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“Time to Bud Light Them”: Tyson Foods Firing Blue-Collar Workers and Replacing Them With Illegals


Calls for a boycott are intensifying on X following Tyson Foods’ announcement earlier this week to shutter a pork processing facility in Perry, Iowa. This move will eliminate 1,276 blue-collar jobs. At the same time, the mega food processor has expressed interest in hiring tens of thousands of illegals.

“While this decision was not easy, it emphasizes our focus to optimize the efficiency of our operations to best serve our customers,” a Tyson spokesperson said in a statement to Food Dive.


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The Crippling Economic Costs of Green Energy Subsidies



The green energy subsidies in the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) have been justified by the Biden Administration as a booster of U.S. economic growth and jobs.  But when the subsidies are tallied and the overall impacts evaluated, the IRA is a job and economic growth killer. 

Under the IRA, the lion’s share of subsidies will be paid to wind and solar developers.  The subsidies will not expire until electric industry carbon emissions fall by at least 75% below 2005 levels, after which they will gradually decrease.  Even the most optimistic forecasts prepared by the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) show that this will not occur until at least 2046.  Thus, the subsidies for wind and solar will continue unabated for decades.  In total, the subsidies will far exceed what the U.S. government spent in today’s dollars to combat the Great Depression.

The single largest subsidy is the federal investment tax credit (ITC).  Most wind and solar projects will be able to claim a minimum 30% ITC, plus be eligible for an additional 10% credit if the projects rely on domestic manufacturing for components.  

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FREE Video Library: Economic Warfare

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  •   The Ship, With Multiple Backups, Never Should Have Lost Steering
    It turns out the cargo ship that crashed into the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore, causing its collapse, not only had multiple backup power systems, but it had multiple steering systems as well. Both Federal and International maritime standards call for these auxiliary systems. They also need to be completely separated from each other so power and steering are never lost.
    Intel Sources Claim Baltimore Bridge Collapse Was an “absolutely brilliant strategic attack."  Here’s what Logan had to say about the cargo ship’s “accident” with the Francis Scott Key bridge in Baltimore.
  •   Governor Kristi Noem With a Dire Warning About China Buying American Farmland
    Governor Kristi Noem discusses the serious threat China poses because it is being allowed to buy up a large portion of the resources America needs to feed itself.  If China controls our food, they control us.
  • You Will Own Nothing And Then You Will Die!
    Private Home Ownership, the Heart of the American Dream Is in cardiac arrest. New data reveals that economists have been sugar coating the rate at which financial Goliaths have been swallowing up America’s single family homes.
  • Biggest Lie in World History: There Never Was A Pandemic
    This video is from the very beginning of the fake pandemic back in 2020. The diabolical agenda behind it has undermined the sovereignty of nation states. It has contributed to a wave of bankruptcies. It has impoverished people Worldwide. It has led to a spiraling dollar denominated global debt. The powerful structures of global capitalism, Big Money coupled with its intelligence and military apparatus were the driving force. Using advanced digital and communications technologies, the lockdown and “closure” of the global economy is unprecedented in World history.
    The Great Depression was a well-executed plan to seize assets, impoverish the population, and remake society. What comes next is worse.  The Great Taking describes the roadmap to collapse the system, suppress the people, and seize all your assets. And it includes the receipts.
  • TPP: The Dirtiest Trade Deal You've Never Heard Of
    The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) could cost us our internet freedom, labor rights, access to affordable medicine, the safety of our food, and protections that keep our water and air clean.
  • Paradise Stolen - The Myth of Efficiency
    Answering some of the arguments against the idea that small sustainable communities are impractical.
  • Moyers and Company - The Face of America's Hungry
    Here in the richest country on earth, 50 million of us — one in six Americans — go hungry. More than a third of them are children. Debates on how to address hunger – in both Congress and the media — are filled with tired clichés about freeloaders undeserving of government help, living large at the expense of honest, hardworking taxpayers. But the documentary A Place at the Table paints a truer picture of America’s poor.
  • International Bankers Collapse Argentina's Economy in 2001
    This documentary reveals exactly what the international bankers did to Argentina in 2001, exactly what they are doing to us right now!  If you want to see what we are in for WATCH THIS FILM!
  • Walmart - The High Cost of Low Prices
    This documentary reveals exactly what the low prices of
    Walmart is costing not only America, but the entire world?   To save a few bucks in the short term, we have allowed our economy and industry to be sold out to the lowest bidder, destroying practically our entire manufacturing base.
  • The Age of Walmart
    This documentary goes inside Walmart, the world's most powerful company. It can be argued that
    company exemplifies the wholesale offshoring of our economy than Walmart.  This retail empire has forced a great many U.S. companies to go out of the country for cheap labor because they simply could not survive against a retailer like Walmart unless they did so. 
  • Confessions of an Economic Hit Man
    If you really want
    to know how the global elite control the world, this interview will really open your eyes.  John Perkins was a major player in the system that the global elite have set up to strap the entire planet in massive debt which can never be repaid, by corrupting a relatively small handful of key people in countries around the world.
  • War By Other Means
    John Pilger and David Munro examine the policy of
    First World banks agreeing to loans with Third World countries, who are then unable to meet the
    crippling interest charges.
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US Navy was Conducting Warfare and Mine Experiments at Nord Stream Location

