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Overwhelming Majority Of Studies Find That Gun Control Policies Don’t Work

An analysis of thousands of gun control studies claims that just 63 of those studies found connections between more stringent gun control laws violent crime and suicide reductions.

The non-profit RAND corporation spent two years and $1 million on the analysis, searching for evidence of benefit from gun control policies. RAND’s analysis looked to establish connections between gun policies and rates of homicide, suicide, self-defense gun use, hunting, and other categories. The vast majority of those categories went unaffected by legislation, however, according to NPR.

“Most of the effects that we were looking for evidence on, we didn’t find any evidence,” Andrew Morral, who lead the analysis.

RAND’s analysis found some evidence that laws aimed at keeping firearms out of the hands of small children had some effect on rates of suicide and accidental gun injuries. Morral also surveyed 95 gun policy experts on both sides of the debate, asking them to rank the ideal outcomes of any given gun control legislation. The outcomes included lowering homicides, suicides, and mass shootings as well as protecting privacy, and enabling hunting and sport shooting. The vast majority of the expert responded that cutting suicides and homicides should be the top priorities.

“That was a surprise, actually,” Morral told NPR. “I think people on either side of gun policy debates think that the other side has misplaced values — or that it’s a values problem, in any case. But that’s not what we find. We find people prioritize the same things in the same order. Where they disagree is on which laws will achieve those objectives. So this is a disagreement about facts. And the facts are sparse.”

Many gun control advocates have called on the federal government to invest more into gathering accurate data on gun violence in America. Congress has long limited the funding for such studies and prevented gun violence from being considered a health issue that would fall under the jurisdiction of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

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Highly Disturbing Trend Emerges Between Florida and Other Mass Shootings

Demolishes Liberal Narrative

By Allen West

“See something, say something” – that’s what they tell us to do, but the question now becomes do they really want us to? And, when we do, they do really act upon it?

I want to take the time to articulate the real concern we should have in the aftermath of the Stoneman Douglas High School shooting that tragically claimed the lives of 17 Americans, and other wounded…not to mention the trauma that many may experience for years to come.

It now appears that all of this could have been prevented. We now know that just in January there were warning signs, and information provided to the FBI. This came after the tips from a gentleman after seeing very disconcerting social media posts by one Nikolas Cruz referencing shooting up schools. What’s even more concerning is that the progressive socialist left doesn’t EVER allow facts to materialize. Instead, they immediately rush to their preconceived talking points and judgement.

The legal possession of an AR-15 semi-automatic rifle by law-abiding citizens such as myself has nothing to do with what happened at Stoneman Douglas. And if we are to be adults, we need to analyze this episode, as well as others, and find trends enabling us to develop solutions to rectify this issue. However, it would seem some have no interest in conducting the meticulous mature analysis and assessments, as they prefer the insidious regurgitation of their assigned ideological rhetoric and talking points.

Besides better security for our schools, greater parental engagement and involvement, and dealing with mental illness, what I find most troubling about this shooting is why wasn’t it prevented? And this isn’t by any means a criticism of the FBI, but rather an assessment of very perplexing trends. Instances taken alone cause concern, but when aggregated cause major alarm.

Let’s consider some perplexing trends.

First, let’s look at the case of Nidal Hasan, an Islamic jihadist now serving life imprisonment in Ft. Leavenworth — where Bowe Bergdahl and Bradley Manning should be. Hasan was assigned as a psychologist at Walter Reed Army Hospital in DC. There had been several complaints about his radical proselytizing of our Soldiers who were there to receive counseling. This was known, as well, Hasan had associations with the radical Islamist cleric Anwar al-Awlaki — who by the way led prayers on Capitol Hill. Why was Nidal Hasan allowed to be transferred to Ft. Hood Texas? Why wasn’t he investigated, and subsequently separated from the U.S. Army…not to mention queried by our law enforcement agencies for his associations? Hasan referred to himself as a “soldier for Allah” and we know the rest of the story. Soldiers whom he was supposed to have been treated and coworkers say something, and said something, but their concerns were dismissed. As a result, 13 Americans lost their lives, and 31 Americans were wounded due to his actions. The issue was not gun control.

Omar Mateen had been referred to the FBI for investigation. He also resided in South Florida. There were no follow-ups and surveillance done on him. And the Islamic center he attended had some concerns as well. Mateen went under the radar and planned his nefarious action that targeted the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando…Fifty-plus Americans were killed, countless others wounded. Someone had seen something and said something, but there was no follow-up surveillance of said individual. The issue was not gun control.

Sayed Farouk and Tashfeen Malik carried out an Islamic jihadist attack at an office Christmas celebration in San Bernardino, California. California has some of the most restrictive gun laws in our Republic. But what’s more concerning is the fact that Tashfeen Malik entered the United States on something called a “fiancée visa.” Who knew, lo and behold, she provided false information on her entry application that was never checked or verified. Neighbors living near Farouk’s residence did see something, but due to our overly sensitive politically-correct fears of “Islamophobia,” those neighbors said nothing. Fourteen Americans were killed, and another 22 were wounded. The issue was not gun control.

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Video: The Nuts And Bolts Of Mass Shootings

Demagogic leftists have wasted no time in pouncing on the horrific massacre in Florida to demonize conservatives while offering not one single solution that would have prevented the violence. Lefties insist we need to ban gun; conservatives say we need to lock up lunatics. We will analyze the nuts and bolts of the gun control debate point by hollow point. Then, our youth culture correspondent Andy Millennial joins the show to give a young person’s perspective on the violence, policy proposals, and the future of conservatism broadly.


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Video: Lionel Highlights The Roll of Mental Illness and Medications in Mass Shootings

Editor's Note: Lionel Highlights The Role of Mental Illness and Medications in Mass Shootings as being THE REAL PROBLEM. The Shootings are a consequence, not the cause.
Look at the numbers. In fall 2017, about 50.7 million students will attend public elementary and secondary schools. Of these, 35.6 million will be in prekindergarten through grade 8 and 15.1 million will be in grades 9 through 12. An additional 5.2 million students are expected to attend private elementary and secondary schools.

By sheer number, school shootings are de minimis compared to the number of kids who attend school, many troubled and certainly capable of doing harm. Be not mistaken, the problems is critical and must be addressed. But rationally.


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Video: Brandon Tatum - Let's Talk Gun Control

Brandon Tatum is a police officer who puts things in proper perspective. For example, everyone pitches a fit over 59 people being killed in Las Vegas but there are that many killed in Chicago EVERY MONTH and nobody gives a crap.


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Video: Number One With A Bullet

The USA has, by far, the highest per capita gun ownership in the world. Progressives will tell you that this is what makes America the Murder Capitol of Planet Earth. But we're not, and in this devastatingly effective Firewall, Bill Whittle shows why the center of Gun Nut Nation is in fact one of the safest places in the world.


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