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Video: Trump Indictment IV: Alan Dershowitz Legal Analysis of the RICO Prosecution

Attorney Alan Dershowitz explains precisely what the RICO statute is and how it was intended to be used.  RICO requires that there be "an enterprise", like the MAFIA, or a drug cartel and that each individual defendant has to have committed several designated crimes "through the enterprise", using the enterprise as a way of committing those crimes.  RICO was never intended to be applied to elections.




Newsmax Host Greg Kelly Takes to Live TV to Show How Seized Trump Classified Docs Fit Into One Box

'Something Isn't Adding Up'

Newsmax host Greg Kelly has punched a major hole in the establishment media’s reporting about the number of classified documents authorities claim former President Donald Trump left the White House with.

Trump has been indicted for that as the Justice Department, which answers to President Joe Biden, seeks to put him in prison for the rest of his natural life.

The country’s 45th president faces hundreds of years behind bars for alleged violations of the Espionage Act and other crimes, so says special counsel Jack Smith with all of his conflicts of interest.

The latest overblown witch hunt has Democrats giddy and their media sycophants plastering images of rooms full of boxes on TV and online.

The number of boxes sent on co-host of ABC’s “The View” into a disgusting erotic fit on Monday.

Other partisans online have shared pictures of boxes from the DOJ that make it appear as though Trump packed up a U-Haul truck with government secrets and stashed them in a bathroom in Florida:

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Video: NO. All Black People Don't Think Alike!

One Black Man's Perspective on Trump and the Current State of of Affairs in America

The notion that all Black people hate Trump pushed by the Radical Left is not only incorrect, but it should also be incredibly insulting to all Black Americans.  This young man presents a powerful prespective in his first ever video rant on social media.  BRILLIANT AND COMPELLING!!


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Obama Biden Team Sought to Sabotage the Incoming Trump Administration



Newly released documents confirm what millions of Americans have believed for years now. That members of the Obama administration actively did what they could to sabotage the incoming Trump administration in 2016.

People like General Flynn were targted through the process of unmasking and more.

The heavily redacted documents were obtained through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.

From the Daily Signal:

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DOJ Rejects House GOP Request for Information on Mar-a-Lago FBI Raid


By Jack Phillips

The Department of Justice (DOJ) rejected a House Republican request to disclose information connected to the FBI’s search and raid of former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago last August for alleged classified documents.

House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) had requested the information in a letter sent to the DOJ, asking for information about the classified materials that were discovered in the search. That included communications between the FBI’s Washington office and the U.S. Secret Service.

On Friday, the DOJ rejected (pdf) Jordan’s request and argued that it couldn’t provide “non-public information about an ongoing criminal investigation and prosecution by a Special Counsel.”

“Protecting the confidentiality of non-public information regarding investigations and prosecutions preserves the American people’s confidence in the evenhanded administration of justice by guarding against the appearance of political pressure or other improper attempts to influence Department decisions,” Assistant Attorney General Carlos Uriarte wrote in a letter to Jordan.

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Dershowitz: Radical Leftist Group Is Preventing Trump from Obtaining Top-Tier Lawyers Through Threats and Harrassment

Harvard Attorney Alan Dershowitz published a report on Thursday on the Gatestone Institute webpage discussing the challenges President Trump is facing in defending himself from the numerous frivolous charges by the communist left.

According to Dershowitz.

  • There are disturbing suggestions that among the reasons lawyers are declining the case is because they fear legal and career reprisals.

  • There is a nefarious group that calls itself The 65 Project that has as its goal to intimidate lawyers into not representing Trump or anyone associated with him. They have threatened to file bar charges against any such lawyers.

  • I wrote an op-ed offering to defend pro bono any lawyers that The 65 Project goes after. So The 65 Project immediately went after me, and contrived a charge based on a case in which I was a constitutional consultant, but designed to send a message to potential Trump lawyers: If you defend Trump or anyone associated with him, we will target you and find something to charge you with. The lawyers to whom I spoke are fully aware of this threat -- and they are taking it seriously.... It may even be worse today....

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Video: Tucker Carlson: “Trump Is the One Guy – Who Dissents from Washignton’s Long-Standing Pointless War Agenda.

For That They Are Trying to Take Him Out”

Tucker Carlson released Episode 3 of his Tucker on Twitter series last night after President Trump was arraigned in Miami, Florida by his chief political opponent.

Tucker released his third video in his Tucker on Twitter series to coincide with the arraignment of President Trump in Florida.

Carlson explains President Trump’s arrest this way, “Because Joe Biden and his many allies from Chuck Schumer to Mitch McConnell to Paul Ryan and every single news anchor in all of television, all of them believe that Ukraine, its borders, its future, its infrastructure, all are more important that the town that you live in… Trump is the one guy with an actual shot of becoming president who dissents from Washington’s long-standing pointless war agenda. And for that, that one fact, they are trying to take Trump out before you can vote for him.”

You can’t help but see how Trump’s vision completely aligns with Tucker’s vision for America.

Tucker has been waiting to deliver this monologue since he was let go by FOX News two months ago. FOX News has never recovered.

Here is Tucker Carlson’s third Tucker on Twitter release.

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Biden Removed President Trump’s Executive Privilege in Order to Raid Mar-a-Lago

. . . to Cover-Up His Own Illegal Possession of Classified Documents


Earlier this week we found out that Biden was in on the unprecedented, unnecessary and unlawful raid on President Trump’s iconic home Mar-a-Lago. 

Now we know that Biden was totally behind the raid because he had to remove President Trump’s executive privilege so the raid could occur.  Only Biden could do that. 

Right after the illegal raid on Mar-a-Lago, Attorney Mike Davis went on FOX News. He pointed out that the raid was unprecedented, unnecessary, and unlawful.  President Trump had the Presidential Records Act that allowed him to take whatever documents he wanted, classified or not, with him to Mar-a-Lago when he left the White House.

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The Timing of Events in Soros-Backed DA Bragg Indictment of President Trump Invalidates the Entire Case


The timing of events in the Bragg indictment of President Trump makes no sense.  This alone should invalidate the bogus “crimes” against President Trump.

President Trump built a huge business before ever running for president in 2016.  He was a multi-billionaire with numerous businesses in his organization.

After President Trump won the 2016 election beating corrupt Hillary Clinton, and before his inauguration, President Trump signed a trust to put his businesses in and gave the control of the trust his sons, Eric and Don Jr.  This was a generous move that he didn’t have to take but he wanted to remove any conflicts of interest while he was President.

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FEC Commissioner On Trump-Stormy Daniels Case: “Not A Campaign Finance Violation…Not A Reporting Violation Of Any Kind”

The case against Donald Trump is weak.

FEC Commissioner James E. Trainor rejected the idea that there was a violation of federal election law in the Stormy Daniels case.

He said District Attorney Alvin Bragg “is really trying to make a square peg fit into a round hole.”

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