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Video: ALERT! Col. Macgregor Warns Dems Plan To Turn Guns On US Citizens Once Military Recruits Illegals

Retired Army Colonel Douglas Macgregor joined popular journalist Tucker Carlson in a recent interview where the military expert warned Americans against allowing illegal aliens to serve in the armed forces.

The Democrat-proposed “Courage to Serve Act would offer illegal migrants an expedited path to citizenship if they serve in the U.S. military as it continues missing recruitment goals thanks to unpopular globalist wars and far-left ideology being pushed on soldiers.



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Breaking Down $1.3T In NATO Defense Spending

Editor's Note:  Like every other globalist operation, what has NATO ever done to make this a better world?  NOTHING!  In fact, they are nothing but another globalist boondoggle through which TRILLIONS has been siphoned off the help the globalist psychopaths achieve their goal of enslaving the entire planet.



The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is a political and military alliance comprising 31 countries. Its primary purpose is to facilitate cooperation among member nations, ensuring mutual defense and security.

This graphic, via Visual Capitalist's Marcus Lu, breaks down the expected defense expenditures of NATO members in 2023, using data from NATO and based on current prices and exchange rates.

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Video: The National Security State and Its Drive for Censorship in the United States with Mike Benz

Tucker Carlson invited Mike Benz from the Director of The Foundation for Freedom Online to discuss how the Western defense and foreign policy establishment created, used, and then turned against the concept of free speech on the internet.

Mike Benz told Tucker about the point in time when the Western powers decided that concept of free speech on the internet was a danger to the future of the world order.



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The Pentagon and its CIA Germ Warfare Program



Biological warfare research began in the United States in 1943 by order of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. The U.S. Army Chemical Warfare Service then began a large-scale research and development program at Fort Detrick in Frederick, Maryland. That research continues to this day.

President Nixon’s Executive Order in 1969

President Nixon’s “Statement on Chemical and Biological Defense Policies and Programs,” was signed in late 1969. Nixon ordered “The United States shall renounce the use of lethal biological agents and weapons, and all other methods of biological warfare,” and “The United States will confine its biological research to defensive measures such as immunization and safety measures.” The Department of Defense (DoD) and the CIA simply ignored the president’s executive order

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Video: General Milley Knew Chinese Spy Balloon Was Collecting Data Over US but Lied About It to American Public



Last January the Biden administration knew about the Chinese spy balloon traversing across the continental United States, from Alaska to the Carolinas, but sought to conceal this from the American public.

A newspaper photographer first spotted the balloon over Montana.

The Chinese spy balloon first entered US airspace over Alaska in late January.

Joe Biden and Mark Milley knew the surveillance balloon was over the US, yet Biden chose to stand down.

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Watching the Watchmen: First Ever Pentagon Audit Begins

Editor's Note: Well, it's about damned time.  I sure hope it's a serious effort.  Remember what happened the day before the events of September 11, 2001?  Donald Rumsfeld announced the fact that the Pentagon bureaucracy should be considered a grave threat to the United States, that it cannot account for 2.3 TRILLION DOLLARS! Then the figure jumped to $6.5 TRILLION DOLLARS.  Now it's estimated to be an astounding $21 TRILLION DOLLARS when all is added together!




For the first time in its 70-year history, the US Department of Defense (DoD) will be undertaking an agency-wide audit. Pentagon officials announced that a massive audit involving thousands of inspectors will be checking every nook and cranny of the gargantuan agency starting later in December.

Pentagon Comptroller David Norquist and spokesperson Dana White announced the audit on Friday. "It is important that the Congress and the American people have confidence in DoD's management of every taxpayer dollar," Norquist said.

"With consistent feedback from auditors, we can focus on improving the processes of our day-to-day work. Annual audits also ensure visibility over the quantity and quality of the equipment and supplies our troops use."

Auditing the DoD is a herculean task. A whopping 2,400 auditors will be inspecting an agency with a 2018 annual budget of $700 billion, assets valued at roughly $2.4 trillion, and 2.9 million employees spread out across hundreds of offices.

The move has been celebrated by transparency groups such as Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW). "Taxpayers should be encouraged that DOD has finally begun the necessary process of auditing its gargantuan bureaucracy. The Pentagon has done an exemplary job of protecting our national security, but a very poor job of keeping track of how defense dollars are spent," said president Tom Schatz.

Many feel the move is long overdue. Every federal agency except the DoD already complies with the 1990 Chief Financial Officers Act, which requires them to release full financial statements annually.

"The Pentagon must conform to the same level of accountability to which other public sector agencies are held when it comes to spending taxpayer dollars," Rep. Michael Burgess (R-TX) told The American Conservative. "There is no reason why the Department of Defense should remain the only federal agency to not receive an audit opinion."

In December 2016, the Washington Post claimed to have acquired an internal Pentagon document pointing to a breathtaking $125 billion in administrative waste in the DoD. The document was reportedly buried until The Post uncovered it.

The auditors will be coming from numerous independent public accounting firms. Norquist said that from 2018 onwards, the DoD will be audited annually to cut down on government waste.

Norquist also discussed what the DoD would do in the case of a government shutdown. Military personnel and exempted civilian personnel would continue to return to work, but hundreds of thousands of non-exempted civilian employees would be temporarily unemployed.

