Video: Never Forget
This young lady reminds us all just how MASSIVELY we were lied to about the Plandemic and just how much damage these psychopaths caused without having to pay any price so far.
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This young lady reminds us all just how MASSIVELY we were lied to about the Plandemic and just how much damage these psychopaths caused without having to pay any price so far.
Where is the proof of efficacy for the flu vaccine? Explain to me how we can be having 30M cases of flu every year if the vaccines are working and creating herd immunity? Is that a success? Is there a recent large double-blind placebo controlled RCT showing flu vaccine efficacy?
This paper in 1999 says "Context: Data are limited and conflicting regarding the effectiveness of influenza vaccine in health care professionals." So basically, it means they gave >50 years worth of shots without ever knowing whether it works or not for healthcare professionals. Impressive.
And the p-values in this small study were hardly convincing: So where is the data???
This is important.
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The issue of “saving lives” has suddenly taken a back seat in the post-COVID world. In the midst of the pandemic, daily death tolls became a familiar feature in media reports, particularly by outlets like the BBC. Yet, the same media outlets have been conspicuously silent about a recent surge in excess deaths — especially after the rollout of the so-called COVID-19 vaccines. MP Andrew Bridgen has tirelessly sought to bring this grave issue to the forefront, facing as many as 20 rejections before being granted an opportunity to discuss the topic. Friday, October 20, Bridgen got his chance to raise his concerns, and to an empty chamber but a large audience watching from afar, Bridgen gave a 24-minute speech on the topic of excess deaths. Here’s a summary of what he brought forth before the UK parliament.
FULL VIDEO: UK Parliament Adjournment Debate on Excess Deaths, 20th October 2023#ExcessDeaths
— Oracle Films (@OracleFilmsUK) October 20, 2023
Cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough warned that messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines inject “foreign genetic code” into human beings, which the body fails to break down or expel for a prolonged period of time.
Research on mRNA “has been going on for decades,” Dr. McCullough said during an Oct. 5 interview. The 2023 Nobel Prize for medicine was awarded to two scientists for making “messenger RNA long-lasting in the human body,” he said. “I mean, it has been tested in multiple applications … It’s an absolute bust. It was just the worst idea ever to install the genetic code for a lethal protein without being able to shut it off. It wasn’t the fact that it was rushed; it’s just ill-conceived from the very beginning.”
Since late 2020, a staggering 1,400 athletes have died after suffering sudden serious health issues.
Those 1,400 sudden deaths were among the 2,003 athletes who were reported to have suffered major unexpected health issues.
The number of deaths among athletes has continued to rise this year.
As Slay News reported in July, 1,884 cardiac arrests were recorded among athletes with 1,310 dead.
Good Sciencing has been maintaining a non-exhaustive and continuously growing list of mainly young athletes who suffered major medical issues in 2021, 2022, and the first half of 2023.
The Gates Foundation is spending $40 million on countries in Africa and other economically backward nations to produce new mRNA vaccines in efforts to prevent against diseases like tuberculosis and malaria.
While $20 million will go to Quantoom, two research institutes in Africa—located in Senegal and South Africa—will get $5 million each. The remaining $10 million will go to vaccine manufacturers from low- and middle-income countries.
An Israeli child has died three years after appearing with his father, who is a pediatrician, in a government film informing children that they have no choice about whether to take the COVID vaccine when it becomes available.
Government education
Yonatan Erlichman was five years old at the time of the video, which was produced by Mateh Binyamin Regional Council, a regional government body. It aired as an episode in the government-run program, “Shushki in the Land of Binyamin,” "to entertain and educate” children.
Shushki is a friendly puppet “child” who asks questions to prompt actual people to respond with “educational answers.”
Dr. Patrick William Slater is a 60-year-old neurotologist. A few years ago, he had a full-time medical practice in Austin and enjoyed hunting and fishing in the mountains during his downtime.
Then, in October 2021, Dr. Slater came down with cerebellar ataxia, a disease affecting movement. He couldn’t eat or go to the bathroom without help.
While his ataxia could be managed using drugs, it wasn’t always effective against his biggest complaint: unprecedented panic attacks.
Almost every night, Dr. Slater would experience panic attacks that left him in “abject terror.” He thought about killing himself many times, he told The Epoch Times.
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