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COVID: Here Come the Antibody Tests—Quick, Easy, and Insane

What is actually going on behind propaganda parading as medical research?

By Jon Rappoport

There are two worlds. In the first, independent researchers with no conflicts of interest, and, hopefully, a sense of logic, sort out what is actually going on behind propaganda parading as medical research.

In the second world, it’s all official propaganda, wall to wall, posing as science.

This article looks at the second world. It doesn’t mention what I’ve established in prior articles: the unproven discovery of a new virus (COVID); the notoriously useless PCR diagnostic test for the virus, rendering case numbers meaningless; the con-job proposition that COVID is a real disease with one cause, rather than a grouping of people with diverse conditions clustered under one fake umbrella term (COVID).

In the second world, we have the announcement that a new antibody test has been developed to detect COVID-19 virus in people. Millions of test kits have been ordered. Some versions of the test can be self-administered quickly at home.

So let’s go to the mainstream media and see what they, and their medical sources, have to say about the new antibody test. Buckle up.

Chicago Tribune, April 3: “A new, different type of coronavirus test is coming that will help significantly in the fight to quell the COVID-19 pandemic, doctors and scientists say.”

“The first so-called serology test, which detects antibodies to the virus rather than the virus itself, was given emergency approval Thursday by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.”

“The serology test involves taking a blood sample and determining if it contains the antibodies that fight the virus. A positive result indicates the person had the virus in the past and is currently immune.”

“Dr. Elizabeth McNally, director of the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine Center for Genetic Medicine…’You’ll see many of these roll out in the next couple of weeks, and it’s great, and it will really help a lot,’ said McNally, noting doctors and scientists will be able to use it to determine just how widespread the disease is, who can safely return to work and possibly how to develop new treatments for those who are ill.”

Got that? A positive test means the patient is now immune to the virus and can walk outside and go back to work.

NBC News, April 4, has a somewhat different take: “David Kroll, a professor of pharmacology at the University of Colorado who has worked on antibody testing, explained that the antibodies [a positive test] mean ‘your immune system [has] remembered the virus to the point that it makes these antibodies that could inactivate any future viral infections’.”

“What the test can’t do is tell you whether you’re currently sick with coronavirus, whether you’re contagious, whether you’re fully immune – and whether you’re safe to go back out in public.”

“Because the test can’t be used as a diagnostic test, it would need to be combined with other information to determine if a person is sick with COVID-19.”

Oops. No, this really isn’t a diagnostic test, it doesn’t tell whether the patient is immune and can go back to work. Excuse me, what??

Business Insider, April 3: “The world’s leading industrial nations have so far failed to identify any coronavirus antibody tests that will be accurate enough for home use, according to the UK’s Health Secretary Matt Hancock.”

“The UK and other nations are currently examining plans to use antibody tests to allow individuals with immunity to COVID-19 to exit their national lockdowns early through the use of a so-called ‘immunity passport’.”

“Spain was recently forced to return tens of thousands of rapid coronavirus tests from a Chinese company after they were found to be accurate just 30% of the time.”

“Some tests have demonstrated false positives, detecting antibodies to much more common coronaviruses.”

“Scientists also remain unsure about the extent to which a past infection could prevent reinfection and how long an immunity would remain.”

Hmm. So the new antibody test has very serious problems, and it hasn’t been cleared for public use.

Medicine Net (undated): “Researchers at the Mount Sinai Health System say they’ve developed a test that can find out if you already have had or were infected with the new coronavirus.”

“The test is called “serological enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay,” or ELISA for short. It checks whether or not you have antibodies in your blood to SARS-CoV-2, the scientific name of the new coronavirus that causes COVID-19.”

“Researchers say ELISA works like antibody tests for other viruses, such as hepatitis B. It will show whether your immune system — the body’s defense against germs — made contact with SARS-CoV-2, even months before.”

“The test could help scientists fight the pandemic in several ways. It can give researchers a more accurate measure of how many people had the new coronavirus. It would also let health care workers who were ill with COVID-19 symptoms, but were never tested for the disease, return to work — confident that they are now immune.”

So wait, it’s a great test. Right? A positive test result indicates immunity, and people can return to work. What??

Science News, March 27: “The United Kingdom has ordered 3.5 million antibody tests, which would show whether someone has been exposed to COVID-19. Such tests, which just take a drop of blood, could help reveal people who have been exposed to the virus and are now likely immune, meaning they could go back to work and resume their normal lives.”

“Science News spoke with David Weiner, director of the Vaccine and Immunotherapy Center at the Wistar Institute in Philadelphia, and Charles Cairns, dean of the Drexel University College of Medicine, about how antibody tests work and what are some of the challenges of developing the tests.”

“Cairns: ‘The big question is: Does a positive response for the antibodies mean that person is actively infected, or that they have been infected in the past? The tests need to be accurate, and avoid both false positives and false negatives. That’s the challenge’.”

Oops again. Cairns is saying the new test, if it reads positive, might mean the person is infected now. Or it might mean they were infected—and are now presumably immune. Figuring out which is the challenge. No kidding. It’s the difference between sick and healthy. So a positive test result means the patient is sick OR healthy.

