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Video: Excess Deaths Among Children Continue to Soar Across Europe Following Push of Covid Jabs for Kids


Up until the point when the European Medicines Agency (EMA) granted emergency use authorization (EUA) for the use of Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “vaccines” in children, excess deaths among children throughout Europe were negative, new data shows. Then, once the EUA was granted for the jabs to go into children, excess deaths among children started to soar.

Put a different way, children across Europe were generally safe and healthy all throughout the “pandemic” – except for being forcibly kept away from their friends, in some cases where individual countries enforced stay-at-home and social distancing orders – and only started dying once the government began pushing kids to get jabbed for COVID along with the adults.

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Newly Approved COVID Jabs Only Tested on Mice - Just EIGHT of them - And NEVER in Humans


So far, the public's response to the latest and greatest Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "vaccines" from Pfizer and Moderna that just received approval and emergency use authorization (EUA) by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is overwhelmingly negative, and for good reason: the shots are untested and unsafe.

Almost unbelievably, Newsweek, which just a few years ago was calling for the unvaccinated to be jailed, is calling out the FDA for approving these new so-called "vaccines" without any clinical trials on humans.

According to that report, the new "booster" shots (or whatever you want to call them) were only tested on mice, and on a mere eight of them. If that is not piss-poor "science," then we surely do not know what is.

"These updated boosters will be the first released to the public without any humans involved in the clinical trials, raising questions from some about the efficacy," Newsweek's Nick Mordowanec writes.

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Video: Moderna Admitted in its' Patent that the Vax Caused Cancer!

Huge Development As Millions Die From Covid Injections



Josh Sigurdson reports on the recent news of Moderna essentially admitting to the Covid “vaccine” causing cancer as Dr. Robert Malone reports the Moderna patent in front of Congress proving a massive coverup operation.

Moderna has recently halted trials of their latest mRNA injection due to myocarditis. Fauci has also recently acknowledged that the injections cause myocarditis in young men “especially.”

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Buried Study: Nearly Two-Thirds of Covid-19 “Vaccine” Recipients Suffer From Health Complications a Year Later



A recent study published in ScienceDirect revealed that nearly two-thirds of Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine recipients suffer from health complications one year after getting vaccinated.

The study, funded by the Indian Council of Medical Research in New Delhi and conducted between September 2021 and May 2023, focused on potential post-COVID-19 vaccination syndrome (PCVS) and its impact on the quality of life (QoL) among Indian adults aged 18 and above who received either Bharat Biotech’s COVAXIN or the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccines.

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Video: iDNA Vaccines to Generate Internal Virus Production

If you thought mRNA injections were the craziest things the vaccine industry has cooked up lately . . .




  • “Immunization DNA” or iDNA is a novel class of gene therapy “vaccines” that encodes for the whole virus
  • iDNA “vaccines” transcribe the full-length genomic RNA of the live-attenuated vaccine virus. The full-length viral RNA then initiates replication of live attenuated virus in the tissues of the vaccine recipient, resulting in an immune response
  • The iDNA platform can be used to create vaccines in two different ways. You can either grow the iDNA in a culture to produce the vaccine in the conventional way, or you can inject the iDNA directly into the recipient and allow the body to produce the live attenuated virus internally
  • The first human trials for an iDNA shot that codes for a live virus could begin as early as 2024
  • In early April 2023, microbiologist Kevin McKernan reported he’d discovered DNA fragments in the mRNA shots made by Pfizer and Moderna, raising concerns about the possibility of genomic integration, autoimmune diseases and cancer. McKernan now reports having found a dose relationship between the load of DNA contamination and serious adverse events

If you thought mRNA injections were the craziest things the vaccine industry has cooked up lately, you haven’t seen the half of it yet. Up next, we have so-called “immunization DNA” or iDNA, a novel class of gene therapy “vaccines” that encodes for the whole virus.

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CDC Runs Two VAERS Systems — The Public Can Access Only One of Them

An investigation by The BMJ into the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, or VAERS, found multiple deficiencies in the system, including the revelation that the government runs two systems — one for the public, and a private back-end system that contains all of the corrections and updates, including deaths that occurred after an initial injury.


When Dr. Robert Sullivan collapsed on his treadmill three weeks after his second COVID-19 vaccine in early 2021, he fell into a “nightmare” ordeal that he said exposed glaring deficiencies in the nation’s vaccine safety monitoring system.

Diagnosed with sudden onset pulmonary hypertension, the healthy and fit 49-year-old anesthesiologist from Maryland attempted to file a report through the government-run Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).

But like others interviewed in a recent investigation by The BMJ, Sullivan hit barrier after barrier when trying to submit and update his report.