By Steve Cannon

The Nord Stream pipelines, located in the Baltic Sea, were sabotaged Tuesday. Several explosions pretty much destroyed the natural gas pipelines connecting Russia and Europe.

Just prior to the start of the Russia-Ukraine war, which started February 24, 2022, Illegitimate President Biden essentially threatened Russia, saying, “If Russia invades…then there will be no longer a Nord Stream 2. We will bring an end to it.”

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Blackstone Prepares A Record $50 Billion To Snap Up Real Estate During The Coming Crash

The past two months have seen a barrage of negative news coverage focusing on the US housing market...

... which is predictable: after all, with mortgage rates soaring at the fastest pace on record to decade highs, and sending US housing affordability to the lowest in history...

... only a handful of the "1%" can afford the American Dream.

Alas, it also means that just like in 2007, a housing crash is now just a matter of time.

That much is known. What is also know, is that once housing craters, the largest US residential and commercial landlord - private equity giant Blackstone - is about to get even bigger. That's when it will deploy some (or all) of the record $50 billion in dry powder it has raised to prepare for just the coming housing crash.

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Video: Headed for a Digital Concentration Camp – Catherine Austin Fitts

Catherine Austin Fitts (CAF), Publisher of The Solari Report and former Assistant Secretary of Housing (Bush 41 Admin.), says the central bankers want nothing short of “a complete digital control system.”  CAF explains, “We have what we have been building for the last 20 or 30 years, and it’s getting much more obvious, but it’s been covert most of the time.  They basically want digital control systems through the financial system, through the health system and government systems to implement control.  That control is delivered one person at a time.  You have extraordinary surveillance systems that have been built steadily for decades that are basically tracking everyone. . . . That’s why the ‘vaccine passports’ and ‘central bank digital currencies’ (CBDC) are so dangerous.  It’s important to understand what they are trying to do.  They are trying to create complete transaction control.  If they don’t want you going five miles from your home, your electric car will not work more than five miles from your home. . . . If they don’t want you to buy pizza, your credit card will not allow you to buy pizza.  They are talking about putting in extraordinary digital control systems and literally turning your car and your home into a digital concentration camp.”




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The Cloward-Piven Strategy: Using Race, Poverty & Voter Rights to Destroy America’s Economy


Cloward-Piven 2

Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven were Ivy League political activists with an ironic concern for the poor. Both professors at Columbia University School of Social Strategy authored an article in 1966 titled “The Weight of the Poor: A Strategy to End Poverty” featured that year in The Nation magazine.

Both life-long Democrat Socialists, like Vermont’s darling Senator Sanders, they conceived of a strategy based on the Hegelian dialectic of thesis-antithesis = synthesis.

To clarify, Hegel taught a philosophy of social alchemy whereby societies could be changed in the desired direction by pitting their natural contradictions (thesis-antithesis) in an effort to meld them (alchemically) into the desired outcome (synthesis).

