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Video: The COVID Clots: A Full Measure Town Hall


  • Many symptoms of long COVID and injuries from COVID-19 shots may be due to microclots throughout the body
  • Investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson speaks with Jordan Vaughn, founder and president of the Microvascular Research Foundation (MVRF), in Birmingham, Alabama, about the issue, revealing a triple anticoagulant therapy — aspirin, fibrinolytic enzymes and ivermectin may help
  • Vaughn and colleagues have treated more than 1,500 such patients, with close to 80% experiencing a significant reduction in symptoms
  • Typical diagnostic scans can’t detect microclots, and many people suffering are told by their doctors that symptoms are all in their head
  • MVRF is planning clinical trials in early 2024 to test the use of triple anticoagulant therapy, nutraceuticals and supplements to eliminate microclots due to long COVID and COVID-19 jabs




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Before You Get Your Teen Jabbed You Need to See What the CDC Just Admitted To



Most of the readers here probably wouldn’t consider having their children vaccinated. However, if you’re contemplating the idea or know someone who is, it’s important for you to know what the CDC has recently admitted to. This knowledge will help you or. loved one make an informed decision, because there are red flags flying everywhere.

As you’re likely aware, the government is preparing for another round of COVID vaccine campaigns. Interestingly, they’re now promoting a new vaccine, as the previous 17 they rolled out (a slight exaggeration) haven’t worked, to be totally honest.  Not sure why this next batch will “suddenly” work, but that’s what they want you to believe.

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Video: Dr. Harvey Risch Explains Why “Turbo Cancer” Rates Are Likely to Get Even Worse

“These cancers that normally would be kept in check by the body are unexpectedly growing very quickly.”



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5G Remote Kill Vector: Scientific Paper Reveals Cell Phone Signals Can Activate the Release of Biological Payloads

...From Graphene Oxide Injected Into the Body


A science paper published in MaterialsToday Chemistry reveals that cell phone signals can be used to release biological or chemical payloads from graphene oxide that’s introduced into the human body. The paper, published in September of 2022, is entitled, “Remotely controlled electro-responsive on-demand nanotherapy based on amine-modified graphene oxide for synergistic dual drug delivery.”

The study abstract reveals how a cell phone can emit signals to activate a low voltage current that interacts with Graphene Oxide (GO) molecules, causing efficient delivery of drug payloads:

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Video: Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo Warns Americans Not to Take New Covid Vaccine

Florida's surgeon general, Dr. Joseph Ladapo, advised that anyone under 65 years of age should not get COVID-19 booster vaccines.

"Today, @FLSurgeonGen Dr. Ladapo is advising caution regarding the use of the hastily-approved mRNA COVID boosters. We will not stand by and let the FDA and CDC use Floridians as guinea pigs for mRNA jabs that have not been proven to be safe or effective," Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis said Thursday on X.

"I just think that at this point, with the amount of immunity that's in the community, virtually every walking human being has some degree of immunity. And the questions we have about safety and about effectiveness, especially safety, my judgment is it's not a good decision," Ladapo said at a vaccine panel

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Science Fraud: Pfizer’s Covid Jab “Placebo” Control Group Was Given Moderna’s “Vaccine”



Pfizer has committed a major scientific fraud. Instead of giving a control group a placebo, they were instead given Moderna’s mRNA “vaccine.” The problem is, that’s no longer a control group, and the data was presented as if they were given a placebo or a “treatment that has no therapeutic valuce, such as water, or saline.”

New research published at Preprints.org reveals that the so-called “placebo” injections used in Pfizer’s Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “vaccine” trials were not real placebos. Moderna’s “vaccine” has some kind of effect on the body, or the ruling class wouldn’t insist the slaves be injected with it.

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Video: This Is What Happens When You Don’t Jab Kids: Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated Data

Odds ratios for a number of illnesses are through the roof for vaccinated children.

“The CDC has never looked at long-term health outcomes of vaccinated versus unvaccinated children,” attested Professor Brian Hooker, Ph.D., during a presentation to the World Council of Health.




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‘I Regurgitated the Party Line’ – Cardiologist Regrets Pushing Vax After ‘Undeniable’ Rise in Heart Conditions



Famed cardiologist Dr. Anish Koka has expressed his regret at “regurgitating the party line” on mRNA vaccines being “safe and effective” for young people, vowing he would never behave the same way in a similar situation.

Koka, a cardiologist with degrees from Penn State and Temple University trained at Jefferson Health, said he “certainly saw an increase” in heart conditions at his Philadelphia clinic after mRNA vaccines were rolled out en masse, “…like many of us in the cardiology community did.”

“It’s undeniable,” he stressed.

Koka was especially regretful about his personal role in propagandizing for the vaccines: “Me running around saying it’s ‘safe and effective,’ and giving it to 17-year-olds, given that most of the patients that were in the vaccine studies weren’t 17-years-old — I wasn’t technically correct.”

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COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines Reduce Immune Response to Other Infections, Potential Concern of Immune Deficiency



A recent study on the immune effects of Pfizer’s COVID-19 mRNA vaccine has scientists raising concerns over vaccine-acquired immune deficiencies.

Vaccine-acquired immune deficiency syndrome (VAIDS) is a new colloquial term coined by researchers and health practitioners since the COVID-19 vaccine rollout. Though not recognized as a medical condition, some experts believe the COVID-19 vaccines may impair or suppress immune responses.

While the new study does not use the term VAIDS, the researchers recognized “a general decrease in cytokine and chemokine responses” to bacteria, fungi, and non-COVID viruses in children after COVID-19 vaccination.

“Our findings suggest SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination could alter the immune response to other pathogens, which cause both vaccine-preventable and non-vaccine-preventable diseases,” the authors of the paper published in Frontiers in Immunology wrote.

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Judicial Watch: Records Reveal Pfizer Tested Safety of Covid Vaccine Booster on 23 People Before Biden FDA Approved the Shots



Judicial Watch on Thursday released a tranche of records revealing Pfizer tested the safety and efficacy of the Covid vaccine booster on only 23 people in 2021 before it asked the FDA to approve the shots.

Biden’s FDA immediately approved the Covid booster shot at the end of September of 2021.

“The participants included 11 people aged 18 to 55 and 12 people aged 65 to 85. Of the younger group, there were nine females and two males; eight of whom were white, one was black and two were Asian. Of the older group six were female, six were males, and all were white.” Judicial Watch reported.

8.9 million Covid boosters were administered just three weeks after the FDA approved the shots.

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