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Wisconsin Senate Greenlights Measure To Kill All Governor's COVID-Related Emergency Orders

Wisconsin’s Republican-controlled Senate has voted to end Governor Tony Evers’ face mask order, with lawmakers arguing the government overstepped its authority by extending emergency mandates without approval from the legislature.
The state Senate voted 18-13 to pass the joint resolution on Tuesday, deeming the Democratic governor’s emergency health orders “unlawful.” The bill applies not only to Evers’ most recent declaration last week, but to “all actions of the governor and all emergency orders” issued throughout the pandemic, including the statewide requirement for mask-wearing in public.

Wisconsin Republicans have blasted the emergency mandates as unconstitutional, with GOP state Senator Duey Stroebel arguing on Tuesday that “it is not OK or normal or inevitable or necessary to indefinitely suspend the lawmaking process.” 

There is no such thing as a perpetual emergency.

Before it becomes law, the measure must also pass through Wisconsin’s State Assembly, where the GOP carries a 58-30 majority. The lower chamber is set to take up the bill on Thursday, which, if passed, would mark the first pandemic-related action taken by the legislature since April.

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Video: Corbett Report - The Great Reopening

Yes, #TheGreatReopening is happening as we speak. No, it will not be televised (or even YouTubed). Find out the details as James highlights the resistance movements that are rising up around the world!


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PhD Chemist David Rasnick: New Strain Of Coronavirus Or Another Giant Con? How Deep Do The Lies Go?



By Tim Brown

It’s all a con!  The numbers, the heist of American wealth, the shutdown of American businesses and dwindling of the middle class, along with what is being used to do it all, CONvid-1984.  But hey, if you believe the lying politicians and corporate-owned, CIA-controlled media that the majority of Americans claim they don’t believe, just call this information another “conspiracy theory” if it helps you sleep at night.  PhD Chemist David Rasnick, however, takes a different approach.

What he has to say about the latest propaganda coming from the Center for Disease Control, the World Health Organization and other purveyors of fear and mind control needs to be heard far and wide because he is exposing the lies.

Former CBS Healthwatch reporter and author of The Matrix Revealed Jon Rappoport writes:

David Rasnick, PhD chemist, with a long history working in the pharmaceutical industry (Abbott, Prototek, Arris), broke away from official science and served as the president of Rethinking AIDS: the group for the scientific reappraisal of the HIV hypothesis. He was a member of the Presidential AIDS Advisory Panel of South Africa.

Here is a recent explosive statement Rasnick made about SARS-CoV-2 and HIV. Digesting it brings about a breakthrough revelation:

“Viruses are unstable, RNA [e.g, SARS-Cov-2] viruses especially. They are so unstable, there is no such thing as an un-mutated RNA virus. They are like snow flakes, no two are identical.”

“HIV is an RNA virus with 9,800 nucleotides. You can download the HIV Sequence Compendium here:”

“In the Preface it says:”

“’The number of [genetic] sequences in the HIV database is still increasing. In total, at the end of 2017, there were 812,586 sequences in the HIV Sequence Database, an increase of 8.5% since the previous year.”

“None of the sequences of the world destroying [sarcasm], computer generated coronavirus with its 30,000 or so nucleotides, are identical.”

“The virus maniacs use computers to compare the menagerie of sequences to come up with ‘A Consensus Sequence’ for HIV, Coronavirus, and all the rest. The consensus sequence exists in two places: in computers and in strings of RNA synthesized in the lab.”

“Even consensus sequences are not stable. Different groups, using a variety of computer algorithms will invariably come up with different ‘consensus sequences’.”


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Halfway Through This Winter of COVID and Overall Mortality is Around Normal For This Time of Year

Something doesn’t add up

By Peter Andrews

Commuters travel by underground inside an almost empty train, amid the coronavirus outbreak, in London.

Although the numbers of deaths attributed to the virus in the UK are higher than they’ve ever been, in total, not many more people are dying than in any other cold season. Is the mainstream media finally waking up to this?

A recent article in the Telegraph is one of the first in a mainstream outlet to even suggest a challenge to the official coronavirus narrative. These days, that narrative claims that the ‘second wave’ is actually deadlier than the first. (Recently, some Branch Covidians have been claiming a ‘third wave’, but there is not yet a united front on that.)

