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Video: ‘TRUTH’ With RFK, Jr. and Dr. Joseph Mercola

The Shadowy Alliance Between Big Pharma and Big Tech

CHD Chairman Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Dr. Joseph Mercola discuss how the narrative perpetuated by Big Pharma and Big Tech — that “vaccines are the only way to restore normalcy” — is leading to the destruction of our Constitutional rights.

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In the latest episode of “TRUTH” with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Kennedy interviews Dr. Joseph Mercola on the fear-driven COVID-19 narrative, ongoing efforts to resist government restrictions and the loss of freedom seen around the world.

Highlights from their wide-ranging discussion include:

  • Notes about the soon-to-be-released book “The Truth About COVID-19,” by Mercola and Ronnie Cummins. Kennedy, who wrote the forward to the book, says the pandemic is being used to shift wealth upwards, abolish civil rights and destroy democracy. The official release of the book is April 29.
  • The massive effort from the get-go to sell the idea that the only possible way to control COVID was through masks and lockdowns.
  • How the public was largely conditioned to believe the world needed to wait on a vaccine for any meaningful intervention against COVID.
  • How government officials and the media suppressed information about potential treatments such as hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin.
  • How personal data collected by Google over the past nearly two decades is being used to manipulate public behavior.
  • How Google searches steer people away from anything that goes against Pharma’s narrative including natural health, chiropractors and nutrition.

Read Transcript.

All “Truth” episodes can be found on Children’s Health Defense’s social media, and on Children’s Health Defense’s channel found on Peeps TV, a network on Roku. Roku is accessible from any Smart TV and can be purchased separately for older TVs.

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Video: Are People Who Got the Jabs Putting YOU At Risk?!

Watch this powerful & urgent Critically Thinking episode with Dr. Palevsky & Dr. Tenpenny and their special guests Dr. Carrie Madej, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Dr. Lee Merritt. Moderated by Maureen MacDonald. They discuss the latest disturbing consequences of the experimental bioweapons unleashed on humanity under the guise of being vaccines. THEY ARE NOT VACCINES! We are now seeing indications that people who have lined up for the shots are transmitting "something", perhaps the synthetic spike proteins vaccinated people are now factories for, to people who haven't lined up to be guinea pigs.


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MIT Study Suggests Six Foot Social Distancing, Limited Occupancy Rules Are Completely Pointless

After over a year, scientists have determined that social distancing and limited occupancy rules may be totally useless.


By Tom Pappert

A new study conducted by MIT scientists and released this week reveals that the six foot social distancing and limited occupancy guidelines made law in most of the civilized world have done little to slow the spread of COVID-19, and suggests the only way to reduce the spread of COVID-19 is to limit exposure to highly populated areas and areas where people are physically exerting themselves, such as gyms, or areas where people are singing or speaking, such as churches.

The study reveals that the social distancing guidelines employed throughout much of the world for over a year have done nothing to limit the spread of COVID-19, suggesting that the adaption of the guidelines did not stop the spread of the of the China-originated virus, and it can only be slowed with the employment of severe lockdowns. Paradoxically, states and cities that have engaged in severe lockdowns have seen the largest spikes of COVID-19.

“We argue there really isn’t much of a benefit to the 6-foot rule, especially when people are wearing masks,” MIT professor Martin Z. Bazant said, as reported by NBC. “It really has no physical basis because the air a person is breathing while wearing a mask tends to rise and comes down elsewhere in the room so you’re more exposed to the average background than you are to a person at a distance.” In other words, widespread mask wearing may simply change the physical vectors of transmission within a given room rather than stop it, effectively making six foot distancing rules pointless.

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Video: Angry Georgia Mother DEMANDS End To Insane Masking of Children!

Powerful Video: Georgia Mother Says It’s Time To Take The Masks Off Our Children! Courtney Ann Taylor of Georgia recently delivered a powerful public message advocating an end to the mask requirement for school children. The video begins with Taylor saying if Gwinnett County Board of Education officials really believed in the social and emotional health of kids, they’d end the mask mandate immediately.


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How Can I Get Suppressed Safe and Effective COVID-19 Medications?



Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), Ivermectin, and other COVID-19 medications can be obtained by prescription in the USA in almost every state. AFLDS-trained and licensed physicians are available via telemedicine for a short consultation. Our physicians know that HCQ and Zinc are effective both prophylactically and when used early. The telemedicine physician will review your history. Almost all patients can safely take these medications.

Click on the Contact A Physician button. Fill out the form and pay $90. The physician will call you typically within 24 to 48 hours. Please keep your phone with you. After your telemed appointment, the pharmacy will contact you for your payment information and mailing address to send the prescription to you. If you have questions for the pharmacy, please contact Ravkoo Pharmacy at 863-875-5700 or email them at support@ravkoo.com.

Due to the extraordinarily high demand for AFLDS telemedicine services and medications, the pharmacy has been unable to meet demand as quickly as it would like. They are addressing this issue and it will be improved, however in the meantime please note the following.

  • First - patients with symptoms will be prioritized. If you do not have symptoms, please do not say you do - you have time to receive your meds and you will still receive them relatively quickly. We are asking everyone to act honorably knowing they will be able to get what they need.
  • Second - typically the physician is able to see you the same day or the next day, and the pharmacy typically sees you within 24 hours of that. Please be patient as it now may take up to 72 hours.
  • Third - as a reminder - our physician services are available for payment only because we still have a free market which is allowing you to buy something you want for a fair price. We have received thousands of emails from non-Americans who would pay exorbitant fees to stand where you freely stand: the ability to purchase something useful. So we do not answer any emails from people asking us about this service being covered by insurance. We are outside the insurance system specifically because the insurance system is blocking you from obtaining what you need for your good health.

