. Hopefully, this article might help clear things up a bit. People genuinely appear to believe that the COVID 19 vaccines have undergone clinical trials and have been proven to be both safe and effective. That belief is simply wrong.

The main point is this. If you decide to have Pfizer and BioNTech’s experimental mRNA-based BNT162b2 (BNT) vaccine, or any other claimed COVID 19 vaccine for that matter, you are a test subject in a drug trial.

The mRNA in the BNT vaccine was sequenced from the 3rd iteration of the original WUHAN published Genome SARS-CoV-2 (MN908947.3). However, the WHO protocols Pfizer used to produce the mRNA do not appear to identify any nucleotide sequences that are unique to the SARS-CoV-2 virus. When investigator Fran Leader questioned Pfizer they confirmed:

The DNA template does not come directly from an isolated virus from an infected person.

Nor are there any completed clinical trials for these vaccines. Trials are ongoing. If you are jabbed with one, you are the guinea pig. This may be fine with you but it’s not a leap of faith I or my loved ones wish to take. However, everyone is different.

On December the 8th the BBC reported a study in the Lancet and categorically stated:

The Oxford/AstraZeneca Covid vaccine is safe and effective, giving good protection, researchers have confirmed

The BBC had no justification to make this claim. The study in the Lancet did not confirm anything of the sort. The researchers wrote:

ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 has an acceptable safety profile and has been found to be efficacious against symptomatic COVID-19 in this interim analysis of ongoing clinical trials.

This was an interim analysis funded by, among others, CEPI and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The analysis was based upon trials which are years from completion and haven’t reported anything. The researchers also stated:

There were no peer-reviewed publications available on efficacy of any severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) vaccines…

There is no clear scientific evidence establishing either the safety or efficacy of proposed COVID 19 vaccines. The BBC and other MSM reports that this evidence exists are false.

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COVID Vaccine Secret A Stunner

by Jon Rappoport

From the off-guardian, January 3, 2021, “What Vaccine Trials?” by Iain Davis:

“…the WHO protocols Pfizer used to produce the mRNA [for the vaccine] do not appear to identify any nucleotide sequences that are unique to the SARS-CoV-2 virus. When investigator Fran Leader questioned Pfizer they confirmed: ‘The DNA template does not come directly from an isolated virus from an infected person’.”

And there we are, right back where I started, some time ago. If you don’t have the isolated virus, how can you claim you’ve sequenced it?

And if you’ve sequenced it by ASSUMPTION and GUESS, how can you claim the sequence—or the virus—is real?

Answer: You SAY the sequence and the virus are real, but you have zero proof. Because you’re a “scientific authority,” people automatically believe what you SAY.

A man visits a vast auto junkyard looking for parts. Over the office door, he sees a sign: “1972 Ferrari 365 GTB/4 Daytona Spider. Inquire within.”

The owner of the junkyard tells him, “We’re offering shares in the Ferrari. Three thousand a share. When we eventually sell it, you’ll make at least double your investment.”

The man says, “Where is the car? I’d like to see it.”

“Well,” the junkyard owner says, “look around you. We’ve got several square miles of cars and parts. The Ferrari is out there somewhere. We recently ran a test on exhaust fumes with a special instrument. It concluded that the ’72 Ferrari had recently been driven through the yard here…”

This is the sort of thing that happens in virology.

Of course, no mainstream virologist would admit it. He would talk about analogues and gene banks and PCR and representative samples and in silico (computer modeling).

But the stark reality is clear.

Assumption and guess and slippery inference do not carry the day.

You either have the isolated virus or you don’t. If you don’t, anything you say about “it” is useless. You can’t validly claim it exists.

As I’ve written and said dozens of times now, the virological meaning of the word “isolate” is quite different from the ordinary meaning.

In the technical world of the con and the hustle, “isolated virus” means: “We have the virus in a soup in a dish in the lab. The soup contains human and monkey cells, toxic drugs and chemicals, and other genetic material. Some of the cells are dying. This means the virus is killing them.”

That assertion is false. The drugs and chemicals can be killing the cells. And the cells are being starved of vital nutrients. That alone could explain the cell-death.

Furthermore, a supposed virus mixed in a soup in a dish in a lab is definitely not “isolated.”

Bottom line: there is no persuasive evidence that a virus is in the soup.

What’s in the COVID vaccine? Among other material, a supposed fragment from a supposed virus that hasn’t been proven to exist.

Consider the PCR test. Several levels of valid criticism have been aimed at the test.

First, different labs will come up with different contradictory test results. This is true.

Drilling down a little deeper, the test, when it amplifies the tissue sample taken from a patient, is useless and dangerous when more than 34 cycles or steps of amplification are deployed. Why? Because then, huge numbers of false-positives occur.

Down yet another level, we discover that the PCR doesn’t detect a virus at all. It identifies a piece of RNA presumed to come from a virus.