The basic reasoning of the article is sound, even if it is long overdue. It laments how every day, the media solemnly reports the latest figures on Covid deaths. Presenting this figure in isolation results in graphs such as this one, which does indeed seem to show that we are at the height of a second, worse phase of a pandemic. But, like any statistics, daily death numbers are meaningless without context, which the media rarely provides.

They do not provide context because, if they did, the public might see a graph such as this one, from the Telegraph article. It quite clearly shows the spring spike in overall mortality, which was caused by Covid (plus lockdowns). After that ends in summer, we see… nothing. Overall mortality ever since, even through this winter, hovers at around the five-year average. And overall mortality, as I’ve repeatedly pointed out, is the only true way to know whether you are in a pandemic or not – all other figures can easily be fiddled.

Out of whack

So, why are the excess death data and the Covid deaths data so out of whack? And why isn’t Covid killing lots and lots of people this winter, as it did in spring? Even if you ascribe all excess deaths to Covid and none to lockdown, there really does not seem to be anything out of the normal variation in total deaths from year to year. And surely, by now, the toll of unnecessary deaths caused by untreated cancer, heart disease, depression and so on, has at least begun to register.

One reason coronavirus might not be slaying all around it this winter is because, well, this is not its first winter. Remember: it is called Covid-19, as in 2019. Of course, the official version of history states that the virus never reached Western civilisation until the spring of 2020, but evidence for this assertion is based on dodgy polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests and a profound rejection of common sense. (By the way, how many people do you know who had a severe bout of pneumonia-like symptoms last winter?)

But the main reason for the disparity is obvious: mass PCR testing. Under the current regime (science is the wrong word), a ‘Covid death’ is someone who dies having tested positive for Covid within the previous 28 days. When you test all hospital patients, as the UK does, then some of them will turn out to be positive – how many depends largely on the way you do the tests. And the more tests you do, the more ‘Covid deaths’ you will generate. It is that simple. Dr Mike Yeadon has written extensively on this, which he calls the PCR false positive pseudo-epidemic.

Too little, too late

In another time, it might have been shocking that it took so long for the science editor of a broadsheet newspaper to wonder why, in the midst of a killer pandemic the world’s not seen for a century or so, the number of people dying in the country is ordinary. Better late than never I suppose, but do not take this as a sign that the reinforcements are coming. Even this article makes absolutely certain to pledge allegiance to Covid orthodoxy, stating without evidence that “severe restrictions were … clearly essential to control the growing pandemic’’.

Most people do not get their information by sifting through government-issued statistics on websites designed to hinder you. But there used to be a word for someone who got paid to do exactly that and then tell the public, in plain English, what they found. Oh, that’s right – we used to call those people ‘journalists’. There don’t seem to be many of them about these days, not even at the Telegraph.


By Peter Andrews

Peter Andrews is an Irish science journalist and writer, based in London. He has a background in the life sciences, and graduated from the University of Glasgow with a degree in Genetics

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As Biden Became President, Medical Journal Quietly Retracted Study That Claimed Hydroxychloroquine Is Ineffective

Their retraction-admission validates what President Trump stated in the very beginning of the pandemic

by Frank Salvato

A leading medical journal has issued a retraction of their endorsement for a study that concluded the anti-viral drug hydroxychloroquine was ineffective against the COVID-19 virus. This retraction appears to validate the claims then-President Trump made about the medication being a frontline drug in the battle in the pandemic.

The Lancet, a respected online medical journal, issued an apology to its readers in an edition last year after the retraction. “We deeply apologize to you, the editors, and the journal readership for any embarrassment or inconvenience that this may have caused,” the publishers of The Lancet said.

Compared to the significantly more expensive medications being used to treat the virus, hydroxychloroquine – a drug widely used to treat malaria – is relatively inexpensive and universally available. Hydroxychloroquine ranges in price from $0.30 to $6.63 per dose depending on location.

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How Can I Get Safe Effective and Inexpensive COVID-19 Medication?

Americas's Frontline Doctors

Three Steps To Obtain COVID-19 Medication:

  1. Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), Ivermectin, and other COVID-19 medications can be obtained by prescription in the USA in almost every state. AFLDS-trained and licensed physicians are available via telemedicine for a short consultation. Our physicians know that HCQ and Zinc are effective both prophylactically and when used early. The telemedicine physician will review your history. Almost all patients can safely take these medications.

