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Video: Donald Trump 2021 Full CPAC Speech

Yet another video completely removed from YouTube! Thank God for alternatives like Bitchute!

Former President Trump teased another possible presidential campaign on Sunday during his speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) while repeating his false claim that he won the 2020 election.

In his first major public appearance since leaving the White House, Trump predicted that the Democratic Party will endure “withering losses” in the midterm elections and will “decisively” lose the White House in 2024.

The former president repeated his unfounded claims that widespread fraud led to President Biden’s 2020 election win by falsely declaring during his speech that, "actually, as you know they just lost the White House.”

“But who knows, I may even decide to beat them for a third time,” he said, prompting cheers from the crowd at the conference.

Trump used his speech to slam the Biden administration’s first month in office as “the most disastrous,” particularly criticizing Biden's efforts to reverse Trump’s immigration policies.  

The former president’s much-anticipated speech comes after conference speakers praised Trump over the past few days. It also followed the announced results of the CPAC straw poll that determined 55 percent of participants would back Trump in a 2024 presidential run.

Trump had intended to use his speech to solidify his leadership role in the Republican Party after his second impeachment led several GOP lawmakers to break with the former president.

The House impeached Trump with a week left in his presidency on an allegation that he incited the riot at the Capitol. The Senate later dismissed the charge, although seven GOP senators voted to convict the former president in the most bipartisan Senate impeachment trial vote in American history.

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Ban of Donald Trump Proves Twitter Is Not ‘Just A Platform’

So Twitter has “permanently banned” President Donald Trump’s account.

While this will please Democrats, and perhaps lessen the (justifiable) heat the company is taking from regulators, it just proves again that Twitter’s claims that it is “just a platform” are hogwash.

Some of Trump’s tweets were untrue and incendiary, but so are the Ayatollah Khamenei’s. His account is still up. The difference is Twitter is run by American liberals, who only really police one type of person, of one political persuasion.

It’s a little ridiculous that what finally did Trump in was tweeting that he wouldn’t be attending Joe Biden’s inauguration. Twitter twisted that to mean that he still won’t accept the results of the election — which just shows they were looking for an excuse. Rather than let the readers judge, they pulled the plug.

This paper has a bit of history with Twitter’s bias, seeing as they shut us down over a true Hunter Biden story. That incident proved that they “fact check” stories critical of Democrats far more aggressively than they do for Republicans, just as they police conservatives far more than liberals.

If Twitter was a private publisher, this would be annoying but unavoidable. But it isn’t. It’s a “platform” that, thanks to Section 230, faces no responsibility for what is tweeted. Twitter gets to censor whomever it likes, but throws up its hands at hate speech and libel with a “not our problem!”

This is untenable. Either Section 230 needs to be repealed, and Twitter must responsibly police who it hosts, or Twitter needs to step back and let the public decide what is acceptable or not.

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Video: Former Overstock.com CEO Patrick Byrne Exposes the Snakes in the White House Betraying Trump

This is a rare "honest" glimpse into what Trump has had to deal with for his entire first term. Former Overstock.com CEO, Patrick Byrne attended a recent meeting where he personally witnessed the snake pit of worthless advisors and attorneys who work 24/7 to undermine Trump at every turn. DISGUSTING doesn't even come close to describing what Trump has had to deal with.


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Donald Trump: ‘We Are Learning to Live with COVID’ Just Like the Flu

Charlie Spiering

President Donald Trump on Tuesday said Americans were “learning to live” with COVID-19 just like they were with the seasonal flu.

“Flu season is coming up! Many people every year, sometimes over 100,000, and despite the Vaccine, die from the Flu,” Trump wrote on Twitter. “Are we going to close down our Country? No, we have learned to live with it, just like we are learning to live with Covid, in most populations far less lethal!!!”

The president spoke about the coronavirus after returning to the White House on Monday evening.

Trump’s messaging on the virus shifted after spending time at the hospital fighting the virus, as he urged Americans not to be afraid of it.

“I learned so much about coronavirus and one thing that’s for certain: don’t let it dominate you, don’t be afraid of it,” Trump said. “You’re going to beat it.”


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Video: The President’s Life Is In Danger — Being Given Highly Dangerous Drugs

Trump has been given experimental drug and is now undergoing Remdesivir therapy

Jon Rappoport breaks down the dire circumstances President Trump is in as he’s being given experimental and highly dangerous drugs as part of his coronavirus treatment at Walter Reed Hospital.


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Video: Trump Slams China in U.N. Speech Echoing His Campaign Themes

September 22, 2020 United Nations Speech

As the United Nations marked its 75th anniversary with a pandemic-era summit conducted virtually, President Trump used the occasion Tuesday to excoriate China, accusing it of “unleashing” the coronavirus on the world even as U.S. deaths from the disease passed 200,000.


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PROOF: Trump Didn’t Downplay COVID Seriousness To America (But The Dems Did)

By Jeff Dunetz

President Trump told Bob Woodward during his interview sessions that he wanted to always play it down the COVID virus, and he still plays it down, “because I don’t want to create a panic.” This drove Democrats and the liberal media to accuse President Trump of lying to America about the seriousness of the pandemic. However with the words “playing it down,” Trump meant that he wasn’t going to panic, or spread panic. In fact, unless is a member of the liberal media or a leftist Democrat, any reasonable observer looking the actions and words of Trump and his administration knew how serious they took the pandemic, and should have gotten the message that Americans should be taking the virus very seriously also.

Take a look at the COVID-19 timeline below. It runs from Dec. 31, when China announced the discovery of CoronaVirus, through April 13, when President Trump told Woodward the virus was easily transferrable.

Looking at the timeline, you will see that while the President didn’t want America to panic, he always displayed the seriousness of the pandemic in words and action. You will also see that at the same time, Joe Biden and his people were publicly downplaying COVID-19.

The black text below represents an action or announcement by Pres. Trump or part of his administration, indicating the seriousness of Covid-19 (this does not represent all their actions or statements). The brown text describes actions/statements by Democrats, WHO, and Woodward’s question answers. T

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