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Video: Carol Kerr Follows the Money!

Carol Kerr addressed the Vandalia Illinois School Board asking them two questions. After explaining she had research with her that showed masks are dangerous, she said through her research she decided to “follow the money” and asked if the district was receiving money in exchange for having masking and protocols in place. As with everything else COVID Fraud related, all the usual corrupt government agencies are controlling it all through funding.


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Video: Gov’t Limiting Life-Saving Medications For Covid

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene reacts to new Project Veritas report on the Covid vaccine. Greene goes on the warpath over the federal policies pushing the Covid vaccine and suppressing therapeutics that actually work to make Covid easily survivable.

“The whole thing with the vaccine… the federal government should never be able to mandate the fact that you have to get a shot…/ when you would like to trust your own immune system. I’m pro-freedom. …”

Greene went on to tell how Regeneron and ivermectin helped her husband recover quickly from a bad case of Covid, and these are the therapeutics that the Biden administration is trying to suppress.




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Video: The Ivermectin Story

This is a very good presentation that details the history of Ivermectin and how it's been deliberately suppressed and demonized by all the usual suspects, just like they did with Hydroxychloroquine and other medications, to protect the massive profits being made off the dangerous and USELESS Covid vaccines that are not really vaccines at all. The suppressions and demonization of very safe, effective, and inexpensive early treatment drugs like Ivermectin have caused MILLIONS of preventable deaths!


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Video: Fauci Was Up To His Neck Funding Research In Wuhan China

Dr. Anthony Fauci was “up to his neck” funding coronavirus research in Wuhan, which “just shows how incredibly stupid” he is, says Sky News host Sharri Markson. Ms Markson has been investigating Anthony Fauci’s involvement in funding the Wuhan Institute of Virology and discovered his agency “HAD FUNDED 60 PROJECTS at the Wuhan laboratory”. “Then he wrote a paper where he said gain of function research was worth the risk of a pandemic, and that he had even funded coronavirus research in conjunction with the Chinese military,” Ms Markson said. Mr Fauci, who has been the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases since 1984, apparently stayed silent during Oval Office meetings at the start of the pandemic about the “risky research that was underway at the Wuhan Institute of Virology”. “He never mentioned that his agency was funding this, and he actually knew a whole lot about it.” Sharri Markson explores this in a documentary premiering on Monday night, ‘What Really Happened in Wuhan’, including exclusive interviews with former US President Donald Trump and Mike Pompeo.


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Astonishing Success Rate of Ivermectin in Indian State Shreds ‘Horse Dewormer’ Propaganda

By JD Ruker

Editor’s Commentary: When Daniel Horowitz over at The Blaze posted an article last month about Uttar Pradesh in India and their success with Ivermectin, I was dumb enough to assume mainstream media would be forced to report on it as well. The Blaze has a strong audience and the story was compelling. Certainly, corporate media couldn’t sweep this one under the rug, right?

Like I said, I was dumb. Nobody in the Mainstream Media Industrial Complex picked it up. Literally zero. What shocked me was that very few in conservative media picked it up, either. That’s arguable more distressing. Since then, I’ve realized “conservative” news outlets that rely on Google, Facebook, Twitter, or any of the other Big Tech sugar daddies refuse to talk about Ivermectin, adverse reactions to vaccines, or any topics that could get them blacklisted.

Ivermectin is cheap as dirt. Big Pharma cannot cash in on the science so they are forced to cash in on ignorance.

The story is a bombshell and since Horowitz wrote it, the numbers have trended even better to prove the efficacy of Ivermectin as a treatment and even preventative against Covid-19.

Uttar Pradesh is a huge state in India with a population well over 200 million. With all residents included, it’s nearly 3/4ths the size of the entire United States. In an area so densely populated, one would almost certainly believe their hospitals are overrun with Covid-19 patients. Nope. As of September 13, 2021, they had 175 active cases.

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South Australia Testing Quarantining App That Combines Facial and Geolocation Technology to Determine Where You Are At All Times

By Joe Hoft

Even a broken clock is right two times a day.  The Atlantic reported on the absurd liberty killer being tested in the state of South Australia where facial recognition and geolocation technology will track Aussies every move in the name of COVID. 

