Waking Up the Masses: What Can We Learn From the Biggest Lies People Believed About Covid?
As more truths emerge daily about the Covid-19 scam, people are waking up. Hopefully this article can help even more come to the proper conclusions and realize how big the lies have been.
By Brandon Smith
At the very beginning of the covid event in late 2019 to early 2020 the public had little to no information on the details surrounding the outbreak in Wuhan, China and what kind of virus the world might be facing. The virus was coming to western shores and so the public had to prepare for the potential consequences.
People were supposedly dying en masse in China, but the communist country refused to give accurate data on the situation and to this day their reported covid death rate is highly suspect. After a period of uncertainty, suddenly, there was a rush by the media and by government officials to predict the worst case scenario. The WHO was calling for a SARS-like death rate of at least 3% or more – That would mean a global tally of over 240 million+ fatalities.
For those of us in the Liberty Movement, this was seen as the “big one”; the kind of event that crashes economies and leads to an authoritarian society. It almost became that…