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Video: Tucker: Illegal Immigrant Demographic Replacement is the Left's Obsession . . .

. . . Because It's Their Path To Power.

Tucker’s most alarming monologue yet and our country within a country. Democrats are replacing us with foreigners that are most likely to vote for them. It’s obvious, and we know it is true from at least one meeting in the Obama White House. It’s the Obama plan to develop a country within a country. Since Obama is probably the puppet master behind Biden, it sounds exactly right now. The plan was to form a community of non-assimilated foreigners here illegally and then have them eventually replace American citizens. And half the nation doesn’t even know it’s happening.


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15 Insane Things In Democrats’ H.R. 1 Bill To Corrupt Elections Forever

Here are just some of the unconstitutional, absurd, nakedly partisan, and crime-indulging provisions in this bill that 220 House Democrats voted for.

By Joy Pullmann

On Wednesday, House Democrats passed an 800-page bill that would mandate insecure voting processes and subject voting tallies to partisan manipulation. It’s a slap in the face to the half of Americans, including many Democrats, who believe the 2020 election was riddled with fraud and errors, largely due to the rapid expansion of mail-in balloting and other suspensions of state election laws.

“It is difficult to imagine a legislative proposal more threatening to election integrity and voter confidence,” write 20 Republican attorneys general in a Thursday letter about the ridiculously named For The People Act of 2021, or H.R. 1. Democrats have made the bill their top priority this Congress to permanently cement their current unified control of the federal government.

The bill “would (among other things) implement nationwide the worst changes in election rules that occurred during the 2020 election; go even further in eroding and eliminating basic security protocols that states have in place; and interfere with the ability of states and their citizens to determine the qualifications and eligibility of voters, ensure the accuracy of voter registration rolls, secure the fairness and integrity of elections, and participate and speak freely in the political process,” says a Heritage Foundation analysis.

H.R. 1 broadcasts Democrats’ goals for unending electoral dominance through openly rigged voting processes. It would engineer an unconstitutional federal takeover of state elections for national office. No surprise, then, that Joe Biden says he will sign this legislation if it reaches his desk.

Here are just some of the unconstitutional, absurd, nakedly partisan, and crime-assisting provisions in this bill that 220 House Democrats voted for and every House Republican voted against.

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Video: Candice Owens at 2020 CPAC Speech on the Left's Distortion of Racial Issues

Another outstanding speech by Candace Owens exposing the deliberate way in which the Left totally distorts the entire history of the world (by ignoring ALL OF IT) to foment constant racial conflict.


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All Dems Signed Onto H.R. 1, the Bill That Will Destroy the United States

By M. Dowling

Every single Democrat — 222 hardly-moderate Democrats — has signed onto H.R.1, the inappropriately named “For The People Act.” It will enshrine corrupt voting practices into law to forever steal elections for Democrats. Hard-left Democrats want total power, and this will give it to them.

As the pandemic wanes, Democrats want this bill to continue insurmountable voter fraud.

Democrats introduced HR1, a bill that will destroy our country. It nationalizes the vote and makes every corrupt form of voting legal. It ends voter ID nationwide and allows ballot harvesting, felon voters, a path to DC statehood.

That majority and the power that comes with it is what open borders is about. It’s what the demonization of Trump and his supporters is about.

The bill would ensure Democrats win all elections in perpetuity. HR1 goes under the guise of protecting our elections for the people.

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Why Are These Democrats So Worried About Joe Biden Holding the Nuclear Launch Codes?

By Tom Gilson

Dozens of congressional Democrats have signed on to a letter to the president, telling him they think he should release his sole authority to launch nuclear strikes. “Vesting one person with this authority entails real risks,” the letter reportedly reads. “Past presidents have threatened to attack other countries with nuclear weapons or exhibited behavior that caused other officials to express concern about the president’s judgment.”

“While any president would presumably consult with advisors before ordering a nuclear attack, there is no requirement to do so,” the letter adds. “The military is obligated to carry out the order if they assess it is legal under the laws of war. Under the current posture of U.S. nuclear forces, that attack would happen in minutes.”

One suggestion from the House Democrats is to require the Vice President and Speaker of the House to concur with the President on the use of nuclear weapons.

That “sole authority” bothers them. Why? Why now? Why not last fall, when it could have been about Trump instead?  Let’s consider some possible reasons.

Why This? Why Now?

  1. They’re worried about Joe Biden’s judgment — so extremely worried, they’re willing to signal their worry to the entire world.
    This is believable, in view of all the questions raised about his mental capacity during his presidential campaign and in appearances since. We’ve been watching this for months.
  2. They’re not worried about Biden’s judgment. They just want the country to think they are. They think it will stoke our readiness for a 25th Amendment remove-and-replace maneuver.
    This is reaching; it’s far-fetched at best. I only include it because I’m trying to cover all possibilities. It’s not at all unlikely that congressional Democrats would maneuver to replace Biden with Harris, but I don’t think they’d include something like this as part of that strategy. It’s too indirect, and too potentially destabilizing internationally. We’re talking nuclear weapons here.
  3. They’re not worried about Joe Biden in particular. They just think it’s a generally good idea not to allow one person to hold all that authority.
    Nice try, but not a chance. If they weren’t intending to signal that they’re worried about Biden, they should have done this either last October or next. They could have practiced some patience for a few months, and you can bet they would have. Democrats may not do good politics, but they’re good at politics.
  4. They’re not worried about Joe Biden at all. They just think it’s better not to have all that authority in any one person’s hands — and it never even occurred to them that sending this letter now would start people asking questions like these.
    Ri-i-ight. And none of these elected members of Congress were smart enough to think of that?

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Video: Tucker - Democrats First Order of Business is to Federalize and Legalize National Election Fraud with H.R. 1

Tucker Carlsen details the outrageous move by Democrats to seize total control of how elections are run from the States to effectively legalize every single method of voter fraud imaginable!


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Video: We Won't Forgive or Forget! Michelle Malkin

A time to fight, we WILL NEVER SURRENDER our freedom.

The 72 million Americans who voted to reelect President Donald Trump will not forgive, forget, or accept Joe Biden’s ‘fake’ olive branch, says Michelle Malkin. – via Michelle Malkin Sovereign Nation, Saturdays at 7PM ET on Newsmax TV


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Video: What Has Been Done In Pennsylvania is Entirely UNCONSTITUTIONAL!!

Mark Levin and Ken Starr clarify just how outrageous what the totally corrupt Governor Wolf of Pennsylvania really is and how criminal what he and the courts in Pennsylvania have done!


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Video: Groundbreaking Claim! Trump Set Up Democrats In Sophisticated Election Fraud Sting Operation

– Caught Stealing Election Red-Handed

Intelligence expert Steve Pieczenik broke bombshell news during Thursday’s broadcast of War Room with Owen Shroyer.



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Audio Podcast: Republicans File Lawsuit vs. Dems for Rigging PA Votes for Biden


EXCLUSIVE: Paine Blows Lid Off DEMOCRAT PLOT To Rig Pennsylvania Election For Biden; Twitter Deletes & Censors Paine’s INTEL, Locks Down Account on Election Night — Republicans File Lawsuit vs. Dems for Rigging PA Votes for Biden. 

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