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Video: Underlying Politics of 9-11 - Hard Evidence It Was An INSIDE JOB!

This is one of the best, short videos that document "hard evidence" that criminal elements in our government, military and Israeli Mosad orchestrated the events of 9-11 as a necessary step to justify everything that has followed.  It's only 18 minutes and it RIVETING!  You will be stunned and what 'really' went on.

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Video: Loose Change Final Cut

"Loose Change" was one of the first grass roots produced documentaries about revisiting the events of September 11, 2001 with a critical eye.  It has become the most well know 9-11 films.  This is a totally new version, the Final Cut and is head and shoulders better than the orignals.  It presents a powerful case that that the United States Government was, at the very least, criminally negligent in allowing the attacks of September 11th, 2001 to occur and at worst, criminal elements in our own government were intimately involved in carrying it out.

This movie hopes to be the catalyst for a new independent investigation, in which the family members receive answers to their questions, and the TRUE PERPETRATORS of this horrendous crime are PROSECUTED and PUNISHED.

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Video: The Great Conspiracy

This is a very good presentation of some of the most disturbing aspects of the so-called "official story" of what happened on September 11, 2001.  I guarantee, the more you look at the literal mountain of evidence that is now available from independent researchers, architects and engineers, the more you will realize that we've been massively lied to about that day.  And massively lied to about everything that has occurred since.

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Video: 9-11 Mysteries - Demolitions

This film goes into great detail about the destruction of the buildings on September 11, 2001 and exposes the fact that the official story has a great many holes in it.  The primary focus is on what the actual structure of the buildings were and how they could have possibly collapsed the way they did at literally "free fall speed."  The twin towers, 110 story steel framed buildings fell in approximately 10 seconds. And Building 7, a 47 story steel framed building feel in about 7 seconds.  All these building fell into their own footprints as fast as an object falling through the air encounter no resistance at all.  After you watch this film, I'm sure you'll agree, that's absolutely impossible according tot he "official" explanation of how and why they fell.

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As is pointed out in 9-11 Mysteries, thermite was used to cut through the beams that brought down the towers.  Uncombusted thermate was found in the dust of the aftermath.  What isn't commonly known is there is a more advance form that can be mixed with paint and literally sprayed onto the beams.  The following is a test that was done with this pain applied to only one side of a steal beam.  Imagine if it was on all four siides?

Thermite Painted on a Beam

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Video: Zeitgeist - Part 2: The Orchestration of The Never Ending War On Terror

This is part two of the documentary Zeitgeist.  Zeitgeist means "the defining spirit or mood of a particular period of history as defined by the ideas and beliefs of the time."   Part two exposes the truth behind the events of 9-11 and the reality that it was deliberately orchestrated by the global elites to start yet another war through which they can continue their agenda for world conquest.  Please see part 3 for a complete history of how they have done the very same thing to start every other major war, wars which they profit massively from.

Part 1 jumps into the fray with a discussion of religion as one of the oldest and most powerful forms of control known to man.  While it focuses primarily on Christianity, it reveals how the religious stories told to believers are remarkably similar between religions and it's stunning to trace them back long before Christ was ever born.  See Part 1 here.

Part 3 covers the primary hub of global control.  The banking systems of the world.  This part exposes the absolute fraud of the entire banking system and how total control over currency and credit allows a handful of people to control just about everything of significance.  See Part 3 here

For more info on the movie please visit the official web site at: zeitgeistmovie.com


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Video: Kill The Messenger - The Sibel Edmonds Story

Sibel Edmonds is the most gagged person in US history. The government has repeatedly invoked the State Secrets Privilege in her case - not for reasons of 'national security' but to hide ongoing criminal activity.

This documentary reveals how a foreign spy ring with links to Al-Qaeda has been discovered working within the FBI.

Sibel Edmonds began work at the FBI translating wire taps in an investigation into a foreign spy ring operating in the US. She became suspicious of her colleagues after discovering some mistranslations and was then invited to join the spy ring which had evidently infiltrated the FBI itself.

She went straight to her bosses and rather than being hailed as a hero she was promptly sacked. After going public on 60 Minutes she has been officially gagged.


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Video: Architects and Engineers For 9-11 Truth Presentation

One of the most classic methods used to belittle and discredit investigations into the events of 9-11 other than the "Official Story" is to declare those doing the investigations are not "experts."  Well, this 2 hour 20 minute presentation eliminates any of those criticisms because it's given by a fully qualified architect of steel framed buildings and is chocked full of other expert testimony to validate the alternative views and evidence that prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the "Official Story" is a total and absolute lie.  Please watch this compelling presentation below and pass this link along to your friends and family.


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Video: Missing Links - Exposing the identity of the Criminals Responsible For 9-11

This film exposes the definitive truth about 9/11 and learn why even the most popular movies on the subject have failed to address the evidence exhaustively presented in this video. The facts will make it abundantly clear that the so-called 9/11 “Truth” movement has been infiltrated and is ultimately controlled by the same criminals who orchestrated the attacks. As they say, 'if you want to control the dissent you lead the dissent.' Culminating evidence from the FBI, CIA, NSA, US Armed Forces Intelligence sectors, Foreign Intelligence organizations, local law enforcement agencies and independent investigators, Missing Links goes where no other 9/11 video has dared to.


Video: Fabled Enemies

Fabled Enemies is a departure from every other 9/11 truth film released so far. It comes off as more of a spy thriller than a mere conspiracy romp. With tight editing, slick presentation, and sublimely complimentary backing music, the documentary draws the viewer in for an eminently watchable experience.

The film begins by revealing how in the very hours after 9/11, Osama bin Laden’s conviction of guilt in the court of public opinion was assured simply by constant repetition in the news media, and how the fairytale of 19 hijackers with box cutters began to unravel.

The film does not try to invent an alternative scenario behind what really happened on 9/11, it expertly demolishes the official version by concentrating on how Bin Laden’s network was protected every step of the way by higher-ups and the hijackers issued visas while good FBI agents like Robert Wright attempted to penetrate the wider plot but were blocked from doing so.

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Video: Nano Thermite Found In World Trade Tower Dust

By John S. Hatch
Information Clearing House

A recent article published in the respected peer-reviewed Open Chemical Physics Journal by nine noted scientists offers incontrovertible proof that the dust from the Twin Towers and Building Seven of the World Trade Center contains small intact samples of Thermite.

Thermite is a highly explosive agent consisting mostly of aluminum and iron oxide, and is used to cut steel in building controlled demolitions, and is also used in welding and in military applications.

Using optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, X-ray energy dispersive spectroscopy, and differential scanning calorimetry, the scientists were able to determine that the Thermite present is of a specialized type called Nano-thermite or Superthermite. It burns hotter and has a lower ignition temperature than normal Thermite, and is produced at laboratories such as Lawrence Livermore, incidentally thought to be the same lab that produced the anthrax sent out shortly after 9/11.



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