And finally, the test identifies a piece of RNA from a virus that hasn’t been proven to exist.

This is the root of the poisonous tree.

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Video: Masks Can Give You Bacterial Lung Infections that CAN KILL YOU!!

This is ONE PISSED OFF DOCTOR. This is from Dr. Eric Nepute, a Chiropractor in St. Louis Missouri shares one of many outrageous stories about how a 4-year-old boy almost DIED from a bacterial lung infection caused by prolonged wearing of a mask. Our so-called health professionals pushing this nonsense know damned well children HAVE THE EQUIVALENCE OF A ZERO PERCENT CHANCE OF SERIOUS ILLNESS FROM CORONA VIRUSES and KIDS DO NOT SPREAD IT! There is no legitimate scientific basis for any of the mask and social distancing bull shit!


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How the White House COVID Task Force Sank the Trump Presidency

The Fauci-Birx doctrine of destruction ended the president's tenure.

By Jordan Schachtel

President Trump took in the early days of 2020 from a position of incredible strength.  At the beginning of the year, no serious analyst would have told you that he was in major jeopardy of losing the 2020 election. The American economy was booming, we had solid employment numbers, no major international crises, and the president was setting up a bold agenda for his second term to further “drain the swamp” and bolster his domestic policy priorities. Election fraud was always a potential factor to be monitored, but there was no massive, unprecedented mail-in voting scheme to worry about.

But news reports coming out of Wuhan, China indicated that a potentially threatening situation was afoot. On January 29, President Trump acted with haste in authorizing the creation of a White House Coronavirus Task Force. A month later, the small task force expanded to include Vice President Mike Pence as its chairman. In what will be looked back on as a catastrophic delegation mistake, the VP decided to appoint Dr. Deborah Birx as the response coordinator for the task force. Prior to the COVID crisis, Birx was best known for her work on an HIV/AIDS vaccine, which does not exist. She had never been anywhere near having access to the levers of power in America.

The COVID task force would soon grow to 27 members, but several of the individuals appointed to the task force are cabinet level officials, and could not devote their entire portfolio to the coronavirus. That led to an opening that allowed for Dr Anthony Fauci, Dr Deborah Birx, CDC Director Robert Redfield, Surgeon General Jerome Adams, and a few others to monopolize the policy shop set up by the task force for the coronavirus crisis.

With much of the world succumbing to total fear, panic, and hysteria, and a wave of new lockdowns hitting Europe and elsewhere, President Trump remained incredibly level-headed. In discussing COVID-19, the president reminded his colleagues that the “cure could not be worse than the disease.” There was a chance that America would join Sweden and a handful of other nations balking at the trend to hit the self-destruct button.

Fauci and Birx had other plans, and they eventually found a diabolical method to ratchet up the pressure to such an incredible extent that the president would finally agree to their demands.

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With No Lockdown or Mask Mandates Florida Has Roughly Same Hospitalization Level As 2018 Flu Season

The entire pretext for shutting down our liberties is built upon misinformation

Daniel Horowitz

We are being told that our liberties must be suspended in order to keep hospitals from reaching apocalyptic levels. But what if those levels are just above normal and not anywhere near apocalyptic levels? And what if these lockdown measures do nothing to keep the levels down anyway?

Well, if there is anywhere we can cross-check this hypothesis, it would be in Florida, where there is no lockdown or mask mandate. In fact, people are flocking there from out of state to enjoy vacations and host conferences and even to live. Naturally, we'd expect hospital levels to be bursting at the seams if they rise and fall with lockdowns and masks, right?

Well, actually, you can barely see an increase in the hospitalization level in the Sunshine State from previous years, and the current level appears to be on par with the 2018 flu season, which was more of a pandemic flu than other flus in recent years. And in 2018, we did nothing as a nation to suspend liberties.

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Is Coronavirus Contagious?

By Sally Fallon Morell

This is the sixty-four-thousand-dollar question. The premise that coronavirus is highly contagious and can cause disease provides the justification for putting entire nations on lockdown, destroying the global economy and throwing hundreds of thousands out of work. But is it contagious? Does it even cause disease?

As early as 1799, researchers puzzled over the cause of influenza, which appeared suddenly, often in diverse places at the same time, and could not be explained by any theory of contagion. In 1836, Heinrich Schweich, author of a book on influenza, noted that all physiological processes produce electricity and offered the theory that an electrical disturbance of the atmosphere may prevent the body from discharging it. He repeated the then-common belief that the accumulation of electricity in the body causes the symptoms of influenza and that outbreaks were due to atmospheric “influences”—hence the name influenza.

Now that we know about the electrical nature of the sun, we can make some interesting observations. The years 1645-1715 was a period that astronomers call the Maunder minimum, when the sun was very quiet; astronomers observed no sunspots during the time span and the northern lights were nonexistent; then in 1715, sunspots reappeared, as did the northern lights. Sunspot activity then increased, reaching a high in 1727, and in 1728, influenza appeared in waves on every continent. Sunspot activities became more violent until they peaked in1738 when physicians reported flu in both man and animals, including dogs, horses and birds, especially sparrows. By some estimates, two million people perished during the ten-year pandemic.