  2. First click this link to Contact A Physician. Fill out the form and pay $90. The physician will call you typically within 24 to 48 hours. Please keep your phone with you. After your telemed appointment, the pharmacy will contact you for your payment information and mailing address to send the prescription to you. If you have questions for the pharmacy, please contact Ravkoo Pharmacy at 863-875-5700 or email them at support@ravkoo.com.

  3. If you miss the telemed call, you can either wait for the second call (which will come), send an email to info@speakwithanmd.com, or call their customer service at (855) 503-2657.

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W.H.O. Acknowledges Chi-Com Virus Tests are Highly Flawed

C19 Diagnostic Criteria Tightened by WHO on Biden Inauguration Day!

By Michael Thau

Well, what are the odds?

It just so happens that—on the very day Joe Biden took office—the World Health Organization also released new guidelines ratcheting up the diagnostic criteria for COVID-19.

A single positive PCR test for the virus isn’t going to cut it anymore.

For some reason, as of today, the organization decided that those tests for the virus we’ve been relentlessly assured are the gold standard for detecting infection are, in reality, just a mere “aid for diagnosis.”

Clinicians now, not only can, but “must” also consider a wide array of other factors, like “timing of sampling, specimen type, assay specifics, clinical observations, patient history, confirmed status of any contacts,” and even something called “epidemiological information”—whatever that exactly is—before diagnosing anyone with COVID-19.

WHO has also suddenly decided that, if you don’t show any symptoms, you’ll need to get a second test for confirmation as well.


That’s a whole heck of a lot of extra hoops a person has to jump through to make the list of those officially infected or killed by COVID-19.

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Video: 2001 Operation Dark Winter and the 2020 COVID Pandemic Hoax

Same Plan, Same Players

It's no coincidence that Operation Dark Winter 20 years ago and the 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic Hoax are similar. The same corrupt cabal of global organizations, governments, and players are following the exact same script with one goal - THE GREAT GLOBALIST RESET of the entire planet!


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Taking a Stand: Sheriffs, Local Officials, and Rule of Law VS. Covid Dictators

By William Jasper

There’s a new sheriff in town, and his name is not Anthony Fauci. Robert “Bob” Norris, the newly elected Sheriff of Kootenai County, Idaho, has let it be known that when it comes to COVID lockdowns and face mask mandates the Kootenai County Sheriff’s Office (KCSO) is not going to be drafted by politicians and so-called health authorities to “enforce an unenforceable law or executive mandate on its citizens.”

Sheriff Norris joins a growing chorus of sheriffs and state and local officials across the nation who are standing up to the new COVID dictators who are using fear to destroy our economy, our jobs, our businesses, and our liberty.

In a January 11 media release, Sheriff Norris told his constituents: “I make this commitment to you, the citizens of Kootenai County. The Kootenai County Sheriff’s Office will not enforce an unenforceable law or executive mandate on its citizens. It is not law enforcement’s job to get between you, your health and your doctor. Period. Enforcing criminal sanctions on otherwise law-abiding people goes against the fundamental principles of the U.S. and Idaho Constitutions.”

“It should be pointed out there is no provision in our Constitution that suspends people’s rights during a ‘declared emergency,’” Sheriff Norris continued. “It is my opinion that the facts are becoming clear with Covid 19 – certain risk groups should take extra precautions, but the vast majority of healthy people who contract Covid-19 will experience flu symptoms and recover from the virus.”

Residents of Kootenai County, a community of around 160,000 in the northern Idaho panhandle, can now take comfort in knowing that deputy sheriffs will not be monitoring their activities or issuing citations for failure to observe “social distancing,” mask mandates, business lockdowns, and other despotic orders.

“We trust citizens to assess their own risk and take the necessary precautions based on their own risk factors,” Sheriff Norris said, evincing common sense and an understanding of the rule of law that has escaped Governors Cuomo and Newsom, and thousands of other power-drunk government officials. “The Kootenai County Sheriff’s Office (KCSO) role in our community,” Norris noted, “is not to count how many people are in your home or how a private business conducts itself to make a living for the business or its employees. The Kootenai County Sheriff’s Office will never interfere with religious gatherings.”

(Read the full release here.)

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