The far-left Atlantic even hits the target sometimes.  In a recent article, the Atlantic even admits that Australians have traded away too much liberty in the age of COVID.  The Atlantic reports:

ntrastate travel within Australia is also severely restricted. And the government of South Australia, one of the country’s six states, developed and is now testing an app as Orwellian as any in the free world to enforce its quarantine rules. Returning travelers quarantining at home will be forced to download an app that combines facial recognition and geolocation. The state will text them at random times, and thereafter they will have 15 minutes to take a picture of their face in the location where they are supposed to be. Should they fail, the local police department will be sent to follow up in person. “We don’t tell them how often or when, on a random basis they have to reply within 15 minutes,” Premier Steven Marshall explained. “I think every South Australian should feel pretty proud that we are the national pilot for the home-based quarantine app.”

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Video: False Facts of COVID Hospitalizations, with Dr. Jay Bhattacharya

Megyn Kelly is joined by Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, Professor of Medicine at Stanford University, to discuss the overstatements on the number of people that are hospitalized because of COVID and the false facts on how sick people are.

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COVID Whistleblower Claims the VAERS Reporting Database Tracking Vaccine Complications is WRONG

and Undercounting by a Factor of 100

By Ben Wetmore

Dr. Mollie James, the courageous COVID whistleblower who has come forward denouncing the Biden vaccine mandates, has shockingly claimed that the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, known as VAERS, the national database that tracks complications and side effects from vaccines, is so widely underused that the real number of COVID vaccine complications is more than 100 times what is currently being reported.

If true, this means that the political decision to force vaccines on the public and on entire industries could come with major, long-term, serious health consequences that are poorly understood because the political agenda is suffocating the scientific collection of data.

“I feel pressured not to use VAERS and many of my colleagues confidently tell me the same,” Dr. James said exclusively to the Gateway Pundit. “They are scared of the politics, of being outed, shamed, and ridiculed. It’s easy for a Doctor to lose their admitting privileges somewhere, and many know if they report something as a vaccine side effect they could lose their job. I just can’t believe what I’m seeing over and over again, and I’ve decided to come forward because this is such a silent crisis of public health, people have to know how bad things are and they need to know the real risks of the COVID vaccines.”

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News Channel Fishing for Stories of Unvaccinated Dying From Covid-19 Flooded With Vaccine Injuries and Death Instead

News-channel fishing for stories of unvaccinated dying from Covid-19 gets over 182,000 responses of Vaccine injuries and deaths instead… and the list is still growing


The mainstream media narrative that unvaccinated people are filling up the hospitals and dying from Covid-19 is quickly falling apart, perhaps faster than they even expected.

You only need to read official government data to see that it is actually the fully vaccinated population that are dying from Covid-19. A Public Health England report released September 3rd confirmed that 70% of Covid-19 deaths since February 2021 had been among the vaccinated population.

Now WXYZ TV Channel 7 in Detroit, USA has added more fuel to the fire that should be burning because it is the truth, by asking their viewers on their Facebook Page to direct message them if they lost a loved one due to Covid-19 after they refused to get the Covid-19 vaccine.

This is a clear indication that they are getting desperate to find these stories, and are having a difficult time finding them.

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Missouri COVID Whistleblower: HOSPITALS are LYING to the public about COVID… and I CAN PROVE IT

By Ben Wetmore

Another COVID whistleblower has come forward as exclusively reported by Gateway Pundit to allege that the statistics about ICU’s being overrun are wildly inflated, over-reported, and in many cases an outright LIE by political officials.

Josh Snider worked in facilities management at Missouri Baptist Medical Center or “MBMC”, “I watched our hospital administrators say in the media that our intensive care units were overflowing with COVID patients, at 98% capacity, knowing that it was a complete and utter lie.” 


Snider relates that the MBMC hospital, part of a larger $5.5 billion annual network within the Barnes Jewish hospital system in St. Louis, Missouri, actually shut down three out of four floors of intensive care during COVID because they were UNUSED.


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