"Any time we get close to the end of a CR [continuing resolution], we automatically go through and update our contingency plans," Norquist said. "And so we've had to do that several times this year."

Disagreements over the budget for fiscal year 2018 has created the looming threat of a government shutdown. On Thursday evening, Congress passed a two week extension to the 2017 budget known as a continuing resolution so that debate over a budget that can pass both Congress and the White House can continue.

"I cannot emphasize too much how destructive a shutdown is," said Norquist. "We've talked before about the importance of maintenance on weapons systems and others, but if it's not an excepted activity, there'll be work stoppage on many of those maintenance functions."

"What the CR says is, 'Stop, wait, don't award that contract yet,' which delays when you begin to increase the quantity and the production." As such, Norquist added, he hoped that Congress resolved their budget debate forthwith.

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Video: DARPA Created Aerosolized Covid Vaccine BEFORE The Release of Covid!

Thomas Renz of https://tomrenz.com joins The Alex Jones Show to expose the NWO plan to inject GMO foods with DNA reprogramming genetics and respond to the declassified documents exposing DARPA's program to develop aerosolized COVID vaccines.



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Pentagon Fails First Audit, Neocons Demand More Spending!

Ron Paul


The Pentagon has finally completed its first ever audit and the results are as many of us expected. After spending nearly a billion dollars to find out what has happened to trillions in unaccounted-for spending, the long look through the books has concluded that only ten percent of all Pentagon agencies pass muster. I am surprised any of them did.

Even the Pentagon is not surprised by the failure of the audit. “We failed the audit. But we never expected to pass it,” said Deputy Secretary of Defense Patrick Shanahan. Can we imagine any large US company subject to the prying eyes of the IRS being so unfazed by the discovery that its books have been so mis-handled?

As with all government programs, but especially when it comes to military spending, the failure of a program never leads to calls for funding reductions. The Pentagon’s failure to properly account for the trillions of taxpayer dollars shoveled in year after year only means, they say, that we need to send more money! Already they are claiming that with more resources – meaning money – they can fix some of the problems identified by the audit.

If you subsidize something you get much more of it, and in this case we are subsidizing Pentagon incompetence. Expect much more of it.

Outgoing chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, Rep. Mac Thornberry, warned against concluding that this

mis-handling trillions of dollars should make us hesitant to continue sending trillions more to the Pentagon. The failed audit “should not be used as an excuse for arbitrary cuts that reverse the progress we have begun on rebuilding our strength and readiness,” he said.

The neocons concur. Writing in the Free Beacon, editor Matthew Continetti (who happens to be Bill Kristol’s son-in-law) warns that now is “the wrong time to cut defense.”

But I agree with the young neoconservative Continetti. I would never support cutting a penny of defense. However the Pentagon’s lost trillions have nothing to do with defense. That is money propping up the high lifestyles of those connected to the military-industrial complex.

Continetti and the neocons love to throw out bogeymen like China and Russia as excuses for more military spending, but in fact they are hardly objective observers. Look at how much the military contractors spend funding the neocon publications and neocon think tanks telling us that we need more military spending! All this money is stolen from the productive economy and diverted to enrich neocon cheerleaders at our expense.

Of course the real problem with the Pentagon and military spending in general is not waste, fraud, and abuse. It is not ten thousand dollar toilet seats or coffee mugs. The problem with military spending is the philosophy that drives it. If the US strategy is to maintain a global military empire, there will never be enough spending. Because there is never enough to control every corner of the globe. But if we are to return to a well-defended republic, military spending could easily be reduced by 75 percent while keeping us completely safe. The choice is ours!



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The Pentagon Just Failed its Sixth Straight Audit – TRILLIONS of Dollars ‘Missing’

Editor's Note: Funny how we got a slight eyebrow raised when the whistle was blown on Ukraine leaders STEALING LIKE THERE'S NO TOMORROW, but all we get is a shoulder shrug when it comes to the insane levels of theft going on in our own Military Industrial Complex leadership.  We just continue to allow Congress to shovel more tax dollars at them with ZERO ACCOUNTABILITY.



The Pentagon has just failed its sixth audit in as many years.

In early October, it was reported that the Pentagon was crying broke to Congress, now this.

Considering that the world is on fire under Biden, now would be a good time to have our Defense Department in order, but no such luck.

The Daily Caller reports:

Pentagon Fails Sixth Straight Audit With Little Improvement From Last Year

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Video: Army Scientist Secrety Sprayed St. Louis With Radioactive Particles for YEARS to Test Chemical Warfare Technology

From back in Sept. 29, 2012

The United States Military conducted top secret experiments on the citizens of St. Louis, Missouri, for years, exposing them to radioactive compounds, a researcher has claimed.

While it was known that the government sprayed 'harmless' zinc cadmium silfide particles over the general population in St Louis, Professor Lisa Martino-Taylor, a sociologist at St. Louis Community College, claims that a radioactive additive was also mixed with the compound.

She has accrued detailed descriptions as well as photographs of the spraying which exposed the unwitting public, predominantly in low-income and minority communities, to radioactive particles.



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