As a reference, let’s look at how this same antibody test has been used in the past. For example, in the case of hepatitis A:

URMC Rochester (undated): This test looks for antibodies in your blood called IgM. The test can find out whether you are infected with the hepatitis A virus (HAV)…If your test is positive or reactive, it may mean: You have an active HAV infection…You have had an HAV infection within the last 6 months.”

In other words, a positive antibody test could mean you’re sick now, or were once sick but are presumably immune now. Wonderful.

Medscape comments on the meaning of a positive antibody test for the Zika virus: “…immunoglobulin (Ig) M and neutralizing antibody testing can identify additional recent Zika virus infections…However, Zika virus antibody test results can be difficult to interpret because of cross-reactivity with other flaviviruses…”

Two things here: no word about a positive test result revealing IMMUNITY from Zika; and a warning that a positive test might not have anything to do with Zika at all—that’s what “cross-reactivity” means.

Medlineplus, referring to a Zika “blood test,” which would include antibody testing, states, “A positive Zika test result probably means you have a Zika infection.” Not immunity.

And there you have it. The official word on the COVID antibody test from official sources. It’s yes, no, and maybe. Public health officials can SAY whatever they want to about antibody tests: a positive result means you’re immune, it means you have an infection, it means you’re walking on the moon eating a hot dog.

Generally speaking, before 1984 a positive antibody test was taken to mean the patient had achieved immunity from a germ. After 1984, the science was turned upside down; a positive result meant the patient “had the germ” and was not immune. Now, with COVID-19, if you just read news headlines, a positive test means the patient is immune; but if you read down a few paragraphs, a positive test means the patient is maybe…maybe not…immune. Maybe infected, maybe not infected. Maybe sick, maybe not sick. And, on top of all that, antibody tests are known to read falsely positive, owing to factors that have nothing to do with the virus being tested for.

That concludes today’s foray into the world of lunatic contradictory propaganda masquerading as science.

You are now returned to the real world, where: the discovery of a new virus (COVID) is unproven; the notoriously useless PCR diagnostic test for the virus renders case numbers meaningless; and the proposition that COVID is a real disease with one cause is a con job.

This article first appeared at NoMoreFakeNews.com.

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Videos: Definitive Mask Study Imploding Gates-Funded Cochrane Collaboration in Latest Debacle


  • A 2023 study published in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews found wearing masks “makes little or no difference” in COVID-19 transmission
  • The New York Times got involved and columnist Zeynep Tufekci published an opinion piece titled, “Here’s Why the Science Is Clear That Masks Work,” in rebuttal — and reached out to Cochrane
  • Cochrane’s editor in chief released a statement about the study, stating the implication “masks don’t work” is an “inaccurate and misleading interpretation,” and they were calling on the authors to change the study’s summary and abstract
  • The study’s authors were blindsided by the statement, and the lead author reiterated, “There is just no evidence that they [masks] make any difference. Full stop”
  • In 2006, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation gave a $1.15-million grant to Cochrane, which subsequently published controversial and heavily criticized research in favor of HPV vaccines, which Gates has widely supported


The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR) has long been considered a gold standard in research, as its reviews take into account all available empirical evidence to reach conclusions about any given topic. A systematic review is essentially a “study of studies,” which can generate “authoritative and reliable information.”1

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Video: An Anthem For Justice - Mistakes Were NOT Made

This is a powerful poem chronicling the last three years of tyrannical COVID measures and vaccine mandates has gone viral. Infowars’ Darrin McBreen took the original video and created an epic video montage of “Mistakes Were NOT Made: An Anthem for Justice,” a poem by Margaret Anna Alice, read by UK-based medical doctor Dr. Tess Lawrie.



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Video: Irish Doctor Exposes 'Great Reset' Agenda Behind COVID Hoax In Powerful Video

A doctor from Northern Ireland has come out strongly against COVID hysteria and the sinister agenda behind it in a viral video spreading across social media.

Dr. Anne McCloskey, a general practitioner from Derry, issued a stunning rebuke of global medical tyranny in a video released by the Freedom Alliance Island of Ireland.

"Across this island and across the world, there are millions of people who are awakening to the understanding that this current health crisis, this so-called 'pandemic,' is a trojan horse, which has been used to introduce a new era for humanity," Dr. McCloskey says at the opening of her statement.

"'The Great Reset,' the '4th Industrial Revolution,' 'Building Back Better' - whatever catchy, chirpy name the bankers and billionaires are calling it - is not good for you and me, for the ordinary people."



McCloskey asserts all relationships, from the familial to national levels, are being "fundamentally" transformed.

"They are coming for you, your family, your jobs, your savings, your home, your pension, your culture, your freedom, your very way of life," she warns.

"This is not a conspiracy theory, but the outworking of a scheme written by people who hate the human race. Agenda 21 is being implemented now and will come to pass, unless we unite to resist."

McCloskey acknowledges a respiratory virus swept across the planet last year, killing many elderly or vulnerable people, but compares its impact to that of typical season illnesses which often claim many lives.

