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Video: Nano Thermite Found In World Trade Tower Dust

By John S. Hatch
Information Clearing House

A recent article published in the respected peer-reviewed Open Chemical Physics Journal by nine noted scientists offers incontrovertible proof that the dust from the Twin Towers and Building Seven of the World Trade Center contains small intact samples of Thermite.

Thermite is a highly explosive agent consisting mostly of aluminum and iron oxide, and is used to cut steel in building controlled demolitions, and is also used in welding and in military applications.

Using optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, X-ray energy dispersive spectroscopy, and differential scanning calorimetry, the scientists were able to determine that the Thermite present is of a specialized type called Nano-thermite or Superthermite. It burns hotter and has a lower ignition temperature than normal Thermite, and is produced at laboratories such as Lawrence Livermore, incidentally thought to be the same lab that produced the anthrax sent out shortly after 9/11.


Nano-thermite could not be accidentally present in dust samples collected at four different sites, nor could it be the result of clean-up operations at ground zero, as one of the samples was retrieved a mere ten minutes or so after the collapse of the second tower. All samples show the same consistency.

This would explain the streams of molten steel (not aluminum) falling from one of the towers, and the fact that steel remained molten in the rubble for more than a month after the event. There is no scientific explanation for this other than the use of Thermite, which can achieve temperatures of 3500 C, while under ideal conditions jet fuel can achieve just approximately 285 C. It would also explain the otherwise physically impossible near freefall speed of the three buildings, and how they were able to fall so homogeneously.

So what does it mean? It means that there is proof (which so far no one has attempted to refute) that the WTC buildings (and more than three thousand lives, counting the ongoing deaths of first responders and ordinary NYC citizens caused by the dust) were brought down by controlled demolition in a planned and purposeful manner by elements of the Bush Administration, most likely as a ‘catalyzing event’ , the new Pearl Harbor’ fondly mentioned by neo-con PNAC (Plan for the New American Century) and designed to galvanize American citizens in support of attacking other nations and restricting human rights at home. ‘Full Specter Domination’.

This was the excuse or invading Afghanistan and Iraq (there were plans for Syria and Iran as well, and perhaps others), for justifying domestic spying, disappearances, torture, and murder. Murder based on lies and deception, and the killing of American citizens.

Knowing, as he must by now, that 9/11 was conceived and executed not from some dark cave in Afghanistan, but much more likely from some deep bunker in dank Cheneystan, will President Obama still insist on ‘looking ahead’? Just how deep is America’s reserve of dismissal and denial?

I feel for all the victims of 9/11, past, present and future, but was especially haunted by those poor souls who chose to jump to their deaths, or who fell. Surely the people who did this need to be brought to justice. Otherwise America is not ‘looking ahead’. She has her eyes shut tight while she babbles inanities.

John S. Hatch is a Vancouver writer and film-maker. john.s.hatch@gmail.com  

What isn't commonly known is there is a more advance form that can be mixed with paint and literally sprayed onto the beams.  The following is a test that was done with this paint applied to only one side of a steal beam.  Imagine if it was on all four siides?
Thermite Painted on a Beam




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