Almost three years later, still grappling with debilitating symptoms, Sullivan’s experience highlights the systemic problems with the U.S. adverse events monitoring system run jointly by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

From doctors unable to file reports to disappearing data, limits on transparency and lack of resources to follow up on concerning vaccine reactions, experts warn VAERS is failing to detect critical safety signals.

According to one of those experts — VAERS researcher Albert Benavides, whose experience includes HMO claims auditing, data analytics and revenue cycle management — VAERS’ failure isn’t accidental.

“It is not broken,” Benavides wrote in his Substack coverage of The BMJ investigation. “VAERS runs cover for the big pharma cabal.”

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Video: OB-GYN Drops Alarming Miscarriage Data Before Congress: “I’ve Never Seen This Before”

Dr. Kimberly Biss, an OB-GYN who has been involved in 8,000 pregnancies, details how miscarriage rates have doubled year-over-year since the introduction of the COVID-19 injections.



“I’ve never seen this before,” testified Dr. Kimberly Biss, an OB-GYN who has been involved in 8,000 pregnancies, before Congress in the “Injuries Caused by COVID-19 Vaccines” hearing Monday.

“How many of your patients or pregnant women that you know of experience miscarriages after taking the COVID-19 vaccines — or injections?” asked representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA).

Dr. Biss first explained that the vaccination rate among her patient population was about 60% and that most of the patients received three injections. “Very few received four or more.”

“What’s concerning,” detailed Dr. Biss, “is the majority of the patients received their injections in 2021 and early 2022. However, we’re still seeing lingering effects.”

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Video: Feds Keep Hidden Books on Vaccine Injury Reports, Barely Follow Up

Pfizer has about 1,000 more full-time employees than CDC doing "vaccine surveillance," British Medical Journal estimates. House COVID subcommittee expresses concern.


Federal public health agencies are reportedly withholding the most accurate and up-to-date reports of vaccine injury from the public, allegedly to protect privacy. Patients don't necessarily see it that way, and it's not clear the feds told Congress.

The Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System, jointly managed by the CDC and FDA, has a secret "back end" privy only to regulators, an FDA official told advocates of VAERS reform nearly a year ago, according to a British Medical Journal investigation published Friday.

"Anything derived from medical records by law" cannot be included in the "front end system" accessible to the public, Narayan Nair, director of the Division of Pharmacovigilance, allegedly told advocates.

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How They'll Fake the Success of the COVID Vaccine

by Jon Rappoport

I’ve described how the major clinical trials of the COVID vaccine are designed to prevent nothing more than a cough, or chills and fever [1] [2].

The whole plan to gain FDA approval of the vaccine is a stark fraud.

Now let’s move on to the next con: how to make it seem the vaccine is a roaring success.

Brief background: My readers know I’ve presented a complete case to show the SARS-CoV-2 virus was never proved to exist in the first place [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]. So the whole idea of a vaccine is a non-sequitur, an absurdity. Likewise, the PCR test for “the virus” is a fraud on several levels [11]:

For example, the number of “cycles” for which the test is set is a key factor. Each cycle is a huge amplification of the tissue sample taken from the patient.

When you blow up that tissue sample above 34 cycles, you get gigantic numbers of false-positive results, even by the standards of the test. Fauci has admitted it. I’ve pointed out that FDA guidelines nevertheless recommend doing the test at up to 40 cycles. This alone explains reports of “rising COVID case numbers.”

Let’s say Pfizer and then Moderna win FDA approval to release their vaccines in the US. With the military doing the logistics of shipping, millions of doses move out, and soon, an extraordinary number of Americans are lining up to take the shot.

After a suitable period of time, the elite medical planners will change the way the PCR test is done. The number of cycles will be drastically reduced. That order will go out to labs in the US.

What does this mean? It means that far fewer positive test results will occur.

Therefore, the trend of “new COVID cases” will stop rising. It will level off, and then it will fall.

This rigging will be heralded as proof that that vaccine is producing a victory over the virus.

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Sudden Deaths Twice as High Among Vaccinated in Pfizer Trial



Sudden deaths were twice as high in the vaccine group of the original Pfizer clinical trial than in the placebo group, researchers have found, reigniting concerns about the safety of the novel mRNA drug.

The worrying finding comes from new analysis of the data from the original randomised controlled trial (RCT) of the vaccine which were released as part of legal action in Texas.

Researchers at the Health Advisory and Recovery Team (HART) found that there were four additional sudden deaths in the vaccine group than in the placebo group, all of which occurred after the first 60 days. Many assurances of vaccine safety assume that any harms will be seen within 28 days of vaccination, meaning signals after 60 days would be missed.

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