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Video: The Truth About the Pfizer Covid Jab Clinical Trials

The is a clip of RFK Jr. breaking down the Pfizer clinical trials with podcast host Brian Rose. What Kennedy exposed, according to Pfizer’s own data, was that people who received Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine showed a 23.5% GREATER likelihood of dying from cardiac arrest than the placebo group after six months. In other words, if you take the jabs you're 500% more likely to die from cardiac arrest than people who didn't take the jab.

Frankly, I think the claim that the jabs saved anyone from dying of Covid is pure BS.



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Pfizer's COVID Vaccine Causes VAIDS in Children, Study Proves ( Vaccine-Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome )

Vaccinated Children Become Susceptible to Bacterial and Fungal Infections


Many of us shared anecdotes of loved ones vaccinated with COVID-19 vaccines - and suffering from all sorts of unrelated illnesses afterward. I know a young individual who, after mandated COVID vaccination, had all sorts of bacterial illnesses that he never had before. (This story was a major impetus to my opening and growing this substack).

Finally, we have scientific confirmation that vaccination against COVID-19 causes a marked decrease in immunity to heterologous pathogens such as viruses, bacteria, and fungi. This decreased immunity to other pathogens (acquired immune deficit) is what people colloquially refer to as “VAIDS.” (VAIDS stands for

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Republicans In Nine Florida Counties Adopt Resolution Calling For Ban of COVID Vaccines


A movement is gaining momentum to pressure Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, county sheriffs, and the Florida Legislature to ban COVID-19 vaccines and all other mRNA vaccines in the state.

Republican executive committees in nine Florida counties—the local arms of the Republican Party of Florida—have adopted a resolution asking Mr. DeSantis and lawmakers to prohibit the sale and distribution of the vaccines in Florida.

The 83-page resolution also asks state Attorney General Ashley Moody to immediately seize all remaining vaccine supplies and conduct a forensic analysis of them.

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Pfizer Documents Show COVID-19 Vaccines Contain Potentially Harmful ‘Modified’ RNA, not mRNA



Although we’ve been told Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine is manufactured with harmless messenger RNA (mRNA), the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) product label shows it contains artificially modified RNA—a key ingredient that is not naturally occurring and poses a substantial risk to human health.

According to Pfizer and BioNTech’s COVID-19 vaccine label in the FDA’s Fact Sheet for Healthcare Providers, each Pfizer vaccine dose for children ages 5 through 11 contains 10 micrograms (mcg) of modRNA, while fully-approved Comirnaty authorized for use in individuals 12 years of age and older contains 30 mcg of modRNA.

Pfizer, on its website, confirms its COVID-19 vaccine contains modRNA: “ModRNA stands for nucleoside-modified messenger RNA and in the synthesis of the RNA used in this vaccine platform, some nucleosides, which are important biological molecules that constitute DNA and RNA, are replaced by modified nucleosides to help enhance immune evasion and protein production.” The company says modRNA instructs the cells to produce desired proteins.

Yet the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states on its website (pdf) that mRNA COVID-19 vaccines are “made of mRNA,” or “messenger RNA.”


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A Startling Compilation: ‘Neither Safe Nor Effective’

A comprehensive look at the effects of the COVID vaccines

Doctors without Borders protest outside Pfizer world headquarters on April 23, 2015 in New York City. (Andrew Burton/Getty Images)


A section of Dr. Colleen Huber’s introduction to her very important book, “Neither Safe Nor Effective 2nd Edition: The Evidence Against the COVID Vaccines,” is worth quoting before looking at the book as a whole:

“Dr. Peter McCullough, an American cardiologist, called the COVID vaccines, ‘the worst pharmaceutical development idea in the history of mankind.’”

“It often comes as a surprise to people that mRNA-type medical interventions and coronavirus vaccines had plenty of red flags through their history prior to December 2020. The ingredients used were already known to be toxic: Cationic lipids injure the nervous system, lungs and liver, as well as cell membranes throughout the body. Polyethylene glycol was never used for injections, due to safety concerns. mRNA had already been shown to change DNA. Previous attempts at coronavirus vaccines had all failed and killed the test animals. So inflicting the world’s population with a new, mostly untested vaccine for which its components already had so many safety warnings was the most widespread reckless experiment in human history.

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Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine Utilizes Nucleoside-Modified Messenger RNA (modRNA) Technology not mRNA



Lawyer Tom Renz has exposed that the COVID-19 vaccines, widely advertised as mRNA (messenger RNA) vaccines, are in fact lab-created hybrids known as modRNA.

Tom Renz has accused the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Pfizer, and others of misleading the world about the true nature of the COVID-19 vaccines.

In a statement released on social media, Renz claims that the widely recognized mRNA technology, allegedly utilized in the vaccines, is not what it appears to be.

“They claimed the COVID-19 vaccines were mRNA & that meant MESSENGER RNA (which occurs in life everywhere). It is NOT. The mRNA is modRNA. modRNA is a lab-created hybrid designed to create changes in your genes,” said Renz.

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Video: Dr. Ryan Cole Explains "Turbo Cancer" From the Jabs

Dr. Ryan Cole explains on of the shocking COVID jab injuries is a shocking advancment of cancers that would normally be held in check by a healthy immune system, which is dangerously compromised by the mRNA jabs!



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U.S. Nursing Home Data Shows Clearly That the COVID Vaccines Made Things Much Worse

CMS publishes record-level nursing home data by week. When you analyze this data different ways, the conclusion is always the same: the vaccines were a disaster, increasing the death rate from COVID.


Executive summary

We finally have the “gold standard" ground truth data that nobody can argue with showing that the COVID vaccines were a disaster for the elderly, the very population they were meant to protect.

The source of the data? Weekly infection, mortality reports from over 15,000 US nursing homes who were required to report their numbers to Medicare (aka CMS).

What makes this so important is that around 40% of the COVID deaths were in nursing homes. So nursing home COVID infection and death data is the “holy grail.” You cannot get any better than this.

And we set up the analysis to look when the variant matched the vaccine, and limited our analysis to the few months after vaccination before immunity starts to wane. So we set up the vaccine for success. We did everything possible to find the strongest possible signal of effectiveness.

So if this data is bad, it’s all over. There is no place to hide.

And the data is bad. Really bad. It would be hard to analyze this data and show it is a success.

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Understanding mRNA & Why It Matters


This article is pretty science heavy so at this point I also want to acknowledge two additional points. First, I am not a Peter McCullough/Harvey Risch type scientist. I am a lawyer with some science background. That means that I am not the guy that will be creating science, but to do my job as an attorney litigating in this area I have to be able to read and understand the science. I do those things quite well. Second, the information in this article is based simply on reading and understanding the science. There is nothing here I’ve created - I just know how to read.

Disclaimers aside, I want to open this article with a confession. This article was titled using the acronym mRNA but that was intentionally misleading. For purposes of this article - mRNA actually stands for modRNA which is different from mRNA. mRNA is messenger RNA and is found all over in life. modRNA is laboratory modified RNA that has been synthetically created for a purpose. It can be more durable, and have substantially greater impact than a true mRNA and can do many other things.

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