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Video: Democrats Show Contempt For The American People

Dems refuse to honor the results of the Mueller probe and the 2016 election!


The Democrats are attempting to move the goal posts back onto the field. But the field is muddy and it’s unclear whether they realize which game is going to be played.

The Democrats have been frantically setting the table after realizing they put nothing on it, only to have the needler New York congressman Judiciary Committee Chair Jerry Nadler bring the Democratic Party message back to its modus operandi of bad craziness.

If the Democrats actually cared about fair and free elections and Russian election meddling, would they support Big Tech’s obvious 2020 election interference by banning the platforms of Trump’s base? Or continue their shallow impeachment narrative? A narrative that threatens the stability of the United States and the real issues Americans face.


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Video: Jim Jordan: House Democrats Are Trying To Destroy AG Bill Barr

The push to hold William Barr in contempt is an effort to prevent the attorney general from investigating the origins of the Mueller probe, says Ohio Congressman Jim Jordan, Republican member of the House Judiciary Committee.


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Video: Jim Jordan: Dems Are Trying To Obstruct Justice

Ohio Republican Rep. Jim Jordan applauds Attorney General Bill Barr for wanting to get to the bottom of what prompted the Trump-Russia collusion investigation.


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Video: The Claim That Trump Called Neo-Nazis "Very Fine People" Is Demostrably False

Editor's Note:  Sleepy, Creepy Joe. Only a stone-cold sociopath would start his campaign for President by deliberately lying straight to your face while claiming to represent some higher, unimpeachable moral character. The way he feigns deep sincerity while he knowingly misrepresents the truth makes me want to projectile vomit.

These people believe that when they repeat a lie enough times it becomes the truth. And others are too afraid to correct them. It’s an emperor has no clothes situation. No one on the left wants to get unpersoned.



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Hey Democrats: Here's The Price I Paid For Your Socialist Dream

By Enrique Padron

American Democrats are pining ever more loudly for socialism these days, for “free” education, “free” health care and much else.

Let me tell you about socialism as I lived it under the Fidel Castro regime.

The house where I was born in Communist Cuba had a dirt floor, a bathroom hole-in-the-ground, which we shared with six other families, and a zinc roof that left us unbearably hot in the summer and shivering in the winter.

We had no running water, no refrigerator and no door in the back of the house. We cooked with charcoal. My mother raised four boys by herself in that “house,” working 12 hours a day to earn 160 Cuban pesos, or approximately $6, a month.

Why didn’t we fix it? In addition to the meager income, we had no access to hardware stores to buy nails or cement to fix our humble house. In fact, the local member of the ­National Assembly was the only person authorized to approve whether we could buy a bag of cement or a roll of roof paper — if they were available.

We couldn’t buy these simple materials without that precious piece of paper. Can you imagine going to your congressional representative to ask for permission to buy a box of nails? Or roof tiles? Or roof paper? It seems unthinkable in the United States. But in Cuba, where we lacked the ­necessities of life, we had to. And when we complained, the authorities scolded us to be grateful for free education and free health care.

In Cuba, it is illegal to speak against the government or complain about living conditions. We were prohibited from speaking with local media, but the journalists were state employees and wouldn’t publish our stories anyway. We couldn’t ­express our unmet needs and were reminded that we shouldn’t complain anyway, ­because we were promised — you guessed it — free education and free health care.

In Cuba, doctors make the equivalent of 25 cents an hour and teachers 21 cents an hour. Pharmacists earn eight cents an hour.

In Cuba, there is no right to free speech and virtually no ­independent media.

There are no free, fair, multiparty elections. In fact, there is just one political party (Communist), and only members of the Communist Party may run as candidates for any ­office. But we were told we couldn’t object to this system, lest we lose our free education and free health care.

Two of my brothers were sent to fight in Angola when I was a boy. After years of risking their lives for a strange cause, they came back to Cuba to find out that their mother and little brother were living under worse conditions than before they left. They learned that the promise of going to another country to fight for the “big, beautiful future of socialism” was just a big lie.

In Cuba, if you dare to yell something true — like “Fidel and Raul are dictators!” — you could spend many years in prison. Dictatorship is another price we had to pay for free education and free health care.

I desperately needed something more than the promises of free education and free health care. I knew that I needed freedom — freedom to speak my mind and vote my conscience. It was worth the risk of being eaten by sharks than to continue living a life with no purpose and no freedom.

On August 16, 1994, I decided to get into a boat with 20 other Cubans in search of a future.