In other words, the order out of chaos approach to social justice we have been witnessing since the 1960s here in the states most recently with the Black Lives Matter riots, and the same strategy used in the French Revolution of the late 1700s around the time Rosseau and Hegel opined their ideas.

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The Number of Small Businesses Destroyed by COVID Lockdowns Will ASTOUND You

By Victoria Taft

COVID shutdowns championed by U.S. governors and D.C. bureaucrats are responsible for destroying nearly 40% of small businesses since the virus was unleashed on the world—and we know now that it was for little to no damned good reason. A study by the Proceedings of the National Academies of Sciences revealed recently that shutdown orders made little to no difference in COVID’s impact. From the abstract of the study:

“Previous studies have claimed that shelter-in-place orders saved thousands of lives, but we reassess these analyses and show that they are not reliable. We find that shelter-in-place orders had no detectable health benefits, only modest effects on behavior, and small but adverse effects on the economy. To be clear, our study should not be interpreted as evidence that social distancing behaviors are not effective. Many people had already changed their behaviors before the introduction of shelter-in-place orders, and shelter-in-place orders appear to have been ineffective precisely because they did not meaningfully alter social distancing behavior.” [Emphasis added]

And it should have been evident for those caring to look.

While bureaucrats gave Walmart, Costco, Lowe’s, and other big-box stores “essential” status, allowing them to stay open during the COVID pandemic, 38.9% of America’s small businesses, the providers of most of the country’s jobs, were forced to close based on fear, hackneyed social-distancing rules, early ignorance about transmission, and an insatiable desire by governors to micromanage the affairs of men.

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11 Million At Risk Of Losing Their Homes Once COVID Protections Expire


With the Federal government supercharging the US consumer with now periodic massive stimulus payments - $900 billion here and $1.9 trillion there - and universal basic income handouts, it's hardly a surprise that the US economy, where the government is now responsible for a staggering 27% of all personal income...

...  is redlining to the point of overheating as Goldman found recently when its latest Goldman Sachs Analyst Index (GSAI) which provides a snapshot perspective on the US economy, hit an all time high.

None of this is a surprise: when money literally drops from the sky, it would be a miracle if the economy wasn't overheating. The question is what happens when the party stops. Unfortunately for some 11 million people, the hangover will be a disaster.

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Biden’s Worst Executive Order On Unfettered Regulation Went Almost Entirely Unnoticed


In the flurry of President Joe Biden’s executive orders was one that was almost entirely overlooked but could easily end up having the biggest impact.

The order also seems harmless enough, going by the seemingly innocent title “Modernizing Regulatory Review.” Except this order isn’t about modernizing regulations. It’s about unleashing the regulatory state with a ferocity never before seen in this country.

Biden’s order – which didn’t get released to the press until late in the evening of his first day – aims to effectively toss the cost-benefit analysis that for many decades has served as at least a modest brake on the ambitions of regulators. In the past, regulations where the cost of compliance far exceeded the benefits could be stymied by the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs.

Biden wants the review process instead to be “a tool to affirmatively promote regulations” and “to ensure swift and effective federal action” on everything from the pandemic, to the economy, to racial inequality, to the “undeniable reality and accelerating threat of climate change.” In other words … everything.

Clyde Wayne Crews, a regulation expert at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, said that Biden’s order is “likely to do away with cost-benefit analysis by elevating unquantifiable aims as benefits and deny costs of regulation altogether.” In doing so, it will “put weight on the scales of whether or not to regulate such that the answer will always be in the affirmative.”

The leftist Huffington Post cheered the news, calling Biden’s order “game changing” and saying “the memo could unleash a wave of stronger regulations to reduce income inequality, fight climate change and protect public health. Among left-leaning experts on regulation, it’s a signal that Biden could break with 40 years of conservative policy.”

The site quoted James Goodwin, a senior policy analyst at the Center for Progressive Reform, who said “I realize what I’m about to say to you sounds absurd. It has the potential to be the most significant action Biden took on day one.” 

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