"These PCR tests measure nothing, they are an illusion to create a crisis," she says, reminding viewers that international bodies such as the W.H.O. "changed the rules" about how infection "cases" and related deaths are categorized and reported.

McCloskey warns despots are using the "smoke and mirrors" of COVID to impose totalitarian reign across the planet and urges citizens of every nation to participate in a Worldwide Rally for Freedom on Saturday, March 20th.

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Covid ‘Not Deadly Enough’ to Justify Risk of Fast-Track Vaccines, Chris Whitty Told Government



COVID-19 was not dangerous enough to justify cutting short vaccine trials as the vaccine had to be “very safe”, Chris Whitty advised the Government in the early weeks of the outbreak, it has emerged.

Writing on WhatsApp on February 29th 2020, the Chief Medical Officer told Government figures: “For a disease with a low (for the sake of argument 1%) mortality a vaccine has to be very safe so the safety studies can’t be shortcut. So important for the long run.”

The estimate of 1% turned out to be an overestimate, as the infection fatality rate in Europe and the Americas was found to be 0.3-0.4%.

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Video: Dr. Marty Makary - The Greatest Perpetrator of Misinformation During the Pandemic has been the United States Government

Dr. Marty Makary shared the many reasons why it is obvious that COVID came from a lab in Wuhan during a House hearing on Tuesday.

The GOP-led House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic investigating the COVID-19 pandemic kicked off its first public event Tuesday.  Three of the event’s witnesses — doctors Jay Bhattacharya, Martin Kulldorf, and Marty Makary were invited to testify at the hearing.

Dr. Marty Makary shared the obvious about the COVID vaccine being released from a lab in Wuhan.

It’s a no-brainer that it came from a lab.  I mean at this point it’s impossible to acquire any more information and if you did it would only be affirmative.

Dr. Makary also shared important information on how public health officials lied to the American people.  They lied to the American people.

Bobby Kennedy, Jr. shared this video:

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The UK Lockdown Files

Text Messages Reveal How Top British Health Officials Conspired to “Scare the Pants Off Everyone”



The British Telegraph has obtained 100.000 text messages from former UK Health Secretary Matt Hancock, showing how the British government conspired to “frighten the pants off everyone” and asking “when do we deploy the new variant?”

The Telegraph received the WhatsApp messages from journalist Isabel Oakeshott, who wrote a book with Hancock called “The Pandemic Diaries”. They show former Health Secretary Matt Hancock discussing with his media advised Damon Poole on Dec. 13, 2020, who warned that Tory MPs were “furious already about the prospect” of stricter lockdown measures over Christmas and suggested “rather than doing too much forward signalling we can roll pitch with the new strain.”

“We frighten the pants off everyone with the new strain,” Hancock wrote back.

“Yep that’s what will get proper bahviour [sic] change,” Poole replied.

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Video: Dr. Peter McCullough On “The Holy Grail Of COVID-19 Vaccine Detoxification”


Dr. Peter McCullough has been a voice of reason in a medical system crazed with COVID hysteria.

As a leading cardiologist, he worked to educate us all on what – and what isn’t – the science behind COVID and the vaccines.

And his warnings about vaccines have been borne out.

In a recent article, Dr. McCullough said this:

Far and away the most common question I get from those who took one of the COVID-19 vaccines is: “how do I get this out of my body.” The mRNA and adenoviral DNA products were rolled out with no idea on how or when the body would ever breakdown the genetic code. The synthetic mRNA carried on lipid nanoparticles appears to be resistant to breakdown by human ribonucleases by design so the product would be long-lasting and produce the protein product of interest for a considerable time period. This would be an advantage for a normal human protein being replaced in a rare genetic deficiency state (e.g. alpha galactosidase in Fabry’s disease). However, it is a big problem when the protein is the pathogenic SARS-CoV-2 Spike. The adenoviral DNA (Janssen) should broken down by deoxyribonuclease, however this has not be exhaustively studied.

This leaves dissolution of Spike protein as a therapeutic goal for the vaccine injured. With the respiratory infection, Spike is processed and activated by cellular proteases including transmembrane serine protein 2 (TMPRSS2), cathepsin, and furin. With vaccination, these systems may be avoided by systemic administration and production of Spike protein within cells. As a result, the pathogenesis of vaccine injury syndromes is believed to be driven by accumulation of Spike protein in cells, tissues, and organs.

Nattokinase is an enzyme is produced by fermenting soybeans with bacteria Bacillus subtilis var. natto and has been available as an oral supplement. It degrades fibrinogen, factor VII, cytokines, and factor VIII and has been studied for its cardiovascular benefits. Out of all the available therapies I have used in my practice and among all the proposed detoxification agents, I believe nattokinase and related peptides hold the greatest promise for patients at this time.

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Biden Regime Confirms “Legally-Binding” Agreement Which Will Surrender U.S. Pandemic Authority to Chinese-Controlled WHO

“For Generations To Come”



The Biden regime publicly affirmed their commitment to a “legally-binding” accord in a press release Monday which will give the World Health Organization (WHO) control over U.S. pandemic policies, though work remains in certain areas.

International leaders are meeting this week in Geneva to consider a so-called “Zero Draft” of the agreement.

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