One of my two brothers followed me to the United States, also in a raft, nearly dying of thirst and hunger during the journey. My other brother is still awaiting the visa I filed for him.

Throughout their ordeals, my brothers have been promised free education and free health care.

After arriving in the United States, I worked as an international sales manager, owned a restaurant, hosted a radio program and authored two books. Today, I work for a member of Congress. None of those opportunities would have been possible for me in socialist Cuba.

I wish that one day I might have a conversation with some of these young American socialists, who have no experience with actually existing socialism. They like to think they can have democracy and a socialist economy. But everywhere it’s been implemented, public ownership of the means of production has led to political repression.

Not least in my native Cuba, with its promises of “free” cradle-to-grave services.

I chose so much more than the promise of “free.” I chose freedom.

Enrique Padron is the southwest Florida director for Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart.

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Video: Tom Fitton: Dems' HYSTERICAL Reaction to Barr "Spying" Comment Reveals They Want a Cover-Up

This morning, Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton appeared on "Fox & Friends FIRST" on the Fox News Channel to discuss Attorney General William Barr's testimony to Congress about the effort to spy on Donald Trump.


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Video: Mark Dice - Get Ready For the Democrat Tantrums After Release of Mueller Report.

It is ASTOUNDING!  The Democrats have the unmitigated gall to claim to say, "there was spying" is some grand conspiracy theory when they have dragged everyone through the most ridiculous conspiracy theory EVER for over TWO FRIGGIN YEARS with their totally fake Russia Gate collusion scandal, which started with ILLEGAL SPYING BY THEM.


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Video: Democrats & Revolutionary Communists No Difference - Don't Forget History

It is so evident now that we have an extreme conflict going on in our government. The truth is, for yeas now, Socialists (an uppity word for Communists) have been infiltrating the Democratic Party. The Democrats who are not Communist have been bought off, or prefer a one-world government to our United States of America. I can’t believe life-long Democrats would give up our freedom with a God-inspired Constitution to guide us.


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The Witch Hunt is Dead! Long Live the Witch Hunt!

By David Blackmon

The Witch Hunt is dead! Long live the Witch Hunt! – In case you are wondering why every Democrat from Hawaii to Maine is screaming for Attorney General William Barr to “release the full, unredacted Mueller Report!”, it’s because they know that will never happen.

They know that Mueller’s report – assuming it is a fullsome narrative and not just the listing of indictments, prosecutions and deferrals required by the governing statute – will certainly be chock-full of classified information and other passages that the FBI and intelligence agencies will want to redact under their handy “sources and methods” rubrick.  They also know that AG Barr is an old pro, a guy who is going to play this situation strictly by the book, which likely means he is going to compile his own summary report that fully eliminates such concerns and release that to congress and the public instead.

Thus, their cynical and unfillable demand for the “full, unredacted report” will then be transformed into claims that Barr, the disciple of George H.W. Bush who most of them were praising just a few months ago, is now just a Trump toadie who is engaged in a coverup, claims that the Democrats plan to keep pounding right on through Election Day, 2020.

This claim of coverup will become a major part of the Democrat justification for mounting their own Witch Hunts that will consume most of the time over the next 18 months of at least three House committees:  Judiciary, Intelligence and Oversight. Party leaders feel they have no choice but to keep all of this anti-American nonsense alive in order for one of their array of freaks, miscreants, commies and outright nutjobs to have any chance of defeating President Donald Trump at the ballot box next year.

So, if you are frustrated that the Democrats who have spent the last 20 months guaranteeing us that Gestapo Chief, er, “Special Counsel” Mueller has “got the goods” on the President and several members of his family now refuse to accept Mueller’s finding that there was no “Russia Collusion” or “obstruction of justice” and allow our country to return to some sense of normalcy, well, this is why. Yes, it is demented; yes, it is depraved; yes, it is utterly despicable and un-American behavior, but hey, this is the Democrats we are talking about here.

What did you expect?

So, let’s review the Mueller Witch Hunt from a statistical perspective:

  • Money spent – well in excess of $30 million
  • Number of days – 675
  • Number of indictments – 34
  • Number of indictments against Americans – 8
  • Number of indictments against Russian ham sandwiches Mueller knows will never come to this country to stand trial – 25
  • Number of indictments against Concorde Management, whose trial Mueller continues to desperately postpone because he has a big bag of nothing against them – 1


  • Number of indictments related to “Collusion” or “Obstruction” – ZERO, ZIP, ZILCH, NADA

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