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Video: Alvin Bragg’s Case Against Trump Shows Complete Ignorance and Manipulation of Basic Accounting

Author Joe Hoft is a former international corporate executive in finance and auditing. His expertise and background include managing audit teams across East Asia.


The dumbest case ever just got dumber.  The charges brought against President Trump by New York City DA Alvin Bragg make no sense.  You would think that if you were going to indict a President of the United States that you would have a case.  But this case offers nothing.

DA Bragg should resign.  His case against Trump is shockingly weak.

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Durham Bombshell: Prosecutor Unveils Smoking Gun FBI Text Message - Joint Venture to Smear Trump

Special Counsel John Durham revealed he has unearthed a text message showing Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann falsely told the FBI he was not working on behalf of any client when he delivered anti-Trump research.



Special Counsel John Durham is revealing new smoking gun evidence, a text message  that shows a Clinton campaign lawyer lied to the FBI, while putting the courts on notice he is prepared to show the effort to smear Donald Trump with now-disproven Russia collusion allegations  was a "conspiracy."

In a bombshell court filing late Monday night, Durham for the first time suggested Hillary Clinton's campaign, her researchers and others formed a "joint venture or conspiracy" for the purpose of weaving the collusion story to harm Trump's election chances and then the start of his presidency.

"These parties acted as 'joint venturer[s]' and therefore should be 'considered as co-conspirator[s],'" he wrote.

Durham also revealed he has unearthed a text message showing Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann falsely told the FBI he was not working on behalf of any client when he delivered now-discredited anti-Trump research in the lead-up to the 2016 election. In fact, he was working for the Clinton campaign and another client, prosecutors say.

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President Trump Republishes Stormy Daniels 2018 Letter Denying Ever Having a Relationship with Donald Trump

Editor's Note:  And remember, the dirty-dealing Democrats/Rinos and their media shills were going to use this LIE, and wanted to release it TWO DAYS prior to the 2016 election!  And now they are trying to use this false story AGAIN to try and indict Trump.




President Trump republished a 2018 letter moments ago on Truth social showing Stormy Daniels denying every having had a relationship with citizen Trump.

This is huge.

The letter was published by TMZ in January 2018.

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Video: Manhattan D.A. Accused of Hiding Hundreds of Pages of ‘Exculpatory Evidence’ from Grand Jury in Trump Case


Fox News legal analyst Gregg Jarrett on “Hannity” on Tuesday night revealed that Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg hid hundreds of pages of exculpatory evidence from the New York grand jury.

Jarrett furthermore called for the disbarment of the prosecuting attorneys involved in the travesty of justice.

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Video: Attorney Robert Costello Speaks Out After Trump Grand Jury Testimony

“It Was Clear to Me the Manhattan Grand Jury Did Not Want to Get to the Truth"


Robert Costello, the former legal adviser to Michael Cohen, spoke to Tucker Carlson on Monday night after he testified to Manhattan Grand Jury investigating President Donald Trump.

Costello told the FOX News audience that he testified for two hours in front of Alvin Bragg’s Manhattan Grand Jury.

Robert Costello told Tucker Carlson, “I spoke to the jury for two hours… It was clear to me the Manhattan Grand Jury did not want to get to the truth.”



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Most Obvious Reason that Soros-Backed DA Bragg’s Case Against President Trump is a Sham Is the Mueller Gang Did Not Pursue It


One obvious reason that the corrupt New York DA’s case against President Trump is a sham is that the Mueller gang did not pursue it.

There are several reasons why the New York City’s Soros-backed DA, Alvin Bragg’s case is a sham.  The law has never been pursued in this manner.  But one obvious reason is that the corrupt Mueller gang never pursued it during their sham investigation into the Trump-Russia hoax – a hoax they knew was created by the Hillary Clinton campaign.

David Giglio on Twitter pointed this out:


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Evidence Showing DOJ Hid Document Noting President Trump Was Innocent of Obstruction


President Trump released a statement on Wednesday evening complimenting the work of a citizen group uncovering the DOJ’s decision to not prosecute him for obstruction of justice because he didn’t commit any. 

The DOJ determined that President Trump never committed obstruction of justice but this document is only coming out now.   What a corrupt bunch of crooks we have running our DOJ.  Mueller, as noted above, came out with a statement insinuating that President Trump was guilty of obstruction but he wasn’t.

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Prosecutors in Charge of Manhattan DA’s Trump Witch Hunt Have Resigned


The two prosecutors in charge of the Manhattan district attorney’s partisan witch hunt investigation into former President Donald Trump and his business dealings suddenly resigned Wednesday, throwing the future of the probe into question.

A spokesperson for leftist District Attorney Alvin Bragg confirmed the resignations of Carey Dunne and Mark Pomerantz, top deputies who had been tasked with running the investigation on a day-to-day basis. Both started on the Trump probe under former District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr., and Bragg asked them to stay when he took office in January.

Dunne, the office’s former general counsel, argued before the U.S. Supreme Court in a successful, multiyear partisan-driven fishing expedition for Trump’s tax records. Pomerantz, a former mafia prosecutor, was brought out of private practice by Vance last year to add his expertise in white collar investigations and had been involved in questioning witnesses before the grand jury.

“We are grateful for their service,” Bragg spokesperson Danielle Filson said. She declined to comment further, saying the investigation is ongoing.

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Video: Great Impersonation of Trump Ordering a Big Mac at the Drive-Through

I can watch this over and over again. Makes me chuckle every single time! Captain Deplorable's Impersonation of Trump at a McDonald's drive-through. Arguably the BEST Trump voice impersonator around. Spot on!



UPDATE: March 2022
Trump hears Shawn"s impersonations for first time.

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