These and other facts about the relationship of influenza to disturbances in electricity come from a remarkable book, The Invisible Rainbow, by Arthur Firstenberg. Firstenberg chronicles the history of electricity in the U.S. and throughout the world, and the outbreaks of illness that accompanied each step towards greater electrification. The first stage involved the installation of telegraph lines—by 1875, these formed a spider web over the whole earth totaling seven hundred thousand miles, with enough copper wire to encircle the globe almost thirty times.

With it came a new disease called neurasthenia. Outside of the U.S., scientists recognized electricity as one of its causes. Like those suffering today from “chronic fatigue,” patients felt weak and exhausted, unable to concentrate. They had headaches, dizziness, tinnitus, floaters in the eyes, racing pulse, pains in the heart region and palpitations; they were depressed and had anxiety attacks. Dr. George Miller Beard noted that the disease spread along the routes of railroads and telegraph lines; it often resembled the common cold or influenza and commonly seized people in the prime of life.

1889 marks the beginning of the modern electrical era and also of a deadly flu pandemic, which followed the advent of electricity throughout the globe. Says Firstenberg, “Influenza struck explosively and unpredictably, over and over in waves until early 1894. It was as if something fundamental had changed in the atmosphere. . .”

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Epidemiologist Says Influenza Cases Are Being Counted as COVID-19

“Influenza has been renamed COVID-19 in large part.”

Paul Joseph Watson

Top epidemiologist Knut Wittkowski says that the massive drop in influenza cases can be attributed to the fact that many are being falsely counted as COVID-19 cases.

Wittkowski, former Head of Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Research Design at Rockefeller University, cautioned that, “Influenza has been renamed COVID-19 in large part.”

According to CDC figures, the cumulative positive influenza test rate from late September into the week of December 19th was just 0.2%, compared to 8.7% from a year before.

According to Wittkowski, this is because many flu infections are being incorrectly labeled as coronavirus cases.

“There may be quite a number of influenza cases included in the ‘presumed COVID-19’ category of people who have COVID-19 symptoms (which Influenza symptoms can be mistaken for), but are not tested for SARS RNA,” Wittkowski told Just the News.

Those patients may “also may have some SARS RNA sitting in their nose while being infected with Influenza, in which case the influenza would be ‘confirmed’ to be COVID-19,” he added.

Wittkowski challenges the notion that masks and social distancing have resulted in a drop in flu cases, asserting that flu and COVID-19 viruses are “more similar than people want to acknowledge.”

“People know everybody is wearing masks and distancing, and so people want to come up with things that are good about it,” he said.

In places like California and Pennsylvania where mask wearing is most common, COVID-19 cases have continued to skyrocket.

As Just the News notes, “Data indicate that more than nine out of every 10 Americans in most states are wearing masks in public regularly; those numbers have been above 80% since the early fall. Yet average positive COVID-19 tests have multiplied by nearly seven times since the spring peak.”

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Guess Where Professor Lockdown - Crackpot Neil Ferguson - Got His Ideas … China’s Police State

Ferguson spoke of SAGE’s growing admiration for China’s tyrannical attempts to contain Covid

Peter Hitchens

One of the strangest things about our recent national madness has been the role of Professor Neil Ferguson, the physicist who has somehow come to dominate Johnson’s Covid policy.

Physicist? Yes, that is his main academic discipline. He doesn’t even have a Biology O-level, as he himself cheerfully admits. But that’s no odder than his repeated record of wild predictions of vast numbers of deaths, for a variety of diseases from foot-and-mouth to mad cow, which can kindly be described as exaggerated.

And then there’s his complicated private life, which resulted in a pretty clear breach of the miserable restrictions he had helped to impose on the rest of us. As with all such cases, I don’t blame him for breaking the stupid rules. I despise him as a hypocrite for supporting them and then thinking they didn’t apply to him.

Matt Hancock, the Health Secretary, said at the time that it was ‘just not possible’ for Ferguson to continue advising the Government. But this was not true. The professor was said to have resigned from the SAGE advisory committee. But did he? Not really. A current State website lists him as a member of the ‘New and Emerging Respiratory Virus Threats Advisory Group’ (NERVTAG). Minutes suggest he was only ever away from that for a few weeks. But this is small potatoes, set beside an amazing admission by Ferguson in a recent interview with the semi-official newspaper The Times. Here, Ferguson spoke of SAGE’s growing admiration for China’s tyrannical attempts to contain Covid.

To begin with they thought – with good reason – that the dishonest and repressive Chinese state was covering up the truth about the Wuhan outbreak. I am sure they still are covering it up.

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