If you miss the telemed call, you can either wait for the second call (which will come), send an email to info@speakwithanmd.com, or call their customer service at (855) 503-2657.

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SECOND STUDY This Time From CDC WEBSITE Confirms Stanford Study on Face Masks Being Harmful – Cause Serious Side Effects

Why are US medical experts not telling Americans of the dangers of wearing masks?
Why is Big Tech censoring this message?

by Joe Hoft

More support for health concerns with wearing masks has been uncovered.  This report was published and presented at the CDC website in June 2020.  

It was brought to our attention today, that a report was published at the Hayride in March that is similar to our report from yesterday noted below:

In March, the Hayride reported on the results of another mask study posted on June 10, 2020, at the CDC website.  This study confirms our reporting from yesterday that masks aren’t just a nuisance but can cause serious health problems. The article recently uncovered was published by the CDC and it states in black and white the side-effects of wearing a mask, specifically related to the masks trapping carbon dioxide or CO2.  The article states the masks cause breathing resistance that could result in a reduction in the frequency and depth of breathing, known as hypoventilation, in as little as an hour of wearing a mask.  The article further went on to elaborate on the side-effects of increased CO2 concentrations in the mask wearer that include:

  1. Headache;
  2. Increased pressure inside the skull;
  3. Nervous system changes (e.g., increased pain threshold, reduction in cognition – altered judgement, decreased situational awareness, difficulty coordinating sensory or cognitive, abilities and motor activity, decreased visual acuity, widespread activation of the sympathetic nervous system that can oppose the direct effects of CO2 on the heart and blood vessels);
  4. Increased breathing frequency;
  5. Increased “work of breathing”, which is result of breathing through a filter medium;
  6. Cardiovascular effects (e.g., diminished cardiac contractility, vasodilation of peripheral blood vessels);
  7. Reduced tolerance to lighter workloads.

The Hayride reports:

The Hayride has covered this in the past specifically regarding the cognitive loss caused by COVID masks trapping CO2 where according to a Harvard Study breathing in as little as 945 PPM of CO2 lowers cognitive ability 15% and at 1400 PPM of CO2 cognitive ability reduces by 50%… What is also disturbing is not only the brain damage that is caused by the masks, but the adverse cardiovascular effects on the heart and lungs along with the reduction of blood sugar and dehydration.

We also discovered that the Stanford report from our article yesterday was censored by Twitter last week when former Trump campaign staffer, Steve Cortes, tweeted out the results of this study.

Why are US medical experts not telling Americans of the dangers of wearing masks?   Why is Big Tech censoring this message?

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Stanford Study Proves Face Masks Are Absolutely Worthless

Quietly published at Fauci's NIH.gov

The diapers most of us are wearing on our face most of the time apparently have no effect at stopping Covid-19. This explains a lot!

By JD Rucker

Did you hear about the peer-reviewed study done by Stanford University that demonstrates beyond a reasonable doubt that face masks have absolutely zero chance of preventing the spread of Covid-19? No? It was posted on the the National Center for Biological Information government website. The NCBI is a branch of the National Institute for Health, so one would think such a study would be widely reported by mainstream media and embraced by the “science-loving” folks in Big Tech.

Instead, a DuckDuckGo search reveals it was picked up by ZERO mainstream media outlets and Big Tech tyrants will suspend people who post it, as political strategist Steve Cortes learned the hard way when he posted a Tweet that went against the face mask narrative. The Tweet itself featured a quote and a link that prompted Twitter to suspend his account, potentially indefinitely.

He was quoting directly from the NCBI publication of the study. The government website he linked to features a peer-reviewed study by Stanford University’s Baruch Vainshelboim. In it, he cited 67 scholars, doctors, scientists, and other studies to support his conclusions.

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New Study Puts COVID Infection Fatality Rate At Only 0.15 Percent

The evaluations in the report find their basis in seroprevalence studies, that is detecting the presence of antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 in the blood serum of a population.

By David McLoone

STANFORD, California, April 16, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — A new study released by Professor John P. A. Ioannidis of Stanford University, California, has found that the infection fatality rate (IFR) of COVID-19 is significantly lower than previous studies indicated. According to Ioannidis, a medicine and epidemiology professor, the virus is less deadly than once thought, registering at a mere 0.15% fatality rate.

Ioannidis’ research, published in the European Journal of Clinical Investigation, considered data collected from six “systematic evaluations” of global infection with the novel coronavirus, each one taking account of between 10 and 338 individual studies from 9 to 50 countries around the world. The evaluations in Ioannidis’ report find their basis in seroprevalence studies, that is detecting the presence of antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 (the virus which causes COVID-19) in the blood serum of a population.

Seroprevalence studies differ from typical national statistics of PCR-based “confirmed cases” of the virus inasmuch as they do not simply detect active traces of SARS-CoV-2, but rather the presence of COVID antibodies, thus counting those individuals infected with the pathogen at some point but who may or may not have active viral material in their body at the time of testing.

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Video: FED UP! Ontario Canada Customers/Owners Boot Mask Nazis!

A group of customers and patrons at a restaurant in Barrie, Ontario north of Toronto, were interrupted by maskers who came in to harass the establishment. The encounter ended with the patrons screaming at the two in masks to “Get Out!” You gotta love the little girl cheering in the background.


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Video: Dr. Peter McCullough - Suppressed Treatments Responsible for Thousands of Preventable Deaths

This is the recent testimony given by Dr. Peter McCullough to the Texas Senate HHS Committee in which he blows the whistle on the deliberate suppression of ANY AND ALL AVAILABLE TREATMENTS to deal with COVID in order to ensure maximum profitability of the Vaccine Industry. This has and continues to be THE MOST MASSIVE CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD!


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