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Gates-Funded Plan to Vaccinate 86 Million Girls Against HPV ( Gardasil ) Will ‘Unleash Mass Casualty Event

The Gardasil vaccine has been linked to myriad adverse events

Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance is investing more than $600 million to reach its goal of vaccinating 86 million girls in low- and middle-income countries by 2025. The alliance is funded in large part by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.


An international campaign — funded in large part by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation — to inject tens of millions of young girls with the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine is drawing fire from critics who allege the vaccine will cause far more harm than good.

Claiming the initiative will avert “over 1.4 million future deaths,” Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance announced it is investing more than $600 million to reach its goal of vaccinating 86 million girls in low- and middle-income countries by 2025.

The Gates Foundation co-founded Gavi and is one of its four permanent board members. UNICEF, the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO) — whose second-largest donor is Gates — hold the other permanent seats.

The Clinton Health Access Initiative also sits on the board.

James Lyons-Weiler, Ph.D., a critic of the global HPV vaccine campaign, suggested mass vaccination will cause a devastating number of serious side effects among young girls, even though there are still no studies showing the HPV vaccine prevents cancer, despite claims to the contrary by vaccine makers and public health officials.

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Billions of Copies of Residual DNA in a Single Dose of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine

A new preprint study up for peer review finds billions of residual DNA fragments in COVID-19 mRNA vaccine vials.


A new preprint study up for peer review finds billions of residual DNA fragments in the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine vials.

The lead author of the study, molecular virologist David Speicher, who has a doctorate in virology, told The Epoch Times that their study is "the largest study" on residual DNA in COVID-19 vaccines to date.

"In our study, we measured DNA copies of spike, ori (origin of replication), and SV40 enhancer genes," he told The Epoch Times. "The loads of SV40 enhancer-promoter, ori, and virus spike in Pfizer are up to 186 billion copies per dose."

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FDA Downplays COVID Vax Overdosing as Hydroxychloroquine Shows More Promise in European Research


The FDA repeatedly told the public that an antiviral with a sterling safety record, ivermectin, should not be used to treat COVID-19 because it was also prescribed, at higher dosages, to livestock.

The agency didn't appear to show the same concern about correctly dosing the new single-shot mRNA COVID vaccines and is now scrambling to educate healthcare providers not to give children adult-strength jabs even while denying that overdosing is a safety risk.

Its demonization of cheap, widely available antivirals to treat SARS-CoV-2 infections in higher-risk populations looks increasingly shortsighted, with two new peer-reviewed studies on hydroxychloroquine's effectiveness when combined with azithromycin, a common antibiotic.

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Video: Pfizer Covid “Vaccine” Injected Into Billions of Arms Was Not the Same as Pfizer’s Clinical Trials

Jeffery Jaxen joins the Highwire to expose the fact that the vaccine that was jabbed into the arms of BILLIONS around the world was not the formulation used in the so-called clinical trials.  What they actually injected into people was a horrific contaminated cocktail.



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Poll: 24 Percent Say They Know Someone Who Died From the COVID Jab


Nearly a quarter of Americans say that they know someone who died from COVID-19 injection side effects,  according to a Rasmussen Reports poll released on Thursday.

More men (51 percent) than women (44 percent) said someone they know personally died from side effects of the COVID shots.

Political affiliation did not play a major role in the answers. A full 25 percent of Republicans said they knew someone personally who died from side effects of the COVID-19 vax, compared to 24 percent of Democrats and unaffiliated voters who said they personally knew someone who died from COVID-19 jab side effects.

Even more respondents—42 percent—said that if there was a major class-action lawsuit against the pharmaceutical companies for adverse side effects, they would be likely to join the lawsuit, including 24 percent who said it’s very likely they’d join such a lawsuit.

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White House Orchestrated Cover-Up Of COVID Vaccine Heart Damage


Freedom of Information Act emails obtained by DailyClout show high-level officials at the White House, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the American Academy of Pediatricians knew COVID-19 vaccines were linked to myocarditis and death, yet doubled-down on vaccine mandates.

The White House and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) knew in April 2021 that the Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA vaccine was linked to heart damage on an unprecedented scale for a vaccine — but they hid that knowledge from the public while pushing vaccine mandates, according to emails obtained by DailyClout through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.

The emails show the White House communications team struggling to craft a cover-up message on email chains that included Dr. Anthony Fauci, then-director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and chief medical advisor to President Biden; CDC Director Rochelle Walensky; Dr. Janet Woodcock, then-acting commissioner of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy and Dr. Francis Collins, then-director the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

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China’s Top Spy Agency Warns of “Gene Weapons’ Able to Target Specific Ethnicity or Race

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Vindicated


In July, Robert Kennedy, Jr. took heat from the leftwing media and The New York Post after he alleged that both the U.S. and China had done research into ethnically-targeted bioweapons.

Kennedy added, “History shows that Jews, Africans, and the indigenous have the most to fear from such technologies,” he said, adding, “We must rein in all bioweapons research, whether these weapons are ethnically targeted or not. We saw what COVID did to the world when it was leaked from a laboratory.“

Kennedy made these comments after NY Post reporter Jon Levine wrote a hit piece on Kennedy after sitting next to him at “party filled with farting and beer drinking” and accused him of anti-Semitism for suggesting the COVID Pandemic hit some ethnic groups harder than others and that European Ashkenazi Jews and Asians fared better with the virus.

During the party Robert Kennedy, Jr. spoke about how scientists are now developing viruses as bioweapons. The US is sponsoring these laboratories financially. And scientists are currently working on ethnically targeted microbes. This was all true

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Video: Where is the Proof of Efficacy for the Flu Vaccine?

Where is the proof of efficacy for the flu vaccine? Explain to me how we can be having 30M cases of flu every year if the vaccines are working and creating herd immunity? Is that a success? Is there a recent large double-blind placebo controlled RCT showing flu vaccine efficacy?

This paper in 1999 says "Context: Data are limited and conflicting regarding the effectiveness of influenza vaccine in health care professionals." So basically, it means they gave >50 years worth of shots without ever knowing whether it works or not for healthcare professionals. Impressive.

And the p-values in this small study were hardly convincing: pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10078487/ So where is the data???

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The FDA is Required by Law to Take Covid Jabs Off the Market Because They Are Adulterated and You Can Now Sue the Manufacturers


I've talked to multiple sources on this. Professor Byram Bridle first mentioned this to me, then Robert Malone, then attorney Warner Mendenhall. This is big.

This is important.

This tweet has over 1M views in just 6 hours.

Please read the entire thread and PLEASE hit the retweet icon.

Goal: 100,000 retweets.

Thanks. And have a nice day.



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