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Confirmed: Digital Currency Will Be Used to Control the Masses


If ever there was a battle worth fighting, it’s the one over digital currency. Digital currency has become the most powerful tool on the planet, and here’s why: it offers a neat and tidy way for a few powerful tyrants to control the masses with just the flip of a switch. Say something controversial about a trans person on social media? Your social credit score could plummet, leading your bank to drop you, and suddenly you can’t buy groceries or pay bills.

Think that’s far-fetched? Think again. They’re already admitting that digital currency will be wielded as a weapon for mass control, and they’re not shy about letting you know. As a matter of fact, Christine Lagarde, the current president of the European Central Bank (ECB) revealed that digital currency will absolutely be used for control. And this very disturbing revelation happened all thanks to a prank.

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Worldcoin CEO: Global Digital Currency Tied To Global Digital ID Will Soon Be Required ‘Whether You Like It Or Not’



This is no longer talked about in futuristic terms; it’s a current reality that will soon be forced on all of humanity.

I’ve been saying for nearly three years now that the beast system is based on the world’s people accepting two technological components offered up by the Luciferian globalist elites: A globally recognized digital ID to replace the cards in your wallet and a globally recognized digital money to replace the cash in your wallet. The two together will comprise the foundation of the punitive global beast system.

In a hat tip to Slay News, we learned the following today:

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Video: Banking Insider Warns CBDC Will Be Implanted Chips

It truly appears the end times are approaching

The Bank for International Settlements recently published a report called, “Blueprint for the future monetary system: improving the old, enabling the new.”

This report proposes that a Central Bank Digital Currency will serve as the new reserve currency and calls for the digital confiscation of all physical property by assigning every real-world item its own unique digital token which will contain rules on how each item can and cannot be used so that each person can be controlled and conditioned directly by the central bank.


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Video: This Is Why We Need to Talk About CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency)

Central banks and governments, at a global scale, have prepared to implement CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) with important consequences for every aspect of freedom in our lives.

Though they will introduce it to the public gradually, its capacity for total control is immense.

It isn’t merely that the new dollar is digital, traceable and trackable. It’s based on blockchain technology, of course. It isn’t merely that small business will be hurt (yet again) or that private transactions will be eradicated. Nor will it be merely consequential for drug dealers, scammers, or illicit trades.



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Coming Soon! Programmable Money to Control How You Spend


The Central Banks want to use negative interest rates (money that expires) along with the introduction of digital currency to control how you spend. The expiring money could go into cash accounts. But how long will cash be around once they wallow in this type of control? It’s digital and programmable, and they want to fool you by calling it “smart” money.

Get used to terms like programmable money, negative interest rates, smart money, expiring money, and digital currency. The globalists want to control how you spend in every way imaginable.

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Video: Worse Than Useless - Andreas M. Antonopoulos Explains Bitcoin

Bitcoin Explained By One of The Pioneers

Bitcoin explained by Andreas Antonopoulos.  Andreas articulates, with incredible clarity, the critical importance of privacy and how it intersects with money, technology, government and individuals.


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